

This series highlights local and international artists who address social-cultural concerns associated with space, place, and environment in O‘ahu. Programs consider diverse approaches by artists including mapping and map-making and visual story-telling.

ULA LEO by ‘Imaikalani Kalahele + Cory Taum 
March 3 – May 5
John Young Museum of Art
Department of Art + Art History, University of Hawai‘i, Mānoa

Ula Leo is a collection of work by ‘Imaikalani Kalahele (Hawai‘i-based artist and poet) and Cory Taum (Hawai‘i-based artist) that considers the relationship between urban development, environmental degradation, cultural memory, and resistance.  This multi-generational exhibition includes paintings, sculptures, poetry, and artist videos addressing specific sites, spaces, and landscapes of O’ahu and illustrating stories from a Hawaiian perspective. 

ARTIST CONVERSATIONS + OPENING EVENT: March 19, 1:00-4:00pm, John Young Museum of Art 
PANEL DISCUSSION w/ ‘Imaikalani Kalahele, Cory Taum, and Noelle M.K.Y. Kahanu: April 20, 12:00-2:00pm, John Young Museum of Art

MAP OFFICE: Artists in Residence
February 27 – March 10, 2017
MAP Office is a multidisciplinary platform devised by Laurent Gutierrez (b. Casablanca) and Valérie Portefaix (b. Saint-Etienne). This duo of artists has been based in Hong Kong since 1996 working on physical and imaginary territories using varied means of expression including drawing, mapping, and photography. Their projects chart the long-term history of human appropriation of land. For the last decade they have engaged the global development of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, and the Pearl River Delta region of China.  They are currently working on a number of mapping projects concerned with the history of islands and oceans. 

ARTISTS TALK:Thurs. March 2, 3:00-4:15pm, ART 101
PRINT WORKSHOP: Fri.  March 3, 10am -1pm, John Young Museum

Defne Ayas  Art in the Age of Crisis   
Friday, March 10, 2017, 4pm
Art Building Auditorium, University of Hawai’i, Mānoa 
Defne Ayas, is Director of Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art in Rotterdam, where she oversees an exhibition program devoted to artists, writers, and curators from across the globe. She is invited through the Dai Ho Chun Endowment for Distinguished Lecturers at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa.  During her talk, she will be looking at how art relates to the question of crisis, be it aesthetic, geographic, communal, and even spiritual.How does the creation of art relate to forms of energy and raw material? To oil, gas, or alternative sources such as the sun? Could it even fly on rays of cosmic energy? 

Roundtable on Art and Critical Geographies in Hawai‘i 
March 12, 2017, 12pm  
John Young Museum of Art
Department of Art + Art History, University of Hawai’i, Mānoa

Margo Machida (Professor of Art History and Asian American Studies, the University of Connecticut), Jaimey Hamilton Faris (Assoc. Professor of Art History, UHM), in conversation with architect and artist Sean Connelly (Hawai‘i/Boston-based architect and artist), and artist Lynne Yamamoto (Professor of Art at Smith College) about their site-specific pieces installed at Foster Gardens for the Honolulu Biennial.  Both new art installations use the locale of the Gardens, its surrounding architecture and other materials as touchstones to envision larger histories of circulation, migration, and transcultural contact.

Diamond Head by Drew Broderick with Gan Uyeda
March 13 – April 7 
Commons Gallery
Department of Art + Art History, University of Hawai’i, Mānoa

Diamond Head is an exhibition of new work by Drew Broderick (Hawai‘i/California-based artist) with Gan Uyeda (Associate Director at Richard Gray Gallery, Chicago). The installation considers how images of Diamond Head have played a role in the branding and marketing of Hawaiʻi for consumption by locals and tourists alike.

ARTIST CONVERSATION + OPENING EVENT: March 19, 3:00-4:00pm, Commons Gallery

These events are made possible by the Student Activity Program Fee Board, SEED IDEAS, and The Dai Ho Chun Endowment for Distinguished Lecturers.  For more information, please contact UHM art department 808 956-8251. jaimeyh@hawaii.edu

Images (top to bottom): Sean Connelly, A Digital Performance Map; Drew Broderick, Landmark Looking at Itself in a Mirror, vintage postcard, 2017.