Defend Your Devices
- Enable password protection
- Run system updates provided by your operating system or phone provider
- Use an up-to-date antivirus
- Only install apps from trusted sources
- Lock devices when unattended
- Set a lock timer on your device
- Use a firewall
- Regulate access to the device (ex: store in a locked room)
- Wipe device before discarding/donating. See our article on the Disposal of Media Containing Protected Data
- Don’t jailbreak your device
Secure Your Data
- Know and follow UH policies for protected data
- If you absolutely have to store protected data on your device, make sure it’s encrypted. See our article on encryption
- Encrypt protected data when transmitting (ex: UH FileDrop website )
- Back up your data frequently
- When surfing the web, try to only visit legitimate websites
- Manage your online presence. Be careful what personal information you disclose on social media
- Enable privacy and security settings on websites and apps
- Stay alert about phishing scams. Read our article on phishing and article on spearphishing
- Be careful with email attachments
Lock Down Your Login
- Create strong, unique passwords for each of your accounts
- Use a password manager to store your passwords. See our article on password managers
- Set up Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
- Don’t share your password with anyone
Wi-Fi Related Best Practices
- Encrypt traffic when using public Wi-Fi (such as at an airport, train or bus station, hotel, library, or café). Consider using the UH VPN or purchasing commercial VPN options
- Try to only use addresses that begin with “https” and have a lock icon in the web address or status bar, which means the site is verified and encrypted.
- Always log out of websites before closing your browser
- Don’t store passwords in the browser. Use a password manager
- Avoid checking your bank account, and other websites that would expose personal information, on public Wi-Fi
- Don’t automatically connect to open Wi-Fi networks
- Turn off Wi-Fi, airdrop, and file sharing on your devices when not in use.