See below for training materials that will assist users in the transition to Banner 9 Admin Pages.

Main Menu Search Preference

This functionality allows the user to search by ​Direct Navigation,​ meaning a user may go directly to a page by entering a page name (i.e. SPAIDEN) or by ​Search​ which will display all applicable finds within page titles, quickflows, and jobs. Search​ is the delivered default setting, however, you may find that ​Direct Navigation​ fits your personal preference.

For more information on adjusting your personal preference please see the below guide.

How to Change Your Main Menu Search Preference

Posted on 06/01/2020

User Preference Settings

This enhancement allows users to save preferred settings of column width, column orientation, pagination, and the filter function. For information on how to utilize this new feature, please see the video below.

User Preferences Video

Posted on 12/06/2019

Banner 9 Toolbar

The Informational Bar has transformed since the initial upgrade to Banner 9. This guide provides useful information on how to use and maximize the toolbar.

Banner 9 Toolbar Guide

Application Navigator

Application Navigator (AppNav) is the portal to access Banner 9 Pages. This guide will orient users to the page layout and assist with navigation to maximize the features of AppNav.

AppNav Guide

Getting Started Guide

The Getting Started Guide provides a general overview and highlights the major changes from Banner 8 Forms to Banner 9 Admin Pages – a great introduction to Banner 9.

Getting Started Guide

How to Create and Use a Quickflow

A QuickFlow is a technique that lets users access a set of pages in a specific sequence. The following steps will provide instructions on how to create and use QuickFlows.


Exporting Jobsub Output to Excel

This guide will assist you with exporting your jobsub output to a Microsoft Excel document.

Exporting Jobsub Output

Banner 9: General Navigation

The Banner 9: General Navigation video will help to familiarize users with the basics of Banner 9 navigation.

Banner 9: How to Export into Excel

The How to Export to Excel video demonstrates how to export Banner data into an Excel spreadsheet