Policies and Guidelines – Student Loans

Hawai’i Revised Statutes

§40-35.5 – Assessment and Collection of Service Charges for Dishonored Checks

§231-51 to §231-59 – Recovery of Money Owed to the State

§304A-601 to §304A-604 – State Higher Education Loans §304A-2160

§304A-701 to §304A-704 – Hawaii Educator Loans

§657-1.5 – Limitation of Actions Not Applicable to State

Administrative Rules

Chapter 20-8 – State Higher Education Loans

Chapter 20-10 – Delinquent Financial Obligations

Chapter 20-25 – Hawaii Educator Loans

Administrative Procedures

AP 8.621 – Delinquent Financial Obligation Tax Setoff Hearings
AP 8.731 – Student Accounts Receivable and Delinquent Financial Obligations
AP 8.740 – Dishonored Checks