There are times when a shared Departmental or Organizational UH Username is necessary to keep email organized, access Google@UH apps, keep data centralized, and to help identify the department or organization to the world. The University of Hawaii discourages the sharing of personal usernames because of security risks and the difficulty in managing a shared UH Email Account.
Departmental Email Accounts
To request this type of username, click on Request Departmental UH Username. Departmental UH Usernames are active for one year and must be renewed annually to stay active. Departmental UH Usernames can only be requested by an active UH staff or faculty.
Organizational Email Accounts
Officially recognized and registered organizations and registered organizations, often called Registered Independent Organizations (RIOs) or Registered Independent Student Organizations (RISOs), are permitted an Organizational UH Username to represent their organization. To request this type of username, click on Request Organizational UH Username. Retaining access to your Organizational UH Username is dependent on your organization being registered with Student Life & Development (or your campus's equivalent) in order to be approved and remain active for subsequent years.
Managing Your Departmental/Organizational UH Usernames
To request or make changes to your Departmental/Organizational UH Username(s), click on Manage Username. Possible changes include:
- Resetting password
- Updating owner
- Adding and removing authorized users
- Updating display name
- Changing username
- Renewing username
- Deleting username
Owners and Authorized Users
When creating your Departmental UH Username or Organizational UH Username you will be required to specify an owner and, optionally, several authorized users. Both owners and authorized users will have the ability to make various changes to the Departmental or Organizational UH Username.
Owners and Authorized users can:
- Request a password reset
- Update ownership
- Add/remove authorized users
- Change display name
- Request a username change (requires ITS Help Desk approval)
- Request the deletion of the username (requires ITS Help Desk approval)
- Renew the username
A notification email is sent to the owners and all authorized users when a change is made to, or requested for, a username. Individuals who need access to the username (e.g. to use Google@UH, UH Unix, etc.) need not be listed as authorized users. It is the responsibility of the username's owner to control the dissemination of the username's password to other users who require access.
Departmental & Organizational UH Username Lifecycle
Departmental and Organizational UH Usernames are subject to a yearly lifecycle that ends in October of each calendar year. This lifecycle requires that Departmental/Organizational Username owners (and/or authorized users) assert yearly that they are still actively using their Departmental/Organizational Username — simply called 'renewing'. In order to renew your Departmental/Organizational Username, please follow these steps:
- Click on Manage Username
- Log in using your personal UH Username and password
- Select your departmental or organizational username
- Click on the 'Renew Account' button
Reminders to renew are sent to owners and authorized users of Departmental/Organizational Usernames and to the usernames themselves.
Please note, should a Departmental/Organizational Username not be renewed by the deadline, the username will be deprovisioned. Any and all data associated with the username will be deleted — including Google@UH mail, calendar, contacts, and documents.
To verify that your username has been renewed:
- Click on Manage Username
- Select your departmental or organizational username
- Next to "Renewal Deadline" you will see a green check mark if your account has been renewed (alternatively, you will see a yellow caution symbol if your account has yet to be renewed)
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