J-1 On-Campus Employment

On-campus employment is work done on the premises of the school the student is authorized to attend.

Employment Authorization

The J-1 student may work on campus only if ISS gives permission.

Some J-1 sponsors do not want their students to work since employment may delay completion of study, and/or because the student already receives sufficient funds for their needs during their study.

Students planning to look for jobs through the Manoa Career Center (MCC) must complete J-1 On-Campus Employment Eligibility and Authorization Form (pdfdocx) confirming eligibility for on-campus employment. UHM-sponsored students must bring the form to ISS to confirming eligibility before presenting to MCC. Additional requirements will be enforced by MCC. Students who obtain employment through MCC must complete the second page of the Form J-CE with employment information and submit to ISS for final authorization. Employment must not begin until authorization is given. (“Eligibility” and “authorization” are not the same.) Students deemed ineligible by MCC may not be able to access UHM’s on-line job system.


  • Student is in good academic standing
  • Student continues to engage in a full course of study
  • Employment must be authorized in advance by ISS


  • Limited to no more than 20 hours per week during academic semester
  • Over 20 hours per week during official school breaks
  • Employment authorization is valid up to 12 months
  • Employment automatically withdrawn if student’s program is transferred or terminated