
Interested in a career in sustainability?

Sustainable Agriculture

Offered at Leeward CC, this certificate offers education and training in Hawaii’s diversified agriculture and conservation fields.

Tropical Forest Ecosystem and Agroforestry Management

At Hawai’i CC, students can learn how to manage native forests, GPS, GIS, and establish agroforestry operations. This study track is offered as a Certificate of Achievement (CA) and an Associate in Science (AS).

Agriculture and Natural Resources

Through UH Maui College, students can complete this Associates degree through three different tracks. Students can choose a track in Sustainable Tropical Crop Production, Horticulture and Landscape Maintenance or Technical Studies in Cultural and Natural Resource Management.

Native Plant Hawai'i Database

This website was created to establish a single, comprehensive and searchable database that contains information on endemic and indigenous plants of Hawai’i. Created by Dr. Daniela Elliot and other collaborators at Leeward Community College.

Agriculture and Environmental Awareness Day

Hosted annually by the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) and Kaua’i County Farm Bureau on both O’ahu and Kaua’i. This event is an opportunity for keiki to learn more about the environment around them, local food production and how to care and preserve our environment. Students also have the opportunity to learn about careers in ag and environmental studies in Hawai’i!