Kolea Bird Project

Hi!  I am Gus Bodner, a zoology graduate student at UH.  I study – you guessed it –  birds!  As part of UH’s GK-12 program, I started the Kolea Bird Project in the fall of 2000. 

         Born in India, 1967.
         Raised in New Mexico, USA.
            English and Spanish speaker.

         BA, Biology,  Harvard University 1990
            Teaching Certification, Secondary Science from NM Highlands University 1991

Teaching Experience:
            High school and Middle School Science, New Mexico.  1991-1993.
            Summer & special programs grades k-12, New Mexico.  1985-1991.
         UH Lab School Summer Program, 5th grade, Hawai’i.  Summer 2000.  

Research Experience, as a Research Technician:
            Migratory birds, US Forest Service,  New Mexico.  1994-1998.
            Beetle evolution, Costa Rica.  1990.
            Global warming effects on plants and insects, Harvard University.  1988-1989.
            Frog and tadpole cooperation, Harvard University.  1985-1986.  

Hiking, drawing, playing music, dog-walking, ... and Watching Kolea!

People interested in the Kolea Bird Project are welcome to contact me at:

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