Hawai`i Educational Research Association

38th Annual Conference
University of Hawai‘i at Manoa Campus Center
Date: Saturday, January 9, 2016

Sponsored by
Curriculum Research & Development Group

Featuring Keynote Presentations, Symposia & Papers
including the
2016 HERA Distinguished Paper Award Winner


Regular Registration
up to December 30, 2015

4:00 pm HST

Late Registration
after December 30, 2015
4:00 pm HST

Member (Calendar Year)
Non Member


Register Now!


Plenary Speaker:

Peter Dunn-Rankin

Dr. Dunn-Rankin is professor emeritus at the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa. He was the former Chair and Professor in the Department of Educational Psychology and also served as the Acting Dean of the College of Education from 1984-1986. He is well regarded for his expertise in scaling and advanced data analysis techniques, writing books and book chapters in scaling methods for the International Handbook for Educational Research, Methodology, and Measurement. Dr. Dunn-Rankin was instrumental in the establishment of HERA with HERA founder Harold Ayabe in 1977. Since 1977, Dr. Dunn-Rankin has been a strong supporter of graduate students in HERA, so much so that the Graduate Student Waivers are now awarded in his honor. He is a two-time recipient of the American Educational Research Association's Distinguished Paper Award (1983, 2005).

Keynote Speaker:

Geoffrey Borman

Trained as a quantitative methodologist at the University of Chicago, Dr. Borman (Ph.D., 1997) is Professor of Education and Sociology at the University of Wisconsin—Madison. In addition, he is the Director of the University of Wisconsin’s IES- funded Predoctoral Interdisciplinary Research Training Program, and President of Measured Decisions, Inc. Professor Borman’s main substantive research interests revolve around the social distribution of the outcomes of schooling and the ways in which policies and practices can help address and overcome educational inequality. His primary methodological interests include the synthesis of research evidence, the design of quasi-experimental and experimental studies of educational innovations, and the specification of school-effects models. Dr. Borman was the recipient of a 2002 National Academy of Education/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship Award, the 2004 Raymond Cattell Early Career Award from the American Educational Research Association, the 2004 American Educational Research Association Review of Research Award, and the 2008 American Educational Research Association Palmer O. Johnson Award. In 2009, Dr. Borman's significant contributions to the field of education research were recognized by his nomination and selection as a Fellow of the American Educational Research Association.


— Hawai‘i Educational Research Association—


[Browse abstracts]

8:00a – 8:15a
Registration and Breakfast/Refreshments

8:15a – 8:45a

Plenary Session
Introduction of Conference Sponsors
     HERA Officers and Board of Directors
     CRDG Representative(s)
     2016 Peter Dunn-Rankin Graduate Student Waiver Recipients

     2016 Distinguished Paper Award

8:45a – 9:30a

Plenary Address:
Discovery in Educational Research: A Historical Prospective of HERA

Peter Dunn-Rankin, Ed.D.
Professor Emeritus, University of Hawai‘i

9:30a – 9:45a
Refreshment Break

9:45a – 10:45a

Session I for Presentations and Symposia

10:45a – 11:30a

Poster Session

Lunch Available

12:00p – 1:00p

Keynote Address: Closing Achievement Gaps at Scale through Self-Affirmation
Geoffrey D. Borman, Ph.D.
Professor and Director, University of Wisconsin-Madison

1:15p – 2:15p

Session II for Presentations and Symposia

2:15p – 2:30p
Break, Refreshments available

2:30p – 3:30p
Session III for Presentations and Symposia

3:45p – 4:45p

HERA Membership Meeting
     Election of 2016 Officers and Board of Directors

Conference Fees (subject to change)

Regular Registration
up to December 30, 2015

4:00 pm HST

Late Registration
after December 30, 2015
4:00 pm HST

Non Member



2016 Peter Dunn-Rankin Graduate Student Waiver Program
Up to 5 available

The Peter Dunn-Rankin Graduate Student Waiver program is geared to encourage graduate students whose goals are to contribute to educational research in Hawai‘i. Graduate students need not be members of a school or college of education. Students from all disciplines are welcome. Up to five total waivers will be awarded on December 21, 2015 for registration to the 2016 HERA Conference.

Criteria for Graduate Student

* Must be at least a half-time student in good standing at any institution of higher education.
* Student is responsible for own membership fee ($10).
* Must submit a personal statement by 4pm HST, December 2, 2015.
* Be reachable via email on December 20, 2015 for notification of waiver award.
* Accept award by December 21, 2015.
* Become a 2016 member to HERA.
* Can not have been a Dunn-Rankin Graduate Student waiver recipient in the past two years.

Personal Statement Guidelines

Craft a personal statement no more than 500 words and submit the statement to herainfo@hawaii.edu by December 2, 2015. Acceptable formats for the documents are .doc, .rtf, .pdf or pasted into the email. Please address the following two guiding questions in the personal statement:
1. What do you consider the biggest challenges in Hawai‘i's educational system?
2. How do you envision HERA can positively contribute to policy, practice, accountability, assessment, etc. in education?

Please direct all questions to herainfo@hawaii.edu, or call Truc Nguyen at 808-956-6507 or Kathy Berg at 808-956-4952.


Conference fees include refreshments and lunch, if received before our lunch reservation deadline of December 30, 2015 at 4pm HST. Registration after December 30, 2015 carries no guarantee of lunch. All-day parking on campus is $6. For more information, write to herainfo@hawaii.edu, or call Lauren Mark at 808-956-6369 or Truc Nguyen 808-956-6507.

You may cancel or transfer your registration by January 4, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. HST. Cancellations after January 4, 2016 and no-shows are subject to a $30 processing fee.

Past Conferences:

1998 - 1999 - 2000 - 2001 - 2006 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015


Copyright 2007-2015. Hawai‘i Educational Research Association.
Last Updated January 7, 2016 11:08 PM