University of Hawai'i: Manoa
Kinoshita, C., White, I, et al. 2011. Engaging Learners and Educators to Produce a Skilled Workforce and Strengthen Food Security in Hawaii. NACTA/DOCE Conference, University of Alberta, Edmonton, June 14 – 18.
“University of Hawaii System wide Recruitment in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management,” Meeting to Discuss UH System wide Food, Agriculture and Natural Resource Management Education and Training, Kauai Community College, November 1, 2012.
“Workforce Development to Ensure a Secure Food Supply” presented at ANNH annual PD Meeting, USDA-NIFA, June 24, 2013.
Kinoshita C. and Kong, K. Embracing Distance Education for the Future. Paper presented at: North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Conference; 2014 Jun 25-28; Boseman, MT. In NACTA Journal 2014; 58 (suppl. 1): 84.
Kinoshita, C. Measures to Improve Student Recruitment, Retention, and Time-to-Graduation at UH Manoa/CTAHR. Paper presented at: 2014 USDA ANNA Project Director Meeting; 2014 Aug 5–8; Washington, DC.
Kinoshita, C. and Taguchi, K. 2015. GoFarm Hawaii: Developing an Online Curriculum to Train Beginning Farmers Statewide. NACTA Journal Vol. 59, Suppl. 1. Presentation for the NACTA/DOCE Conference, June 16–20, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA.
Kinoshita, C. and Wu, S. 2015. Experiential Learning in Distance Locations. NACTA Journal Vol. 59, Suppl. 1. Poster for the NACTA/DOCE Conference, June 16–20, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA.
Lau, T. J. W. (2017). Plant-Parasitic Nematodes Associated with Breadfruit, Artocarpus altilis (Parkinson) Fosberg (Doctoral dissertation).
University of Hawai'i: Hilo
Kaha, Aleysia-Rae; Shioshita, Russell; Sakai, Marcia; Arancon, Norman;. Sakai, William S. University of Hawaii at Hilo; Ragasa, Leeann; Andrade-Spencer, Pattie; Cheever-Follett, Debra. Hilo Union School, Hilo, HI., “Linking Agriculture to Culture – An Exercise in General Education”. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Journal, 2013. PDFs of posters are also on the conference website:
Kaha, A-R., Arancon, N., Shioshita, R., Sakai, M., Sakai, WS., Andrade-Spencer, P., Cheever-Follett, D. Growing a Canoe Plant Garden for the Elementary students and College students; connecting food, culture, health and environment into the Hawaiian cultural framework of “Hooulu,” the active process of growth in all areas of ecological literacy. Paper presented at: North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Conference; 2014 Jun 25-28; Boseman, MT. In NACTA Journal 2014; 58 (suppl. 1): 53.
Hawaii Community College
“Integrating Forestry, Agriculture and Hawaiian Culture on the Big Island” presented at the 2013 NACTA annual meeting in Virginia, 2013.
Scheffler, P. Small Landowner Agroforestry Contributions to Ecosystem Services in M. M. Hill’s Wildlife Sanctuary. Poster session presented at: 5th Annual World Congress on Agroforestry; 2014 Feb 10-14; Delhi, India.
Steele, O. 2014. Cultural Use and the Importance of Mangrove Species in Samoa, Tonga and Fiji. Poster for the Hawaii Conservation Conference, July 15-17, Honolulu, HI, USA.
Steele, O. 2014. The Establishment of a Bio-cultural Education Center on Moorea, French Polynesia. Presentation at the Hawaii Conservation Conference, July 15-17, Honolulu, HI, USA.
Scheffler, P. Training Future Land Stewards on Hawaii Island. Poster session presented at: 2014 USDA ANNA Project Director Meeting; 2014 Aug 5-8; Washington, DC.
Scheffler, P.Y., Setty, S., Scheffler. T.E. 2015. Small Landholder Agroforestry in a Rain-fed Region of South India. Sigma Xi Annual Meeting, October 22-25, Kansas City, MO, USA.
Scheffler, P.Y., Setty, S., Scheffler. T.E. 2015. Small Landholder Agroforestry in a Rain-fed Region of South India. Sigma Xi Annual Meeting, October 22-25, Kansas City, MO, USA.
Scheffler, P.Y. 2017. The intersection of culture and ecology in Ireland. Community Colleges for International Development Quarterly Newsletter June 2017: 22-23.
Scheffler, P.Y. and Murray, A. 2017. Student Mobility: partnership between Hawaiï Community College and Collège Ahuntsic. IV Conference Inter-American Space for Technical and Technological Higher Education. October 2017. Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Solemsaas, R. and Scheffler, P.Y. 2017. Concrete project linking the job market and technological education. IV Conference Inter-American Space for Technical and Technological Higher Education. October 2017. Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Scheffler, P.Y. 2018. Evolution and Loss in the Hawaiian Islands. 5th Annual Transatlantic Connections Conference. January 2018. Bundoran, Donegal, Ireland.
Steele, O. C. 2018. Agricultural Workforce Development Program at Hawaii Community College. Insular Grants Program and Alaska Native-Serving and Native Hawaiian-Serving Grants Program Project Directors Meeting. July 2018. Mangilao, GU.
Song D., Liang, G.H., Lin, H., Han, X., Hua; C.Y., Zheng, L.M., Steele, O.C. (2018). A new species of the genus Protapanteles Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and its host, Macrobrochis gigas (Lepidoptera: Lithosiidae) from South Subtropical Area in China. Zoologischer Anzeiger.
Kapiolani Community College
Cooking Up A Rainbow” a digital manual on healthy cooking and food preparation activities and healthy recipes for educators, health professionals, and parents. 2013.
Leung, D. editor. “Cooking Up A Rainbow” E-book manual. May 2015. Available at
Kauai Community College
Henmi, V. H, and Marahatta, S.P. 2013. Management of plant-parasitic and beneficial nematodes with tropical cover crops. NACTA Journal 57:S77, 2013 (Abstr) (
Lau, J.-H., and Marahatta, S.P. 2013. Can strawberry guava, Psidium cattleianum, leaves be used for weed management in Hawaii? NACTA Journal 57:S78, 2013 (Abstr) (
Marahatta, SP., Henmi, VH., and Lau, J-H. 2013. Can pigeon pea, Cajanus cajan, be used as a cover crop for nematode and weed management in the tropics? In: Proceedings of the 11th International Epidemiology Workshop 22-25 August, 2013. Department of Plant Pathology, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China, pp 5 (Abstr).
Fewkes, PV., and Marahatta, SP. 2013. Management of Rotylenchulus reniformis and beneficial nematodes with sunn hemp. In: Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Materials, Architecture and Engineering Technology (ICMAET 2013), 19-20 December, Beijing, China. DEStech Publications, Inc, pp 615-618.
Lau, J.-H., and Marahatta, SP. 2013. Integration of Psidium cattleianum leaf and aqueous leaf extract into soil for broadleaf and grassy weed management. In: Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Materials, Architecture and Engineering Technology (ICMAET 2013), 19-20 December, Beijing, China. DEStech Publications, Inc, pp 619-624.
Foley, D, Marahatta SP., and Lau-JW. 2014. Effects of vermicompost on beneficial nematodes, Rhabditidis spp. In: Proceedings of the 6thth International Congress of Nematology 4-9 May, Cape Sun, Cape Town, South Africa. Nematology Society of Southern Africa (NSSA) / International Federation of Nematological Societies (IFNS), pp 278 (Abstr).
Henmi, VH, and Marahatta, SP. 2014. Effects of sunn hemp and pigeon pea on beneficial and plant-parasitic nematodes in the tropics. In: Proceedings of the 6thth International Congress of Nematology 4-9 May, Cape Sun, Cape Town, South Africa. Nematology Society of Southern Africa (NSSA) / International Federation of Nematological Societies (IFNS), pp 277 (Abstr).
Marahatta, SP., Yamamoto, B., Henmi, VH., and Fewkes, PV. 2014. The development of nematode management practices in mentoring undergraduate students. In: Proceedings of the 6thth International Congress of Nematology 4-9 May, Cape Sun, Cape Town, South Africa. Nematology Society of Southern Africa (NSSA) / International Federation of Nematological Societies (IFNS), pp 140 (Abstr).
Martiney, CL., and Marahatta SP. 2014. Time interval between sunn hemp cover cropping and cash cropping for nematode and crop management. In: Proceedings of the 6thth International Congress of Nematology 4-9 May, Cape Sun, Cape Town, South Africa. Nematology Society of Southern Africa (NSSA) / International Federation of Nematological Societies (IFNS), pp 217 (Abstr).
Marahatta, SP., Yamamoto, B., Neupane, KR., and Jacobsen, C. Seeing is believing: The impact of inter-island tours in agriculture education in Hawaii. Poster session presented at: North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Conference; 2014 Jun 25-28; Boseman, MT. In NACTA Journal 2014; 58 (suppl. 1): 27.
Marahatta, S. P. and Cox, H. 2015. Ulutopia: an experimental teaching and learning platform. Oral presentation at the 3rd Hawaii Sustainability Summit, February 26-28th, Honolulu, HI, USA.
Martiney, C. L., and Marahatta, S. P. 2015. The effects of sunn hemp on corn and beneficial nematodes, and its use as a teaching tool. Poster presentation at the 3rd Hawaii Sustainability Summit, February 26-28th, Honolulu, HI, USA.
Martiney, C. L., and Marahatta, S. P. 2015. Can sunn hemp be used as a model plant for experimental teaching and learning? Poster presentation at the Undergraduate Students’ Research Experience Symposium, April 17, Honolulu, HI.
Marahatta, S. P., Yamamoto, B., Henmi, V. H., Martiney, C. L., Foley, D. K., Fewkes, P. V., Peterson, R., Lau, J.-H., and Johnson, K. 2015. Teaching nematology through an experiential approach in undergraduate education. Oral presentation at the 54th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nematologists, July 19-23, Michigan State University, MI, USA.
Gabour, E., and Marahatta, S. P. 2015. Effects of vermicompost on reniform nematode (Rotylenchulus reniformis). Poster presentation at the 54th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nematologists, July 19-23, Michigan State University, MI, USA.
Henmi, V. H., and Marahatta, S. P. 2015. Effects of sunn hemp and macadamia nut husks on plant-parasitic and beneficial nematodes. Poster presentation at the 54th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nematologists, July 19-23, Michigan State University, MI, USA.
Martiney, C. L., Marahatta, S. P., and Johnson, K. 2015. Can sunn hemp be used as a model crop for experimental teaching and learning? Poster presentation at the 54th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nematologists, July 19-23, Michigan State University, MI, USA.
Peterson, R., and Marahatta, S. P. 2015. Effects of vermicompost leachate on bacteria feeding nematodes. Poster presentation at the 54th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nematologists, July 19-23, Michigan State University, MI, USA.
Henmi, V. H., & Marahatta, S. P. (2015). Impacts of Sunnhemp and Piegon Pea on Plant-Parasitic Nematodes, Radopholus similis and Meloidogyne spp., and Beneficial Bacterivorous Nematodes. International Journal of Phytopathology, 4(1), 29-33.
Marahatta, S.P. and Cox, H.A. 2017. Experiential teaching and learning at Breadfruit Research Farm (Ulutopia). Presentation at Integrating Indigenous Knowledge into Education conference, October 13, 2017. Kaneohe, HI.
Henmi, V. H., & Marahatta, S. P. (2018). Effects of sunn hemp foliage and macadamia nut husks on plant-parasitic and beneficial nematodes. Nematropica, 48(1), 34-37.
Marahatta, S. P. (2018). Nematode community associated with recently planted breadfruit, Artocarpus altilis, rhizosphere on Kauai Hawaii. Nematropica, 48(2), 179-185.
Marahatta, S.P., Drent, G. Fujita, B., and Hashizaki, K.K. (2018). Early college in agriculture education. NACTA Journal 62(S1):102 (Abstr).
Leeward Community College
Native Plant Database: updated, 2013.
Elliott, D. 2015 Place-based Research as a Tool to Achieve Science Literacy into the Classroom. NACTA Journal Vol. 59, Suppl. 1. Presentation for the NACTA/DOCE Conference, June 16–20, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA.
Garcia, B., Koebele, B., Okamoto, F. and Dutra Elliott, D. 2015. Effects of Artificial Lighting and Fertilizer on a Hawaiian Native Endemic plantspecies: Diospyros sandwicensis. Poster for the Hawaii Conservation Conference, August 3-6, Hilo, HI, USA.
Bost, J. and Dutra Elliott, D. 2018. How to Succeed with Regional Seed. Organic Seed Alliance Conference Proceedings: 108-109.
Dutra Elliott, D., A. Hanohano, A., A. Fermahin, C. Bewell, and K. Rich. 2018. Student Perspectives in Experiential Learning in Aina-based Education on O‘ahu. Sustainable Agriculture Education Association Conference. July 2018. Kapiolei, HI.
University of Hawai'i: Maui College
Emmsley, Ann; Moringa-Kama Gwen; Jacintho, William; Fukada, Mach; Nazario-Leary, Cynthia. “Using a Pumpkin Patch to Engage Native Hawaiian K-5 Students in Agricultural Sciences.” Poster Presentation. North American College Teachers of Agriculture 2013 Conference, June 26, 2013.
Windward Community College
White, I. 2011. Ethnopharmacognosy Series III: Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical Values of Honohono Orchid –Bioproducts and Recipes. Windward Community College,Oahu, Hawaii.
White, I. 2011.Windward Community College Students Well Prepared to Enter Hawaii Orchid Industry. Education Week for the Hawaii DOE and University of Hawaii. State Capitol. March 14-18.
White, I.and Katsuka, C. 2011. Nutraceutical Study of Dendrobiums. Proceedings of the 5 th China (Sanya) International Orchid Show and Conference, January 9.
Kimball, A. and White, I. 2011. Engaging Plant Biotechnology Students in Their Learning Through Undergraduate Research and Extra-Curricular Activities. NACTA/DOCE Conference, University of Alberta, Edmonton, June 14–18.
Stillwell, N., McCafferty, H.; Zhu, Y.J; and White I. “Characterization of Brassolaeliocattleya Raye Holmes ‘Mendenhall’ – Putatively Transformed for Resistance to Cymbidium Mosaic Virus” (poster abstract). The 4th Scientific Conference on Andean Orchids. Ecuador, November 1 – 4, 2012.
White, I. 2013. Ethnopharmacognosy Series IV. Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical Values of Spanish Needle. Windward Community College. 52 pp.
White, I. P., Fay, M. F., Porter, B. W., & Chinen, K. (2013). Sem and phylogenetic analysis of naturalized and cultivated Epidendrum in Hawaii. Lankesteriana International Journal on Orchidology, 13(1-2), 113-118.
White, I. “Outcomes/Reflections of Student Poster Presentations at National and International Scientific Conferences” (abstract). NACTA Journal Vol. 57, Supplement 1, 2013.
White, I. Increase Student Retention and Graduation Rate by Offering a Pathway Certificate Toward CA in Agripharmatech. Poster session presented at: North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Conference; 2014 Jun 25-28; Boseman, MT. In NACTA Journal 2014; 58 (suppl. 1): 35.
Baker, L., White, I., McCafferty, H., and Zhu, J.Y. 2014. Testing for resistance of transgenic Brassolaeliocattleya Raye Holmes ‘Mendenhall’ to Cymbidium Mosaic Virus using an in-vitro bioassay. Poster for the 21st World Orchid Conference, Sept. 7–14, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Zhu, Y.J., McCafferty, H., White, I., Zhou, F., Baker, L., Stillwell, N., Sheriff, A., and Chinen, K. 2014. Development and Evaluation of CymMV-Resistant Agrobacterium-Mediated Transgenic Brassolaeliocattleya Raye Holmes ‘Mendenhall’. Proceedings of the 21st World Orchid Conference, Sept. 7–14, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Denis, M. and White, I. 2015. Stimulating Interest in Plant Sciences to Intermediate and High School Students of Windward Oahu. NACTA Journal Vol. 59, Suppl. 1. Poster for the NACTA/DOCE Conference, June 16–20, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA.
Li, H., Maemori, M., and White, I. 2017. Phylogenetic relationships among Liparis species of Indonesia, Hawaii, and North America. The 22nd World Orchid Conference, November 8 – 12, 2017. Guayaquil, Ecuador.
Maemori, M., Li, H., Maemori, M., and White, I. 2017. Molecular Phylogeny of Liparis hawaiiensis. The 22nd World Orchid Conference, November 8 -12, 2017. Guayaquil, Ecuador.
White, I., Li, H., Stillwell, N., Zhu, Y.J., McCafferty, H., Zhou, F., Baker, L., Sheriff, A., Chinen, K., and Christopher, D. 2017. Generation and characterization of transgenic Brassolaeliocattleya Raye Holmes ‘Mendenhall’ expressing the coat protein gene of Cymbidium mosaic virus. The 22nd World Orchid Conference, November 8-12, 2017. Guayaquil, Ecuador.
White, I., Li, H, Michael, T., and Akina, C. 2018. Agripharmatech Program Certificates: Transfer and Workforce Pathways from High School to Associate and Bachelor’s Degrees. Annual Conference of North American College and Teachers of Agriculture, June 12-15, 2018. Ames, IA.