Hawaii Education Research Association Annual Conference
Conference Featuring 3 Invited Keynote Speakers, Papers & Symposia

(1) K-6 Inquiry Science for Students and Teachers
Dr. Jerome Pine, a Professor of Physics at the California Institute of Technology, conducts research in neuroscience and teaches physics and neurobiology. He has been involved in precollege education since the 1960s with the development of the original Elementary Science Study hands-on curriculum. He is a co-leader of the Caltech Precollege Science Initiative (CAPSI), which seeks to establish hands-on science inquiry teaching K-12, throughout the Pasadena public schools, and to develop inquiry content courses for prospective and experienced elementary school teachers. CAPSI and the Pasadena Unified School District are also partners in an NSF-supported Center that supports change to a K-6 inquiry science program in 12 California urban school districts. Their elementary science program has proved successful not only in California but also in schools on Maui in Hawai'i. Professor Pine serves on several national advisory committees and was a member of the Working Group on Teaching for the National Science Education Standards. Jerry Pine earned his undergraduate degree from Princeton and his graduate degrees from Cornell.

(2) Do Vouchers and Charters Improve School Performance?
Dr. Martin Carnoy is Professor of Education and Economics at Stanford University where he has taught for the past 30 years after a 4-year stint as a research associate at the Brookings Institution. He is the author of more than 25 books on the economics and politics of education, labor markets in the U.S. and abroad, and economic policy. His current research interests are in assessing the efforts to privatize education and the impact of globalization on labor markets and educational policy. Many of his ideas were represented in his recent book, Faded Dreams: The Politics and Economics of Race in America. Dr. Carnoy earned degrees from the California Institute of Technology and the University of Chicago, and he was recently awarded an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Stockholm.

(3) The Ambitious Generation:
America's Teenagers Motivated but Directionless

Barbara Schneider is a Professor of Sociology at the Univeristy of Chicago and a Senior Social Scientist at the affiliated National Opinion Research Center (NORC). She co-directs the Alfred P. Sloan Center on Families, Children, and Work. Professor Schneider writes extensively on issues related to the social organization of schooling and adolescents. Her most recent publication is The Ambitious Generation: America's Teenagers Motivated but Directionless, co-authored with David Stevenson, published by Yale University Press.

Hawai'i Educational Research Association 22nd Annual Conference
Saturday, February 12, 2000
University of Hawai at Manoa
Campus Center Ballroom

8:00 8:30 Registration and Refreshments (Ballroom C)
8:30 8:50 Plenary Session (Ballroom B)
9:00 9:55 Session for Papers and Symposia (Rooms 306-310)
9:55 10:15 Break
10:15 11:10 Keynote Address (Ballroom B)
K6 Inquiry Science for Students and Teachers
Jerry Pine, Professor of Physics California Institute of Technology
11:15 12:10 Keynote Address (Ballroom B)
Do Vouchers and Charters Improve School Performance?
Martin Carnoy, Professor of Education and Economics Stanford University
12:15 1:00 Lunch (Ballroom A)
1:00 1:55 Keynote Address (Ballroom A)
The Ambitious Generation: America's Teenagers Motivated but Directionless
Barbara Schneider, Professor of Sociology NORC/University of Chicago 
2:00 2:30 HERA Membership Meeting (Ballroom A)

Conference Fees:
Preregister by 1-31-00: $30 (Members) $45 (Nonmembers)
Register after 1-31-00: $35 (Members) $50 (Nonmembers)
Conference fees include refreshments and lunch, if received before our lunch reservation deadline of January 31st. Registration at the door is $35 ($50 for nonmembers) with no guarantee of lunch.
All-day parking on campus is $3.

Click here for registration form.

For more information and a registration form, call or e-mail
Kathleen Berg (kberg@hawaii.edu) 956-4952 or Shuqiang Zhang 956-4295.