Workshop with HoMA Collection Manager, Brady Evans| Preventive Conservation in Museum Storage


On February 3rd the John Young Museum of Art hosted a demo + hands-on workshop by Brady Evans. Since January 2014, Brady has been the Collections Manager at the Honolulu Museum of Art where he oversees the storage, transport, and handling of artwork in the museum’s collection. In this workshop we learned preservation techniques used in at the Honolulu Museum of Art and gained hands-on experience working with a historical collection housed at the JYMA. The workshop hosted about 25 students from the Department of Art & Art History, Museum Studies, Anthropology, Hawaiian Studies, Pacific Studies, and some community members.

Students who attended seemed to enjoy their experience, commenting:
“It was an amazing experience to talk with a collection manager and ask any question we wanted, and then actually box a historical artwork.”
“The hands-on aspect helped me understand the difficulty in the precision of tray-making”

Topics for the workshop included:
How to tag objects
How to make custom trays and boxes
How to clean and maintain fragile artworks
Boundaries between “Preservation” and “Conservation”

Each student who attended made at least one custom tray for an artwork that we now use in the JYMA collection. Student learned new things and simultaneously contributed their skills to benefit the museum. Ultimately, learning by doing.

Read more about this event on the Honolulu Museum of Art blog:
“Beyond the museum: Collections manager Brady Evans spills his skills at U.H.”

Learn more about Brady Evans here and here.

This event is sponsored by the Student Activity and Program Fee Board
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