The Hawaiʻi Data Science Institute (HIDSI) at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa is a campus-wide focus for interdisciplinary research and instructional capacity relating to data, computation, and visualization. HIDSI provides the coordinating infrastructure to supports research competitiveness, articulate priorities for campus investment in data and computation intensive research, facilitate the creation of new degree and certificate programs that meet the student and employer needs and provide a focus for philanthropic support of Big Data and related areas.
The mission of the Laboratory for Advanced Visualization & Applications (LAVA) at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa is to conduct research and development in big data visualization techniques, and to apply these techniques in cutting edge domain science, engineering, and training applications. LAVA will be a core laboratory in the University of Hawai'i system's initiative to build an institute to serve the data intensive science, engineering and training needs of UH's 10 campuses.

The National Science Foundation created EPSCoR (the Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research) to enhance research competitiveness of targeted jurisdiction by strengthening STEM capacity and capability. Hawaiʻi's current EPSCoR project is Change Hawaiʻi: Harnessing the data revolution for island resilience. The project mission is to support research, education and capacity building for actionable climate science. Change Hawaiʻi improves our understanding and builds resiliency to the impacts of climate change by incorporating climate science and data science tools in an unprecedented, multi-scale collaboration effort to promote climate-informed, data-driven discoveries..
Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) designs and deploys the world's most powerful advanced computing technologies and innovative software solutions to enable discoveries that advance science and society through the application of advanced computing technologies. TACC's environment includes a comprehensive cyberinfrastructure ecosystem of leading-edge resources in high performance computing (HPC), visualization, data analysis, storage, archive, cloud, data-driven computing, connectivity, tools, APIs, algorithms, consulting, and software.
ACI-REF refers to "Advanced Cyberinfrastructure - Research and Educational Facilitation," which supports building best practices and a network of facilitators support research computing on six initial campuses: Clemson U, Harvard U, U Wisconsin at Madison, U Southern California, U Utah, and U Hawaii.
CARCC refers to "Advancing Research and Education through a national network of campus research computing infrastructures - the CaRC Consortium". It is an extension of the ACI-REF experiment, a group of ~35 campuses who have banded together in an attempt to figure out how to sustain and maintain the massive growth in demand for research computing on our campuses by sharing, collaborating, working together and developing best practices.
The Science Gateways Community Institute (SGCI) provides services, resources, community support, and education for creating and sustaining science gateways - online interfaces that give researchers, educators, and students easy access to specialized, shared resources that are specific to a science or engineering discipline. SGCI provides services and resources to assist with the challenges of developing, operating, and sustaining a gateway for the benefit of science research.