For my first visit at Hokulani Elementary School, students drew their impressions of scientists.
First and second attempts at mapping a portion of Hokulani Elementary School. Shows developing skills in drawing scale and mapping details.
Students learning how to press plant specimens.
Giving students instructions on how to map a field site and conduct a biodiversity inventory. Fellows Shelly Patterson and Georgina Lillich are preparing the measuring tools to be used by the student field site survey team.
Students using the quadrat sampling method to inventory biodiversity. Magnifying lenses are being used to observe details on the plants and animals found in the quadrat.
Students measuring the boundaries of the field site.
Students drawing a map of the field site.
An inventory of the biota observed at the field site.
Field sketch of a bee and quadrat collecting location. Detailed sketch of the organism.
Another type of bee observed at the field site. Example of a report cover for an organism
observed at the field site.
Jumping Spider observed at the field site. Black Ant observed at the field site.
Beginning our second field trip where we learned about native Hawaiian plants.
Using a transect line to inventory ecosystem biota and abiota.
Learning how to use a field compass.
Students discussing field observations.