Reporting PeriodActualGoal% of GoalStatusTrend
1Total Degrees & Certificates Earned by Fiscal Year 1 FY2019 343 277 123.8 Met Goal  
2Native Hawaiian 2 FY2019 126 72 175 Met Goal  
3Pell FY2019 187 149 125.5 Met Goal  
4STEM 3 FY2019 26 6 433.3 Met Goal  
5IPEDS 150% Graduation Rate by First-time, Full-time Cohort (%) 4 Fall 2015 Cohort 39% 43% 91.1 Did not meet  
6Transfer out to UH 4-YR (Fall & Spr) 5 2019 Cohort 82 117 70.1 Did not meet  
7Enrollment to Degree Gap - Native Hawaiian 2, 6 2019 Cohort 3.9 >=0 Met Goal  
8Enrollment to Degree Gap - PELL 6, 7 2019 Cohort 1.7 >=0 Met Goal  
   Last PeriodCurrent Period% ChangeStatusTrend
9Tuition & Fees as a Percentage of Median Household Income (%) Academic Year 2019 4.26 3.98 -6.6 Positive Change  
10 Average Unmet Need (Direct Cost) of Resident Students 8 Academic Year 2019 1186 1329 12.1 Negative Change -  
11 Average Total Debt per Undergraduate Completer ($) 9 Academic Year 2018 8,759 12,675 44.7 Negative Change -  
   Last PeriodCurrent Period% ChangeStatusTrend
12100% Success by Cohort - First-time, Full-time 11 Fall 2017 Cohort 10.8 13.6 25.9 Positive Change  
13150% Success by Cohort - First-time, Full-time 11 Fall 2016 Cohort 35.3 31.8 -9.9 Negative Change  
14150% Graduation Rate by Cohort - First-time, Full-time 11 Fall 2016 Cohort 28.2 24.3 -13.8 Negative Change  
15Native Hawaiian 2 Fall 2016 Cohort 16.7 12.7 -24 Negative Change  
16Pell 12 Fall 2016 Cohort 23.5 28.3 20.4 Positive Change  
17150% Graduation Rate by Cohort - Transfer-in Fall 2016 Cohort 17 30 76.5 Positive Change  
18First-time, Full-time Transfer-out to UH 4-Year Institution 13 Fall 2016 Cohort 4.1 2 -51.2 Negative Change  
19UH Manoa Fall 2016 Cohort 4.1 2 -51.2 Negative Change  
20UH Hilo Fall 2016 Cohort 0 0 - Negative Change  
21UH West Oahu Fall 2016 Cohort 0 0 - Negative Change  
22First-time, Full-time Transfer-out to Non-UH 4-Year Institution 14 Fall 2016 Cohort 2.9 5.4 86.2 Positive Change  
23First-time, Full-time Transfer-out to Non-UH Institution 15 Fall 2016 Cohort 3.5 4.7 34.3 Positive Change  
Average Credits to Degree for Undergraduates 6      
24Native Students 17 1819 Completers 80.5 73.7 -8.4 Positive Change  
25Native Hawaiian 1819 Completers 82.9 88.5 6.8 Negative Change  
26Pell 1819 Completers 71.8 75.4 5 Negative Change  
27Transfer - Internal Transfers Only (excludes Native Students) 18 1819 Completers 83.5 79.2 -5.1 Positive Change  
28Transfer - External Transfers Only (excludes Native Students)19 1819 Completers 71.2 78.5 10.2 Negative Change  
   Last PeriodCurrent Period% ChangeStatusTrend
29First-time, Full-time Freshmen with 6 or More Credits at Entry (%) 20 Fall 2018 Cohort 10.6 7.6 -28.2 Negative Change  
30Freshmen Completing at Least 30 Credit Hours Within 1st Academic Year (%)21 Fall 2018 Cohort 6.9 7.9 14.4 Positive Change  
31Associate-Students Completing College Level English & Math Within 1st Academic Year (%) 21, 27 Fall 2018 Cohort 25.2 21.9 -13.3 Negative Change  
32Completing College Level English Fall 2018 Cohort 39.4 44.2 12.1 Positive Change  
33Completing College Level Math Fall 2018 Cohort 33.7 28.8 -14.5 Negative Change  
34Retention Rate of Freshmen to Sophomore Year 22 Fall 2018 Cohort 60.2 55.8 -7.2 Negative Change  
   Last PeriodCurrent Period% ChangeStatusTrend
35 No. of Students who Earned Dual Credits 24 2019 Cohort 420 576 37.1 Positive Change  
36 % of DL Credits Taken by Undergrad Degree Seeking Students 25 Academic Year 2019 14 14.6 4.4 Positive Change  
37 % of Credits Taken During Summer by Undergrad Degree Seeking Students 26 Academic Year 2019 1.9 2.3 24.5 Positive Change  

Table 1: Campus Success Rates

First-time, Full-time
Campus Success Rate Cohort 100% 150% 200%
Semester Headcount Grad Rate Transfer-Out to ANY 4yr Rate Grad Rate Transfer-Out to ANY 4yr Rate Grad Rate Transfer-Out to ANY 4yr Rate
Fall 20051593.1%4.4%17.0%5.7%22.0%6.3%
Fall 20061644.9%4.9%11.6%8.5%17.7%9.1%
Fall 20071370.0%5.8%19.0%8.0%29.2%8.8%
Fall 20081774.0%6.2%15.3%8.5%23.7%9.6%
Fall 20092235.4%2.2%14.8%4.5%22.9%7.2%
Fall 20101724.7%2.9%15.7%5.8%19.8%6.4%
Fall 20111987.1%4.5%18.2%7.6%24.2%7.6%
Fall 20122049.3%3.4%25.0%6.4%29.4%4.9%
Fall 20131843.8%5.4%18.5%6.5%22.3%6.0%
Fall 20142034.9%4.4%15.3%9.4%22.2%8.9%
Fall 201517112.9%1.8%28.1%7.0%34.5%6.4%
Fall 20161486.8%4.1%24.3%7.4%0.0%0.0%
Fall 201713312.0%1.5%24.8%8.3%0.0%0.0%
Fall 201810517.1%1.9%29.5%4.8%0.0%0.0%
Fall 201913616.9%1.5%36.8%2.2%
Fall 202013417.9%6.7%
Fall 2021101
Fall 202298

Native Hawaiians, First-time, Full-time
Campus Success Rate Cohort 100% 150% 200%
Semester Headcount Grad Rate Transfer-Out to ANY 4yr Rate Grad Rate Transfer-Out to ANY 4yr Rate Grad Rate Transfer-Out to ANY 4yr Rate
Fall 2005456.7%0.0%20.0%0.0%24.4%2.2%
Fall 2006402.5%2.5%5.0%5.0%10.0%7.5%
Fall 2007240.0%8.3%12.5%8.3%25.0%8.3%
Fall 2008440.0%4.5%4.5%4.5%6.8%6.8%
Fall 2009640.0%0.0%3.1%1.6%9.4%6.3%
Fall 2010666.1%1.5%13.6%6.1%19.7%4.5%
Fall 2011698.7%4.3%18.8%5.8%23.2%7.2%
Fall 2012818.6%2.5%21.0%4.9%23.5%3.7%
Fall 2013812.5%3.7%13.6%3.7%17.3%2.5%
Fall 2014650.0%1.5%10.8%3.1%16.9%3.1%
Fall 20155510.9%0.0%16.4%1.8%21.8%1.8%
Fall 2016553.6%1.8%12.7%1.8%0.0%0.0%
Fall 20175612.5%1.8%21.4%3.6%0.0%0.0%
Fall 20183910.3%2.6%15.4%5.1%0.0%0.0%
Fall 20194226.2%2.4%40.5%2.4%
Fall 2020466.5%2.2%
Fall 202136
Fall 202238

Pell at Entry, First-time, Full-time
Campus Success Rate Cohort 100% 150% 200%
Semester Headcount Grad Rate Transfer-Out to ANY 4yr Rate Grad Rate Transfer-Out to ANY 4yr Rate Grad Rate Transfer-Out to ANY 4yr Rate
Fall 2005365.6%0.0%13.9%0.0%16.7%2.8%
Fall 2006342.9%5.9%11.8%5.9%11.8%8.8%
Fall 2007240.0%4.2%12.5%8.3%20.8%4.2%
Fall 2008355.7%8.6%14.3%11.4%25.7%14.3%
Fall 2009873.4%1.1%16.1%3.4%26.4%4.6%
Fall 2010676.0%1.5%14.9%7.5%22.4%7.5%
Fall 20111076.5%3.7%15.9%6.5%22.4%6.5%
Fall 20121088.3%3.7%23.1%5.6%25.0%4.6%
Fall 20131093.7%4.6%16.5%5.5%20.2%5.5%
Fall 2014975.2%3.1%16.5%5.2%23.7%5.2%
Fall 2015687.4%0.0%23.5%2.9%30.9%2.9%
Fall 2016539.4%5.7%28.3%5.7%0.0%0.0%
Fall 20176714.9%0.0%23.9%3.0%0.0%0.0%
Fall 20185520.0%1.8%32.7%5.5%0.0%0.0%
Fall 20196121.3%3.3%41.0%3.3%
Fall 20204914.3%10.2%
Fall 202137
Fall 202247

Transfer Cohort
Campus Success Rate Cohort 100% 150% 200%
Semester Headcount Grad Rate Transfer-Out to ANY 4yr Rate Grad Rate Transfer-Out to ANY 4yr Rate Grad Rate Transfer-Out to ANY 4yr Rate
Fall 20054922.4%4.1%30.6%6.1%34.7%6.1%
Fall 2006806.3%12.5%11.3%15.0%16.3%17.5%
Fall 20076913.0%10.1%27.5%11.6%33.3%10.1%
Fall 20087323.3%11.0%28.8%11.0%31.5%12.3%
Fall 200910512.4%6.7%17.1%11.4%24.8%11.4%
Fall 201010715.0%10.3%23.4%11.2%27.1%10.3%
Fall 2011918.8%7.7%13.2%7.7%18.7%7.7%
Fall 2012869.3%8.1%23.3%7.0%25.6%7.0%
Fall 2013796.3%5.1%12.7%3.8%16.5%2.5%
Fall 2014434.7%14.0%4.7%16.3%7.0%16.3%
Fall 2015539.4%9.4%17.0%9.4%20.8%7.5%
Fall 20166020.0%1.7%30.0%5.0%0.0%0.0%
Fall 20175612.5%10.7%19.6%14.3%0.0%0.0%
Fall 2018529.6%9.6%13.5%13.5%0.0%0.0%
Fall 20196116.4%3.3%27.9%3.3%
Fall 20206911.6%15.9%
Fall 202144
Fall 202257

  1. Certificate of achievement or associates earned at entry campus. Full-time status based on home campus credits attempted in entry term. Includes certificate of achievement and associate degree-seeking students. Excludes students who are deceased. Graduation rate is the share of students who received their degree/certificate within 100%, 150%, or 200% of the normal time for program completion. Transfer-out to any 4yr rate is the share of students who transfer-out to internal (UH) and external (other than UH) 4yr institutions.
  2. Native Hawaiian includes Hawaiian Race only (Ethnicity = 'HW').
  3. Pell grant received in entry term. Pell status is not finalized until December of the following cohort year (e.g. Fall 2014 finalized in December 2015).
  4. Transfer students are students who transfer external or internal UH credits. Transfers status based on home campus credits attempted in entry term; bachelor earned at entry UH campus. Excludes students who are deceased.

Table 2: Fall First-Time, Full-Time Freshmen with 6+ Credits at Entry

First-time, Full-time
Credits at Entry6+ Total Cohort 6+
Fall 20051.91593
Fall 20060.61641
Fall 20071.51372
Fall 20081.71773
Fall 20091.32233
Fall 20104.71728
Fall 20111.51983
Fall 20123.42047
Fall 20132.71845
Fall 20144.920310
Fall 20150.61711
Fall 20164.11486
Fall 201710.513314
Fall 20187.61058
Fall 201933.813646
Fall 202026.113435
Fall 202120.810121
Fall 202224.59824

  • Credits at entry refers to early college credit opportunities offered through Advanced Placement, dual enrollment programs (Running Start, Jump Start), summer school, etc.
  • Certificate of achievement or associate earned at entry campus.
  • Full-time status based on home campus credits attempted in entry term.
  • Includes certificate of achievement and associate degree-seeking students. Excludes students who are deceased.

Table 3: Freshmen Completing 30+ Credits within the 1st year

First-time (Full and Part Time)
30+30+ Total Cohort 30+
Fall 20056.825117
Fall 20066.124615
Fall 20076.520113
Fall 20086.823616
Fall 20095.730017
Fall 20105.229115
Fall 20116.932022
Fall 20126.432921
Fall 20135.628616
Fall 20145.330416
Fall 20154.427512
Fall 20165.626715
Fall 20176.924717
Fall 20187.921517
Fall 20195.724514
Fall 20208.124620
Fall 2021721415
Fall 202202150

  • Includes certificate of achievement and associate degree-seeking students. Excludes students who are deceased.
  • Credits must be either earned at their Fall home campus or accepted as UH internal transfer credits by their Fall home campus as of Summer EOS. Includes previous summer credits. Transfer credits do not include Advanced Placement, Running Start, or Jump Start credits.
  • All credits earned at or accepted as transfer credits by the campus for certificate of achievement or associate degree-seeking students.

Table 4: Fall First-Time Freshmen completing college level math and english within the 1st academic year

First-time (Full and Part Time)
Math And EnglishMath And English Total Cohort Math And English
Fall 20056.425116
Fall 20064.924612
Fall 2007520110
Fall 200812.323629
Fall 200910.730032
Fall 20109.629128
Fall 20118.832028
Fall 201211.232937
Fall 201318.228652
Fall 201420.130461
Fall 201521.527559
Fall 201625.826769
Fall 201725.124762
Fall 201821.921547
Fall 201932.724580
Fall 202032.524680
Fall 202124.321452
Fall 20225.121511

  • Includes certificate of achievement and associate degree-seeking students. Excludes students who are deceased.
  • English/Math credits earned at or accepted as transfer credits by the campus. Includes MATH/ENG/ESL/ELI courses numbered 100 and above, MATH/ENG 50-69, PHIL 110, BUS 100, BUS 250, BUSN 189. Starting with the Fall 2017 Cohort, completion of math and english courses are based on foundation requirements (FW,FQ,FS,GQ) designated in Banner as well as transfer credits applicable to courses numbered 100 and above.

Table 5: Freshmen to Sophmore Retention

First-time (Full and Part Time)
RetentionFR to SO Total Cohort Retention
Fall 200553251133
Fall 200646.3246114
Fall 200751.7201104
Fall 200854.2236128
Fall 200955.7300167
Fall 201047.8291139
Fall 201151.9320166
Fall 201254.7329180
Fall 201352.4286150
Fall 201449.7304151
Fall 201557.5275158
Fall 201659.6267159
Fall 201759.9247148
Fall 201855.8215120
Fall 201962.4245153
Fall 202053.3246131
Fall 202155.1214118
Fall 202202150

  • Includes certificate of achievement and associate degree-seeking students. Excludes students who are deceased.

Table 6: No. of Students who Earned Dual Credits


  • Includes certificate of achievement and associate degree-seeking students.

Table 7: % of DL Credits Taken by Undergrad Degree Seeking Students

Attempted (Systemwide)%Fall Total SSH Distance SSH

  • Distance learning refers to instruction delivered synchronously or asynchronously where students are separated from the instructor, or offsite instruction.
  • Includes certificate of achievement and associate degree-seeking students.

Table 8: % of Credits Taken During Summer by Undergrad Degree Seeking Students

Attempted (Systemwide)%Academic Year SSH Summer SSH
  • Systemwide credits taken by classified undergraduates that Academic Year
  • Includes certificate of achievement and associate degree-seeking students.


1 Data Change
  • There were goals set for 2022, Goals were carried over from 2021.

Cosmetic Changes

  • None


    No Data Changes

    Cosmetic Changes

  • None


    No Data Changes

    Removed 6 metrics
    • Average Credits to Degree for Undergraduates - Process that generates these 5 metrics is no longer supported
    • % of DL Credits Taken by Undergrad Degree Seeking Students - This metric is not applicable as a leading indicator due to most classes being offered online due to Covid19.

    Cosmetic Changes

  • None


    No Data Changes

    Cosmetic Changes

  • Changed to a web-based, ADA compliant version


    4 Data Changes
    • Students Completing College Level English & Math Within 1st Academic Year - Starting with the Fall 2017 Cohort, completion of math and english courses are based on foundation requirements (FW,FQ,FS,GQ) designated in Banner as well as applicable transfer credits, courses numbered 100 and above.
    • Added metrics for completing college level english and completing college level math as individual items.
    • Removed Exchange Students from cohorts - Students with Residency = N/R Student Exchg Exempt and Admission Type = Official International Exch were removed from cohorts not yet reported to IPEDS. Transfer-in cohorts at Hilo were primarily affected by this and so Transfer In graduation rates may have changed.
    • No. of Students Who Earned Dual Credits - Students who are enrolled in early college but not enrolled at their Home Campus are now included in these counts.

    Removed 3 metrics
    • % of Certificate & Associate Degree Seeking Students Taking 15 Credits or More
    • % of Certificate & Associate Degree Seeking Students with 61-79 Credits
    • % of Certificate & Associate Degree Seeking Students with 80+ Credits
    Cosmetic Changes
    • Added row numbers to easier reference specific line items
    • Renamed metric "Students Completing College Level English & Math Within 1st Academic Year" to "Associate-Students Completing College Level English & Math Within 1st Academic Year"
    • Average Unmet Need (Direct Cost) of Resident Students is still under revision and will not be reported this year.

    1. Includes certificate of achievement and associate degrees.

    2. Native Hawaiian includes Hawaiian Race only (Ethnicity = 'HW').

    3. UH's STEM definition was revised to align with the DHS STEM definition.

    4. Certificate of achievement and associate degree seeking students only. Excludes students who are deceased. Full-time status based on home campus credits attempted in entry term; certificate of achievement or associate earned at entry campus. Graduation counts are students who received their degree/certificate within 150% of the normal time for program completion (normal time to completion is the amount of time necessary to complete all requirements for a degree or certificate according to the institution's catalog).

      IPEDS Success Rates for UHCC's = Graduation Rate + Transfer Out to any institution rate.

    5. Count of annual transfers out of UHCC and into UH 4-year (fall and spring combined). Early admits who after graduation from high school enroll at a 4-year campus are not counted as a transfer. All other students transferring from a UH 2-year to a 4-year campus are counted, including those who previously attended a 4-year campus Intra-Maui transfers are included. Credit is given to each UHCC where a student was home-based.

    6. Enrollment is counted at Fall Census. Degrees and certificates awarded is counted by Fiscal Year. The goal for the gap is to move to be zero or greater than zero.

    7. Pell shares exclude ineligible students (i.e. International Visa Types, non-home-based, unclassified and early admission). Pell recipient counts include those awarded Pell at any time. Pell recipient counts are taken from active data tables and may change as corrections are made.

    8. To be revised. Average Unmet Need based on Direct Cost. Direct Cost includes tuition, fees, books, supplies, and transportation costs. Average Unmet Need is the Direct Cost of Education amount that is not covered by Scholarships or Grants.

    9. Based on Common Data set survey methodology. Includes: (1) First-time, undergraduate students at the institution and (2) Only loans made to student while enrolled at the institution. Excludes: (1) Transfer-in students, (2) Money borrowed at other institutions, (3) Parent PLUS loans, and (4) Pharmacy BA degrees since Pharmacy BA students are graduate degree seekers. CC campuses are based on higher degree earned. Loan amounts are campus specific. Includes summer.

    10. Data in these sections refer to certificate of achievement and associate degree seeking students only. Excludes students who are deceased.

    11. Full-time status based on home campus credits attempted in entry term; certificate of achievement or associate earned at entry campus. Graduation counts are students who received their degree/certificate within 100% or 150% of the normal time for program completion (normal time to completion is the amount of time necessary to complete all requirements for a degree or certificate according to the institution's catalog).

      Success Rates for UHCC's = Graduation Rate + Transfer Out to any 4-year institution rate.

    12. Pell grant received in entry term.

    13. Transfer-out to UH 4yr institution, internal (UH) only.

    14. Transfer-out to Non-UH 4yr institution, external only.

    15. The difference between IPED's Transfer Out to any institution rate and Scorecard's Transfer Out to any 4-year institution rate.

    16. Based on students who received an associate's degree.

    17. Native Students are students who do not have any transfer credits except for exam-based credits. Includes credits earned at the awarding campus only. Native Hawaiian based on ethnicity code = 'HW'.

    18. Internal transfers are students who only have transfer credits from other UH institutions.

    19. External transfers are students who only have transfer credits from non-UH institutions.

    20. Refers to early college credit opportunities offered through Advanced Placement, dual enrollment programs (Running Start, Jump Start), summer school, etc.

    21. Completion refers to credits earned at the campus or accepted as UH internal transfer credits. Includes previous summer credits. Transfer credits do not include Advanced Placement, Running Start, or Jump Start credits.

    22. First-time freshmen enrolled in the fall of the following year. Based on home campus credits attempted in entry term; certificate of achievement or associates earned at entry UH campus.

    23. A total of 60 credits are required for graduation in most associate degree programs.

    24. Undergraduate students who were enrolled and earned early learning credits.

    25. Distance learning refers to instruction delivered synchronously or asynchronously where students are separated from the instructor, or offsite instruction.

    26. Systemwide credits attempted during the academic year for certificate or achievement and associate degree seeking students enrolled in the fall.

    27. Starting with the Fall 2017 Cohort, completion of math and english courses are based on foundation requirements (FW,FQ,FS,GQ) designated in Banner as well as transfer credits applicable to courses numbered 100 and above.

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