WIN9X009                                                                                                                                                              March 2000


Installing McAfee VirusScan

For Windows 95/98

        Kyler Kwock, Wilbur Wong

        Revised by Therese Nakadomari


Overview.. 1

Product Overview.. 1

System Requirements. 2

Download Instructions. 2

Installation Instructions. 7

Upgrading McAfee VirusScan. 10

Installing the SuperDAT file. 11

How to view the log file. 12

Creating an Emergency Disk after Installation. 13

Updating McAfee VirusScan. 14

Automatic Update. 15

Manual Update. 16

How to Remove the Dr. Solomon Anti-virus Toolkit 16





This document describes the steps to download the McAfee VirusScan software from the ITS Web site and how to install the software on a computer that uses Windows 95/98.  Please be advised that viruses are created on a daily basis and the best way to protect your system is to update your anti-virus program frequently.  Updates are created to stop each virus that is created and are released periodically, at least at a minimum of once per month.  If a certain virus possesses a high threat to our computer systems, instant protections from that particular virus may also be available.  Please be aware of all released warnings and updated versions.



Product Overview


VirusScan protects your PC from all sources of viruses including floppy disks, Internet downloads, e-mail attachments, networks, shared files, CDROM and online services; it also scans inside the most popular compressed file types. If you surf the Web you are at risk of contracting a virus! More than 70% of all virus infections are being transmitted via Internet downloads and e-mail attachments. VirusScan provides powerful protection for anyone on the Web by scanning all Internet downloads and e-mail attachments to stop viruses before they infect your system.


Note: The McAfee VirusScan product will provide the protection described above if the proper options are turned on.




System Requirements


·         Pentium class processor

·         15MB hard disk space (Full Installation)

·         8MB free RAM memory

·         Windows 95/98 (with the Microsoft Service Pack when available)

·         Modem or Internet access for electronic downloads

·         Netscape Navigator/Communicator 4.08 or greater or Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.51 or greater in order to register and download the software

·         ITS username and the password



Download Instructions


  1. Use a Web browser and go to the URL

  2. Click on the McAfee VirusScan link under the Virus Protection section.
  3. Click on the Anti-virus Download Page link


  1. Under this section “Step 1. What kind of computer do you have?” click on PC with Windows 95/98 or NT link.


Note: This document is the instructions for downloading and installing McAfee VirusScan for Windows 95/98/NT. If you require the instructions for the other software listed on the previous picture, please do not use this document. You can make a selection for one of the other software links and download these instructions.

  1. Step 2. What anti-virus software package do you need?” and “Step 3. Read and understand the installation instructions” contain general information about McAfee VirusScan and this document.


  1. Step 4. Download the VirusScan anti-virus software” will take you to the University of Hawai‘i Software Registration Download page. At this time, you must know your ITS username and password.


  1. The pink shaded section contains information about the Terms and Conditions of the University of Hawai‘i’s agreement with Network Associates Inc.  Please note that by registering and downloading the anti-virus software, you are agreeing to comply with these terms and conditions. To view these terms and conditions, click on the conditions of the contract link.



  1. Complete the registration form and make the appropriate selection for McAfee VirusScan. Click on the boxes next to McAfee VirusScan Windows 95/98


Important note for LAN administrators!   Number of installs must be 1 unless you are faculty/staff responsible for multiple departmental machines (e.g., lab or office environment) and will be accountable for the installations. EXACT numbers, not estimates, are required. Please make an indication (e.g., "Engineering Lab") in the Comments field. If you are computer support staff responsible for installing for others, please have them complete and submit this form individually. To comply with terms of the agreement with the vendor, ITS may be required to perform periodic audits and will need accurate information.


  1. Click on the Submit button.
  2. A Web page similar to the one pictured below should appear. The boxes that you selected on the registration form should be listed here. If not, click on the Back button for your Web browser and try again.


  1. Click on the link to download the file to your computer’s hard drive. The files will not fit on a floppy disk. If your browser displays a window that tells you that you are leaving a secure area, you may click on the Continue or Yes button. Here are some examples:

Netscape Communicator 4.61                                           Internet Explorer 5.0



  1. Your Web browser will display a window similar to the one below because it does not recognize the format of the file that you are downloading.


Netscape: Click on Save file button to save the file to your hard drive.


Internet Explorer: Click on the circle in front of the Save this file to disk and click on the OK button.


  1. You need to select a place on the hard drive for the downloaded files. The most common place to put downloaded files is a TEMP folder. If you do not have a TEMP folder already, you may use the one that Windows 95 or 98 created. You will find it in the same folder that you have Windows 95 or 98 installed. For example, you need to look for C:\WINDOWS\TEMP in the Save As window.


  1. After you have downloaded the McAfee VirusScan for Windows 95/98, you need to go back to “Step 5. Download the latest SuperDAT or DAT File.” on the main Web page. You may type in this URL and click on the Step 5 link on this page.
  2. If you would like information about the SuperDAT file, you should click on the information that is posted in this section. Click on the local copy of the VirusScan SuperDAT file or you may want to download the file from NAI by clicking on latest files directly from NAI. For this document, we will follow the use of the local copy of the SuperDAT file.


  1. If you click on the local copy of the VirusScan SuperDAT file, the next Web page will look similar to the one pictured below. For example: Click on the Download Version 4.067 here (released 3/2/00) [4.3MB] link



  1. You will see the download windows prompts as described in step 12 of this document. Click on the Save File button in Netscape or Save this file to disk and the OK button in Internet Explorer.
  2. Use the same TEMP directory that you used in step 13 of this document.
  3. You are finished with the downloading section of this document. You will now move on to how to install the software and the upgrade file.



Installation Instructions


Before installing any software, it is strongly recommended that you exit all Windows programs and remove other anti-virus software programs before running the VirusScan installer.


Note: The Dr. Solomon Anti-virus Toolkit must be removed before you install McAfee VirusScan because the McAfee VirusScan installer might stop to notify you of the Toolkit’s presence. It is not a good idea to have more than one anti-virus software installed on your computer at the same time. For instructions on how to remove the Dr. Solomon Anti-Virus Toolkit, please go to the section entitled “How to Remove the Dr. Solomon Anti-Virus Toolkit” in the back of this document.


  1. After downloading all the files, you may begin installing the McAfee VirusScan software. For this example, the filename is v98i4031.exe for this document. Double click on this file and the installer file will start automatically. Please note that the filename might change if the version changes.









  1. InstallShield Wizard will run the setup program, please read the windows and click Next to continue.


  1. The next screen is the License Agreement.  Click Yes if you agree or No to exit installation.


  1. If you have another anti-virus program already installed on your computer, Setup may prompt you to uninstall your previous version before continuing Setup. McAfee VirusScan might not work properly if there is another anti-virus program already installed onto your computer.  Please note that McAfee VirusScan will uninstall any other programs automatically if you did not remove previous versions of McAfee VirusScan or other anti-virus software products.
  2. At the next screen, choose your installation type.  Click Next to continue.  You may choose the directory in which McAfee VirusScan will be installed into.  To do so click on the Browse button.  It is recommended that you install it into the default directory.



6.       Confirm your installation settings, then click Next to continue.

7.       Setup will now install the necessary files to your computer.



After Setup has completed copying the necessary files to your computer, it will automatically scan your system area for any known viruses.  Setup will prompt you when it is done.  Click OK to continue.



9.       The installation program will prompt you to make an Emergency Disk.  When the installation program reaches this point, you should click on the Cancel button. You need to install the SuperDAT file to upgrade the McAfee VirusScan program before creating the Emergency Disk.



Setup will now search for installed components.  When done, setup will ask you if you want to read the latest information about the product.  Click Yes to read the information or No to continue.  If you choose Yes, Notepad will start up with the “What’s New in McAfee VirusScan” file. To close the Notepad window, click on the X in the upper-right-hand corner of the window to continue with the installer.


11.   You will now be prompted with a window explaining the changes made to your computer.  Click Next to continue.


12.   To complete the setup, click Finish to restart your computer.  You must restart your computer to finalize the installation of McAfee VirusScan.



Upgrading McAfee VirusScan


The upgrade file is called SuperDAT file. The SuperDAT file contains the revised files for the current McAfee VirusScan scanner and the latest update to the virus definition file. The SuperDAT file needs to be downloaded and executed on each computer in order for it to be effective. Upgrades are available only when McAfee releases a new version of the SuperDAT file.


Installing the SuperDAT file


  1. After you have restarted your computer, you should go to Start à Programs à Windows Explorer.
  2. You need to find the folder in which you saved the SuperDAT file. In the instructions, we used the C:\WINDOWS\TEMP folder.  Double click on the C: drive.
  3. Double click on the WINDOWS folder.
  4. Double click on the TEMP folder.
  5. Look for the sdat_latest.exe file. Hint: The icon should be a blue globe. Double click on the sdat_latest.exe filename.



  1. Please read the information in the window before clicking on the Next button.
  2. The program will install the necessary files to your hard drive.


  1. When the program completes, the following window is displayed. If you do not want to view the log file, you may click on the Finish button. If you choose to view the log file, go to the section “How to view the log file.”



How to view the log file


1.      Here is a sample of the log file. Your log file will look similar to my log file. The log file will display the date, time, owner’s name, computer name, and the changes that were made. To exit Notepad, go to the menu and select File à Exit.


  1. Restart your computer even if the program does not prompt you.



Creating an Emergency Disk after Installation


This section is for those who did not create an Emergency Disk during installation, or for those who wish to create another disk.


Note: This disk is used for boot sector viruses and not for viruses, that appear in macros or Internet worms; therefore, the definitions will not match the version of the SuperDAT or the DAT files. The software might warn you of its age but if you update the Emergency Disk every time you install a new version of the SuperDAT file, you should be up to date. Please check the  Web page for more information about the update files for the Emergency Disk.


  1. Open the Emergency Disk Wizard Program by clicking on:  Start à Programs à McAfee VirusScan à Create Emergency Disk.
  2. The Emergency Disk Wizard will now load.
  3. Insert a blank IBM formatted high density diskette into your computer.  Click Next to continue, or Cancel to quit.



Next, the Disk Wizard will give an option to format your diskette.  Check the Don’t format box ONLY if your diskette is IBM formatted, and is already bootable (skip to step #7 if you check this box).  If you are unsure, leave it unchecked. Click on Next button to continue.


5.       The disk-formatting program will now run.  Select Full for the Format type and select Display summary when finished and Copy system files for Other options. Click Start to begin formatting. All files on this disk will be deleted.  This may take a few minutes, depending on

the speed of your computer and the disk drive. When it is complete, it will bring up a confirmation message, click OK to continue. 



6.       Click on the Close button to continue the disk creation process.

7.       Click OK to create the Emergency Disk.  The necessary files will now be copied to the disk.  Be sure to label the diskette McAfee Emergency Boot Disk and turn on the write protection on the disk. You can do this by opening the write protection switch in the upper right corner of the disk. You can test the diskette by restarting the computer with the McAfee Emergency Boot Disk in the floppy disk drive.


Note: The McAfee Emergency Boot Disk will scan all files on your hard drive a number of times. The number of scans the software performs will depend on the DAT file and the number of files on your hard drive. To stop the McAfee Emergency Boot Disk from scanning your computer, you must hold the Control-Alt-Delete keys simultaneously or press the restart button on the front of your computer.

8.       Click on the Finish button.

9.       When done, store the diskette in a safe place and use it when you suspect that you have a boot sector virus.   The most common occurrence of a boot sector virus is when the computer is started with an infected floppy diskette.



Updating McAfee VirusScan


McAfee will update its virus definition file on a monthly schedule or as new virus threats arise. This file is called a DAT file. This file contains only the virus definitions. The DAT file can be automatically scheduled for download and the instructions are listed below. The filename for DAT files are usually in the form of dat-“version number”.exe; for example, dat-4067.exe.


Note:  New viruses are created daily.  The best way to protect your system is to update your virus lists at a minimum of once per month.  New lists are available as new viruses are found.


Automatic Update


  1. Run the McAfee VirusScan Scheduler Program by clicking on:  Start à Programs à  McAfee VirusScan à McAfee VirusScan Scheduler.  This window will open:





  1. In the Description column double click on the AutoUpdate icon once to highlight it, then click on the  (Properties) icon.  This will open another window:



  1. Click on the Schedule tab at the top of the window, and click on the box labeled Enable.  From

    there, you may choose to have the scheduler run when you want it to automatically.



  1. To complete the scheduling, click on the Apply button, then the OK button.
  2. You must reboot your computer before any changes will take effect.


Manual Update


  1. Follow steps 1 and 2 from the Automatic Update instructions.
  2. Click on the Run Now button to start the update
  3. You must reboot your computer before any changes will take effect.



How to Remove the Dr. Solomon Anti-virus Toolkit


  1. Close all software programs that you are running. For example, if you have Netscape Navigator and Solitaire, you should go to File à Exit in each program’s window.

2.       Click on the Start button.

  1. Click on Settings.
  2. Click on Control Panel.




  1. Look for the Add/Remove Programs and double click on the icon.




  1. Look for the Dr. Solomon Anti-Virus Toolkit in the window and click on the phrase.
  2. Click on the Add/Remove button.


  1. You will see a warning from Windows. Click the Yes button to continue. If you click on the No button, the uninstaller function will not remove the Dr. Solomon Anti-Virus Toolkit.


9.       If you have Winguard installed, you will see a window with the following message:







10.   If you want to continue, click on the Yes button. If you do not want to continue, click on the No button. The computer will reboot and continue with the uninstall process.


11.   During the un-install process, other message windows might appear. Read the options before selecting a response. Always select the option to keep the file if you have doubts. The uninstaller windows will look like the one pictured below.


  1. Click on the Done button to complete the uninstall process.




For additional assistance, please phone the ITS Help Desk at (808) 956-8883,

send e-mail to, or fax (808) 956-2108.


Or see the ITS Helpdesk home page at

The ITS Help Desk is located in Keller 105 on the UH Mnoa Campus.



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