Mahalo for joining us!
Many thanks to all who participated in Hoʻokele Naʻauao: A Hawaiian Librarianship Symposium 2022, held virtually on Wednesday, June 15, 2022 HST! We send our gratitude to the amazing presenters whose wisdom and generosity inspires so many aspects of our work: ʻĀina Paikai, Mikiʻala Pescaia, Sharon Farnel, Anne Carr-Wiggin, Dodie Malegana, Maelia Loebenstein Carter, Whina Te Whiu, and Kalya Lar-Son. And a special note of appreciation to our tech assistants, without who the day wouldn’t have been possible: Hauʻolihiwahiwa Moniz, Cindy Texeira, Kawena Komeiji, and Erica Dias. We look forward to seeing everyone at the next Hoʻokele!
As part of the Ka Wai Hāpai project, this year’s Hoʻokele Naʻauao centers our most important relationship, that with ʻāina. Through panel discussions, presentations, and a talk story event, we explore how ʻāina informs our information practices, particularly those related to description.
Session Recordings
Visit the Session Recordings page for videos of all Hoʻokele Naʻauao 2022 presentations.
Code of Conduct
We are committed to maintaining a safe, nurturing space for attendees. Please review the Code of Conduct for Hoʻokele Naʻauao 2022 here.