Student Right-to-Know

This information is provided for the Student Right to Know Act, Public Law 101-542.
Student-Right-to-Know (SRTK) aligns with federal guidelines and provides a partial description of the graduation and enrollment patterns of students.
It should not be used to infer or predict individual behaviour.

University of Hawai‘i
Graduation and Persistence Rates
Fall Cohorts
As of Aug 2024
Average Graduation and Persistence Rates PDF file .xlsx

University of Hawai‘i
Graduation and Persistence Rates
Fall Cohorts, 3-Year Historical
As of Aug 2024
Average Graduation and Persistence Rates PDF file .xlsx

UH GRADUATION RATE - 150% of normal time to completion, Fall 2018 Cohort, First-time, Full-time degree-seeking undergraduates

Fall 2018 Cohort
 MānoaHiloWest O'ahuMaui
GRADUATION RATE - 150% of normal time to completion64%48%50%8%
IPEDS Race/Ethnicity    
Nonresident Alien66%57%##
American Indian or Alaska Native####
Black or African American47%###
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander52%41%##
Two or more races60%48%47%#
Race and ethnicity unknown####
Federal Grant/Loan Recipient    
Recipient of a Federal Pell Grant64%38%53%#
Recipient of a subsidized Stafford Loan who did not receive a Pell Grant56%59%36%#
Student who did not receive either a Pell Grant or a subsidized Stafford Loan66%56%51%#
PERSISTENCE RATE - Still enrolled after 150% of normal time to completion3%3%4%8%
UH GRADUATION RATE - 150% of normal time to completion, Fall 2021 Cohort, First-time, Full-time degree or certificate-seeking undergraduates
Fall 2021 Cohort       
 Associate & Certificate
 UHCC \1Hawai'iHonoluluKapi'olaniKaua'iLeewardMaui \2Windward
GRADUATION RATE - 150% of normal time to completion30%33%25%22%29%32%27%31%
IPEDS Race/Ethnicity        
Nonresident Alien44%##46%####
American Indian or Alaska Native########
Black or African American13%#20%##10%##
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander22%30%19%25%#13%10%36%
Two or more races29%31%22%16%54%38%27%22%
Race and ethnicity unknown31%#45%20%#25%#43%
Federal Grant/Loan Recipient        
Recipient of a Federal Pell Grant28%31%28%14%22%29%20%74%
Recipient of a subsidized Stafford Loan who did not receive a Pell Grant########
Student who did not receive either a Pell Grant or a subsidized Stafford Loan32%35%23%27%33%33%32%1%
PERSISTENCE RATE - Still enrolled after 150% of normal time to completion13%12%11%15%9%10%18%9%
TRANSFER OUT RATE14%11%16%21%9%11%11%12%
# denotes any cohort / subcohort with fewer than ten students
\1 UHCC rates include figures for Maui college's Fall 2021 cohort not yet reported to IPEDS.
\2 Figures not yet reported to IPEDS.

Institutional Research, Analysis & Planning Office, University of Hawai‘i, March 2025