Frequently Asked Questions
Manually scroll down or click item below to jump to desired FAQ category:
- Dept of Accounting and General Services (DAGS)
- Direct Deposit
- Disbursement Vouchers
- Mobile Devices
- Non-Resident Alien (NRA) / Foreigner
- Payment Request and Credit Memos
- Postdoctoral Fellow or Associate
- Prize Distributions
- Relocation
- Research Participant Compensation
- Third Party Payments
- Vendor
Dept of Accounting and General Services (DAGS)
Do I need to have the funds encumbered in KFS?
Yes, once OPM (Office of Procurement Management) receives the approved documents from DAGS (Dept. of Accounting & General Services) and the KFS (Kuali Financial System) Purchase Order is approved by OPM, your funds will be encumbered in KFS and at DAGS.
What do I do if the vendor has changed their name?
OPM can assist in vendor name changes as it relates to purchase orders and agreements but cannot assist with name changes with respect to vendor codes.
What do I do if the vendor has changed address?
Do an edit to the vendor code in KFS and attach a current WH-1 or an invoice.
What do I do if there is an assignment of payment to a third party vendor?
Contact OPM for assistance at (808) 956-8687 or check their website for information at
Which contract number do I use on the payment form if there is a UH or DAGS contract number?
The contract number to use on the payment form will determine on either the account code to charge or the PO.
How can I have the DAGS check sent to our office?
Submit the Form 37 along with the CIP Payment Form and invoices and other supports to Disbursing.
How is the DAGS payment recorded at the University?
All DAGS payment are recorded in the Kuali Financial System. Disbursing will create a PREQ with the payment information as a bank ‘040’ in KFS and the final approval is the Departmental Fiscal Administrator.
What is the process for DAGS payments?
Disbursing processes DAGS payments when the payment form is received from the department. Disbursing will generate the DAGS Keypunch forms to generate a Summary Warrant Voucher (SWV). The SWV is approved by the Disbursing Director and is submitted to DAGS Pre-Audit Department for printing of the check. The check is picked up by Disbursing for disbursement.
Direct Deposit
Payroll Direct Deposit
How do I have my paycheck directly deposited into my bank account?
Employees, including student employees, are able to sign up for direct deposit through HawaiiPay (HIP). (UH employees must be signed up for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) before signing into HIP to enter your direct deposit information.) Once you have successfully entered and submitted your direct deposit information, it may take up to one to two pay periods to take effect.
How do I sign up for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?
You can sign up for MFA via
I am a Lecturer and my appointment terminates at the end of each semester. Will I need to sign up for direct deposit every semester that I am rehired?
Your direct deposit information will remain active for 120 days between paychecks. If you have not received a paycheck within the 120 day period, you will need to sign up for direct deposit via HawaiiPay (HIP):
What is ePayment?
A simple, secure and quicker way for University of Hawai‘i employees to receive reimbursements and/or travel advances electronically via direct deposit to their bank account. The ePayment portal is designed for UH employees to easily input and update their bank information up to date.
Who can sign up for ePayment?
Employees in PeopleSoft who normally receive payments in the form of a paper check from the UH Disbursing Office for travel, mileage, expense reimbursement, etc.
How do I have my have my employee reimbursements and allowances deposited into my bank account?
Employees who are in PeopleSoft are able to sign up for direct deposit via ePayment. To enroll, log in to ePayment:
If I sign up to have my paycheck directly deposited into my bank account, do I still need to sign up via ePayment to have my reimbursement and allowances directly deposited into my bank account?
Electronic Funds Transfer
Are student employees eligible to have their reimbursements directly deposited into their bank account?
Yes. Student employees are able to sign up for direct deposit via the Electronic Funds Transfer Authorization (DISB-ACH) form.
As a student government member, can I sign up for direct deposit for expense reimbursements and payments?
Yes. You will be able to sign up for direct deposit via the Electronic Funds Transfer Authorization (DISB-ACH) form.
How do I obtain the Electronic Funds Transfer Authorization (DISB-ACH) form?
The form is located on the Disbursing Forms page on the FMO website. Or, you can access the form via the link:
When receiving payments via ACH, what remittance information will the payee receive?
For ACH payments from POs, the email would contain
- Payment amount
- PO number
- Invoice number
- Check stub notes
For ACH payments from DVs, it would contain
- Payment amount
- Check stub notes
- Payment initiator’s name and phone number
How do I sign up for eRefund?
To sign up for eRefund, student must log on to MyUH: Once logged into MyUH, log on to eRefunds:
Can students sign up for direct deposit for refunds for tuition, scholarships or other credits owed to them?
Yes. Students are able to sign up for direct deposit via eRefund. (This service is not available to the student’s authorized users.)
Disbursement Vouchers
What is a Disbursement Voucher (DV)?
The disbursement voucher (DV) edoc is used to process direct payments.
Where can I find more information on how to process a Disbursement Voucher?
The Disbursement Voucher User Guide provides information such as business rules, field descriptions, document routing, sample screenshots, processing tips and reference information.
What type of vendor payments are allowed on a DV?
The following vendor payments are allowed:
- Utilities-Electricity, Water, Telephone, & Gas (not gasoline/fuel)
- Postage & Postal Charges
- State Department of Human Resources Development (DHRD) Sponsored Employee Training Classes
- Registration Fees
- Library Purchase Order vendor payments
- Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) & Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) vendor payments not on PO
Which kind of payments are allowed on a DV?
The following payments are allowed:
- Fellowship & Scholarship payments
- Cash Awards to employees, faculty, staff & students
- Settlement Agreements
- Petty Cash Custodian Reimbursements
- Reissued check payments not processed by General Accounting & Loan Collection (GALC)
- UH Press Royalty payments not paid via the royalty feed
- Office of Technology, Transfer and Economic Development (OTTED) inventor royalty payments
- Payments initiated by Office of Research Services (ORS)
- RCUH reimbursement for Service Order Projects & Revolving Fund User Projects
What employee payments are allowed on a DV?
Reimbursement for official expenditures to University Faculty, Staff and Students.
Travel payments to SCOPIS employees, RCUH Employees using UH Funds, State employees (non-UH) & Non Employees representing UH on official business
Non travel cash advances (primarily for real time payments UH researchers make to individuals participating in their research)
- Mileage
- Transfer of Employees’ Vacation Leave Credits
- Automobile Allowances
- Housing Allowances
- Parking Allowance
- Transportation Allowance
- Settlements
- Royalties and Commissions
How many invoices can I attach to a DV?
Please refer to the DV Multiple Invoice Matrix on the KFS website.
What is the procedure in handling Manual Travel document DISB-4?
Manual Travel reimbursement is processed through a DV
- Scan and attach DISB-4 to Disbursing
- Notate on upper right hand corner in red the KFS doc number
- Be sure to issue a “T” document number
What is considered sensitive data?
Social Security Number, bank account number, etc. These data should be redacted before scanning and attaching to KFS.
What is the process for claiming employee reimbursements?
All reimbursements for expenses require “original” receipts with proof of payment. In addition, to achieve cost saving of issuing a check or ACH (e.g. costs associated with process time that is from the employee’s department, Disbursing Office, to Mailroom and postage), we ask employees to hold off the reimbursement request and combine multiple reimbursements in a single payment that is more than $5 before submission. We will process payments that are more than $5.
- Please refer to the DV Multiple Invoice Matrix on the KFS website
- If claiming without a receipt, must provide some means to show how payment was made, description of the item and the amount, however this reimbursement maybe considered reportable/taxable.
Is an email receipt acceptable?
An email confirmation from the Payee is acceptable if it shows a name of the payee, the amount of the charge and itemized expenses, the transaction date, and the form of payment.
Does Disbursing require “aging start dates” to process invoice payments?
Yes pursuant to Chapter 103.10, Hawaii Revised Statues, “aging start dates” are required to determine late interest payments. Indicate in KFS “note text” invoice receive date and satisfactory good/service receive date or it can be stamped on the face of the invoice.
Who can claim for mileage?
UH Employees, State of Hawaii Employees and RCUH Employees using their privately owned vehicle for official University business may claim for mileage and must insure DISB-33 is prepared in accordance with procedures specified.
Are students allowed to claim mileage?
With approval, student employees using their personal vehicles for official University business may claim for mileage and must insure DISB-33 is prepared in accordance with procedures specified.
I paid $3.30 for office supplies out of my own pocket. Can I get reimbursed for it?
Yes. However, to achieve cost saving of issuing a check or ACH (e.g. costs associated with process time that is from the employee’s department, Disbursing Office, to Mailroom and postage), we ask employees to hold off the reimbursement request and combine multiple reimbursements in a single payment that is more than $5 before submission. We will process payments that are more than $5.
As a reminder, the University’s Purchasing Card policy A8.266 sets forth the guideline in which the purchasing card is designated as the preferred method of purchase for small dollar goods and services less than $2,500 (with some exceptions are listed in the purchasing card website).
Can FAs change the dollar amount on the accounting lines?
Can FAs delete lines on a DV?
What supporting documentation is required for the different payment types?
The DV Supporting Documentation Matrix can be viewed here. The matrix breaks down by type of payees: UH employees, non-UH employees and business entities.
How often are paper checks for DVs printed and mailed?
Paper checks are printed twice a month.
- On the 15th of each month. If the 15th of the month falls on a weekend or holiday, checks will be issued on the business day prior to the weekend or holiday.
- Last business day of the month.
- ACH electronic payments are processed and sent daily.
How do I Cancel an Approved DV Awaiting Payment?
If an approved DV needs to be cancelled, please send your request to cancel the pending payment to
In the email, list the following:
- Payee Name
- Payee ID#
- Amount
- KFS Doc#
- Reason for cancellation
Request for cancellation must be received before the close of business on the day prior to the Disbursement Date (date the check is to be printed).
Mobile Devices
Who is responsible for keeping track of an employee’s monthly allowance?
The employee’s department is responsible for keeping track of an employee’s monthly allowance.
Are departments allowed to advance an employee’s monthly allowance?
No, the allowance is intended to reimburse employees for the incremental cost of business use of personal mobile devices.
How do I request for a monthly allowance?
Use form DISB-15 and submit your request to your supervisor, Dean/Director and Executive for approval.
How do I label the DV when processing a mobile device allowance?
If I receive an allowance, can I get reimbursed for a mobile device I purchased?
No, employees who receive the allowance will not be allowed to receive payment and/or reimbursement for mobile device equipment, accessories, and plans.
If I receive an allowance and I purchase a 2nd line for my business calls from my personal mobile device plan, can I get reimbursed for the second line?
No, employees who receive the allowance will not be allowed to receive payment and/or reimbursement for a second line.
If mobile device allowance is terminated where do I send the original DISB 15?
Send the original form DISB 15 for termination to your Business/Fiscal Office.
For all our existing employees with work issued mobile devices, would we select “New” or “Update” at the top?
Please select “New”.
For the effective start date for these employees, would we enter the date that the form is being submitted?
For the Effective Start Sate, enter the date the employee will start coverage under the Employee Mobile Device Program.
Do we leave the effective end date blank and use it when an employee is terminated?
The Effective End Date should be the last day the employee will be covered under the Employee Mobile Device Program but the End Date should not extend beyond one year from the Start Date. An employee’s eligibility under the Employee Mobile Device must be reviewed on an annual basis.
If an employee has both a work issued mobile phone and a tablet, will one form suffice?
One form will suffice as long as both devices are noted on the DISB-15.
Student Life & Development has two University-owned cell phones that are not assigned to specific employees/individuals. One of the phones is utilized by Meeting & Event Services student employees or staff when working various events. The other phone is used by SLD maintenance/custodial staff. In both cases, the employees pick up the phones at the start of their shift and return them at the end of their shift. Basically, these are “general use” phones which are utilized by whoever is on duty at the time. In this situation, would a DISB-15 need to be completed and kept on file in the business office?
No, A DISB-15 is not required in this situation.
Assuming there is no “grandfathering in” process, are all employees who currently have a UH-paid cell phone expected to complete the DISB-15 form for approval?
Yes, a DISB-15 form needs to be filled out yearly.
For UH-paid cell phones, does UH have not to exceed dollar limits for (1) equipment costs and (2) plan costs? Or is any dollar amount acceptable provided equipment and plans are purchased under SPO Vendor List Contract No. 13-07?
If the UH-paid cell phone comes from the SPO vendor list, any dollar amount is acceptable.
For employees approved for the $30 Mobile Device Allowance program, is the approved DISB-15 form the only attachment needed for the DV?
Since the $30 amount is taxable income, employees shall not be expected to provide their personal cell phone bill, correct?
How should UH Foundation-funded mobile device payments be handled? Directly paid to the service provider or partially reimbursed to the UH employee?
Please refer to UH Foundation and their policies regarding mobile devices.
Can RCUH employees participate in the University-Provided Mobile Device program?
Per Section III.B.2.b.2, what are the University’s data security and software requirements for mobile devices?
Please refer to ITS data protection guidelines for securing your smartphone.
Are electronic signatures on DISB-15 allowed?
Yes, provided it complies with EP 2.216.
Will the University pay with RCUH account codes in KFS?
No. Payments to RCUH employees must be paid via RCUH Disbursing with RCUH accounts.
Is there a timeline as to when the DV for the $30 allowance needs to be submitted?
Mobile Device Allowances should be submitted on a timely basis. The allowance will be reported to the employee as wages-in-kind so timeliness is key.
If we combine Device Allowance for several months is an explanation needed?
Disbursing prefers one DV per allowance per month. You may submit for several months but not in advance.
Non-Resident Alien (NRA) / Foreigner
What type of documentation do I have to attach to the UH WH-1 form for foreigners?
First, use UH WH-1
Second, look at the first page top of the form for DIRECTIONS> ALL OTHERS> # 3, 4, 5 through 8, (if applicable). Use this list of documents to attach to the WH-1.
Statement of Citizenship and Federal Tax Status
PURPOSE: This form is for individuals. To comply with applicable tax provisions of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations, the information requested on this form is required to determine the appropriate federal tax withholding and is required for each calendar year. (Business entities should use IRS Form W-9)
- Complete Sections A and E only.
- Complete Sections A and E only
- Attach a photocopy (front and back) of your Alien Registration Card
- Complete Sections A, B, C, and E
- Complete Section D if applicable
- Submit copy of your electronic I-94, Passport ID Page and Visa page
- Submit IRS W-8BEN for foreign status (If any “No” boxes on the WH-1, Section C, Step 2 are checked)
- For F-1 visa holders, submit copy of I-20
- For J-1 visa holders, submit copy of DS-2019
- For B visa holders, submit DISB-45
- For visitors on ESTA, submit ESTA Approval.
- Submit IRS Form 8233 if performing services as independent contractor (only if claiming treaty benefits).
Do individuals under COFA need to complete all sections of the WH-1?
Yes. Citizens of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) and the Republic of Palau are entitled under the Compact of Free Association (COFA) to travel and apply for admission to the United States as nonimmigrants without visas. However, they are not citizens of the United States, thus, all sections of the WH-1 still need to be completed in order to assess tax status.
For Section B of the form, fields that are not relevant, such as Expiration Date of Current Visa, can be left blank. If Intended Length of Stay and Anticipated Departure Date are unknown, they can be left blank as well.
For Current Visa Type, they can select “Other INS Classification” and then enter their Class of Admission as shown on their I-94: “CFA/FSM” for FSM citizens, “CFA/MIS” for RMI citizens, and “CFA/PAL” for Palau citizens.
Why is it necessary to fill in Section B. of the UH WH-1 for foreigners?
Disbursing requires Section B to be filled out as completely as possible in order to determine whether or not an individual has been in the USA long enough to pass the IRS Substantial Presence Test (SPT). If the individual passes the SPT, then they are classified as Resident Aliens. Tax treatment is different for nonresident aliens versus resident aliens.
How can I find the I-94 form as listed in UH WH-1, ALL OTHERS, # 3?
In 2013, Customs no longer attaches a paper I-94 form to the traveler’s passport page. It logs in the information electronically and the traveler can log on line to print out a copy. Customs also would use an oval stamp with date of entry, and stamp one of the passport pages. In order to obtain an electronic copy, go to It will take you to a consent page, check the box for consent. The traveler enters their full name, date of birth, and passport identification number. The first page of results is the individuals’ most current date of entry into the USA. The second page is the history of arrivals and departures into and out of the USA by the individual.
How do I know if the traveler, student, post doc, researcher, etc. is not a US Citizen?
Refer to UH WH-1 Section A. 1. Country of Citizenship. If the country is not listed as United States, USA, or US, the individual is not a US Citizen.
What does the UH WH-1 Section A. 1. Country of Residence for Tax Purposes mean?
The purpose of this box is to show if you lived in another country prior to coming into the USA. If so, list the name of that country the individual just arrived from. For example, I am a citizen of Italy but I lived in Germany for a year before coming into the USA. Therefore, for tax purposes my country of residence would be Germany. Residence constitutes living there for a minimum of 1 year. For selection of correct tax treaty country, country of residence prior to arrival in the US would dictate the proper country for tax treaty benefits.
How do I determine if my country has a tax treaty with the United States Government?
Go to URL: Select current forms and publications tab. Enter “Publ 901” or “515”. This will give you a listing of countries that has a tax treaty with the United States. In IRS Publication 901, Tax Treaties, go to page 41, Table 2. This table will illustrate the applicable treaty articles that have been negotiated by country.
How do I qualify for treaty benefits if I come from a country that has a tax treaty with the USA?
In order to qualify for tax treaty benefits, you must have a US Social Security Number (SSN) or a US Individual Taxpayers Identification Number (ITIN) and an applicable treaty article in the tax treaty. If you do not have either a SSN/ITIN or applicable treaty article, you do not qualify for tax treaty benefits. Additionally, if you are a resident alien, you also do not qualify for tax treaty benefits.
Why is there tax withholding taken out from my fellowship payment?
All personnel added into the UH financial system vendor master for payment are assessed and coded if they are US Citizens, Permanent Resident Aliens (LPR), Resident Aliens (RA) or Nonresident Aliens (NRA). If NRA, Disbursing uses the UH WH-1 and its supporting documents to make an assessment if you qualify for treaty benefits or not. If not, dependent on the type of visa and purpose of visit, the IRS tax assessment range from 14% or 30%. The UH is required by law to withhold taxes.
Why are foreigners required to resubmit new UH WH-1s with supporting documentation every year in January to their departmental business offices?
The purpose for this activity is for the business offices to submit the documentation to the Disbursing office in order to make its annual NRA assessment. Disbursing does this to determine whether or not the individual has been in the US long enough to pass the IRS Substantial Presence Test (SPT). If the individual passes the SPT, they are classified as Resident Aliens. When this occurs, the Disbursing office will stop any further tax withholding and treat like US citizens/resident aliens for the calendar year.
Should I submit an IRS Form W8-BEN or IRS Form 8233?
The IRS Form 8233 is only used to claim exemption from withholding on compensation for personal services. If the individual is performing independent personal services, has a US SSN/ITIN, and is claiming tax treaty benefit, use Form 8233. Otherwise, Form W-8BEN should be used
Payment Requests and Credit Memos
What is a Payment Request (PREQ)?
The Payment Request (PREQ) document is used to generate payment to a vendor for payment on goods and services and/or encumbered on a KFS PO.
What is a Purchase Order (PO)?
A purchase order is a document sent to a supplier or vendor, authorizing shipment of a product to the customer as a specified price and terms.
What is a Purchase Order Amendment (POA)?
Purchase order changes serve as formal notification to the vendor of changes to previously issued purchase orders and are intended to clarify and update the order specifications. Use POA when the PO has already been issued and there are significant modifications to material elements of the order.
How do I label my invoice for processing?
To ensure proper/ quick processing, please label invoice and subject line for email as follows:
KFS PO #_ INVOICE # _1st 3 letters of vendor name
Ex: 12345_0001_ABC
KFS PO # _ CONTRACT #_INVOICE #_1ST 3 letters of vendor name
Ex: 12345_C120123_456_ABC
If vendor name is an individual, use first 3 letters of last name.
What is the preferred method of processing overages?
Create a POA
- Have Disbursing use Miscellaneous Line for overages
- Increase Item Line with the overage (i.e., overextend the cost of the line item).
(Note: for this option, until the encumbrance from the overextended line is corrected, a POA cannot be completed.)
How do I submit a credit memo for processing?
Please submit the credit memo along with invoices for the same PO that have enough charges to cover the credit memo. Credit memo amounts cannot exceed invoiced amount.
What if I have a Credit Memo for a PO that was already paid off?
Request a check from the vendor or apply the credit to another PO.
Can an enclosure be included with the check?
Not at this time. Please do a special handle request so the check is returned to the department so the department may include the enclosure with payment.
Once the PREQ has been submitted for FA approval, what information can be amended on the PREQ?
Only the check stub notes and special handling sections are editable on the PREQ. If anything else (e.g. invoice number, dollar amount, etc.) needs to be corrected, please request the PREQ to be cancelled and explain in the notes and attachments.
Can a PREQ be ad hoc routed to someone who’s not on the list of approvers for approval?
Yes, but before doing so, please make sure that person is available to approve the PREQ. Not doing so prior may delay payment processing.
When should “quantity” be used when creating a PO?
For commodity type orders (you receive and are invoiced in the same unit you ordered), quantity may be appropriate. Quantity items can only be invoiced up to the quantity specified on the line item.
What does a POA allow you to do?
The following below:
- Increase or decrease the quantities
- Change the total dollar amount
- Partial or total cancellation of the order
- Change of object codes
- Add new account codes
For more information, go to the Kuali financial website, Training > Financial Systems > Purchasing > Purchase Order Amendment – Training Manual.
Can we request Disbursing to change account distributions for item lines when creating PREQs?
No, account distributions and object codes are set by the PO. If changes are needed, please do a POA.
Why did the PO automatically close during the batch process?
Batch processing is the execution of a series of program jobs without manual intervention. The batch process for the PO close is currently scheduled to run at month end. POs with zero encumbrance will automatically close at the end of the month during the batch process. If there is an outstanding payment request (PREQ) in the queue that has not been approved by the FA, the PO will still close in the end of month batch process unless there are still remaining encumbrances in the PO. The FA may use the PO Open Order button to reopen the PO.
Does Disbursing require “aging start dates” to process invoice payments?
Yes pursuant to Chapter 103.10, Hawaii Revised Statues, “aging start dates” are required to determine late interest payments. Indicate in KFS “note text” invoice receive date and satisfactory good/service receive date or it can be stamped on the face of the invoice.
Why didn’t my Payment Request get paid as an ACH?
KFS will change an ACH payment (i.e., Payees that are flagged as ACH) to a check if one of the following conditions exist:
- Payment Request is marked as Special Handling or Immediate Pay,
- Payment Request is marked as having an Attachment.
What information should be redacted on credit card statements, invoices, etc.?
All PPI information should be redacted from all documents prior to scanning or attaching to KFS or eTravel. This includes:
- Employee’s home address
- Date of Birth
- All non-related purchases
- Account balances
- All account numbers except the last 4 digits (Please note: account numbers are sometimes printed in multiple locations.)
Please ensure the redacted information is not viewable after scanning.
What is the minimum payment Disbursing will process?
To achieve cost savings in the processing and issuance of checks or ACH, employees should be instructed to hold off making reimbursement requests less than $5 and combine multiple reimbursements into a single request that is $5 or more before submission. The Disbursing Office will issue a payment (check or ACH) if one of the following exceptions is met:
- Multiple reimbursements are combined in a single payment that is more than $5.
- Emergency purchases made by a non-purchasing card holder is authorized by the employee’s supervisor
As a reminder, the University’s Purchasing Card policy A8.266 sets forth the guideline in which the purchasing card is designated as the preferred method of purchase for small dollar goods and services less than $2,500 (with some exceptions are listed in the purchasing card website).
What if my invoice is labeled as “copy” or “duplicate”?
If the original invoice is not available, the copy or duplicate invoice must be certified as original by the department.
Can I submit invoices for different POs together?
No. One PO per email.
How often are paper checks for PREQs printed and mailed?
Paper checks are printed twice a month.
- On the 15th of each month. If the 15th of the month falls on a weekend or holiday, checks will be issued on the business day prior to the weekend or holiday.
- Last business day of the month.
- ACH electronic payments are processed and sent daily.
I received a credit memo from a vendor. How do I submit it for processing?
Credit Memos should be submitted in conjunction with one or more invoices with a total amount greater than the Credit Memo amount. Credit Memos should be sent to the Disbursing Office in the same email as the invoice(s) to be credited. Be sure to indicate what PO Line (Item Line or Miscellaneous Line) the credit amount should be applied to. If the full credit memo amount should be applied to the same PO Line, it can be indicated next to the Credit Memo total.
How will a credit memo affect the PO encumbrance?
Credit amounts applied to a PO Item Line will be re-encumbered on the PO. Credit Amounts applied to the Miscellaneous Credit Line will not be re-encumbered on the PO. When determining if credit should be applied to a PO Item Line or to the Miscellaneous Credit Line, consider if you need the credit amount re-encumbered on the PO or not.
Note: For Item Lines with Item Type=Quantity, regardless of the unit price paid on the PREQ or credited on the CM, encumbrances will be liquidated and re-encumbered on Quantity Item Lines based on Quantity invoiced or credited x PO Unit Price. Sample credit memo scenarios can be found here.
A vendor called regarding the validity of a UH Check. Who can I call to verify the check is legit?
Call the Disbursing Office at (808) 956-6621 to verify if the check was issued by UH. If the check is deemed fraudulent, the vendor should not cash it and they should report it to their local police.
How do I Cancel an Approved PREQ Awaiting Payment?
If an approved PREQ needs to be cancelled, please send your request to cancel the pending payment to
In the email, list the following:
- Payee Name
- Payee ID#
- Amount
- KFS Doc#
- Reason for cancellation
Request for cancellation must be received before the close of business on the day prior to the Disbursement Date (date the check is to be printed).
Postdoctoral Fellow or Associate
Effective January 1, 2024
What information/documentation is needed to create a vendor code for a Postdoctoral Fellow or Associate in KFS?
A completed WH-1 is required and needs to be attached to the vendor request (PVEN). For Ownership Type select Postdoc.
What information/documentation is needed to process a DV for a Postdoctoral Fellow or Associate?
Notate on the DV whether the payment is for a Fellow or Associate. A copy of the appointment letter with the individual’s appointment type is also acceptable but not required.
What is the tax treatment for Postdoctoral Fellows who are Nonresident Aliens (NRAs)?
For fellowship payments made to Postdoctoral Fellows who are on F, J, M, or Q visas, the withholding rate is 14%. For all other visa holders, the statutory rate of 30% applies.
Tax withholding might be exempted if there is a tax treaty article for Scholarship or Fellowship Grant between the United States and the payee’s last country of residence.
How is the tax treaty benefit for Postdoctoral Fellows claimed?
To claim the tax treaty benefit, the postdoctoral Fellow needs to complete an IRS Form W-8BEN. All fields in Part II of the form need to be filled out.
What is the tax treatment for Postdoctoral Associates who are Nonresident Aliens (NRAs)?
Payments to Postdoctoral Associates are subject to the statutory withholding rate of 30%.
Prize Distributions
What is a prize?
According to the Internal Revenue Code, federal tax law considers the value of prizes, awards and gifts to individuals as taxable income. Merchandise or products won as a prize or award will be considered taxable income at fair market value. There is no minimum value for a prize. All prizes regardless of value need to be reported to Disbursing. Prizes are given to a specific person who “won it ” or “deserved it ” due to success or during a contest or raffle.
Example: A $15 stuffed animal prize is given for a contest. This prize needs to be reported to Disbursing. Disbursing manually tracks the distribution of prizes/payments. If an individual is a US Citizen or Resident Alien receives $600 or more in a calendar year, a 1099-MISC is issued. If they are a Non Resident Alien, a 1042-S is issued for any amount of the DV payment for the prize.
Who is eligible to receive a prize?
US citizens and Resident Aliens are eligible to receive cash, gift card and item prizes. Non Resident Aliens are not eligible to receive cash, gift card or item prizes; instead, any prize to a Non Resident Alien would need to be processed via Disbursement Voucher (DV) for the item’s market value, so the appropriate withholding may be applied.
What should be reported to Disbursing?
Supporting documentation for a prize should include the prize acknowledgement form, WH1, Form 136, event flyer, purchase receipts, edoc#, interdepartmental order (IDO) # or PCDO report for P-cards that includes the Report key#, amount paid and object code used and any other applicable support. **If a vendor code is set up, please provide the vendor code instead rather than the WH1. Disbursing can access the WH1 form from the KFS vendor code. The object code for prizes is 7244. If the incorrect object code was used, please complete a GEC and provide Disbursing the GEC edoc#.
When do you report the prize distribution to Disbursing?
As soon as the event is completed. We need this information as soon as possible so that we can manage appropriately all the distribution information for the 1099 review done every January.
Do I need to set up a vendor code?
Yes, if the prize(s) total $600 or more and an individual who is a US Citizen or Resident Alien receives $600 or more in a calendar year, then a vendor code needs to be set up as a 1099-MISC will be issued for that tax year. For a Non Resident Alien, a vendor code would need to be set up as any prize amount would be reported on a 1042-S. Payment for the Non Resident Alien would need to be processed via Disbursement Voucher (DV) so the appropriate withholding may be applied.
With the implementation of the new relocation policy, will I still have to submit a receipt for my relocation allowance?
If your job offer letter is dated prior to November 1, 2018, you will need to submit an original receipt in order to be reimbursed for your relocation expense. Any job offer letter dated November 1, 2018 or later will not require an original receipt for relocation expenses.
My job offer letter is dated October 1, 2018. Do I process my relocation through Payroll or Disbursing?
If your job offer letter is dated prior to November 1, 2018, all relocation reimbursements must be processed through a KFS Disbursement Voucher (DV) via the Disbursing Office. In addition, all original receipts must be attached to the DV.
Under the revised AP8.863 – Relocation Allowances, an estimate of expenses should be provided as justification. For justification purposes, what constitutes an adequate estimate?
Since Disbursing will no longer require the collection of receipts, filling out the DISB-17A form, creation of DV Payment Reason Code N, etc…, the department hiring the new faculty employees will have to make the determination of what constitutes a fair and equitable amount for the allowance to be given based on a number of factors. Those factors could include current location of the future employee and family, start of employment, estimated costs of moving household goods/car, etc. airfare, etc.
An adequate estimate on costs would depend on the future employee being able to secure written estimates from his/her shipper. If the allowance exceeds the Chancellor’s authority and moves to the CFO authority, the respective business office should provide the necessary supporting documentation for justification if asked by the CFO.
Which Nature of Action do I use on the PNF?
PAY 417 (Lump Sum Special Payment). On the UH Job Data Panel insert a row to add the Nature of Action.
What is the effective date on the PNF?
Effective date should be the Exempt Appointment Date.
Which UH PS Pay Type do I use on the PNF?
STRELO (Stipend – Relocation Allowance). This is entered on the UH PS Job Earning Distribution Panel.
Can the relocation amount be split into several pay periods?
No, relocation reimbursements are to be paid as a one-time lump sum payment. On the UH PS Job Earning Distribution Panel enter the entire amount unless being distributed by different account codes.
What will be reflected on the PNF?
No, relocation reimbursements are to be paid as a one-time lump sum payment. On the UH PS Job Earning Distribution Panel enter the entire amount unless being distributed by different account codes.
Do I need to remove the stipend on the UH PS Earning Distribution Panel?
Yes, effective the day after the exempt appointment, insert a row with the Nature of Action – PAY 418 (Delete One Time Pay). Click on the Earning Distribution Panel and delete the Pay Type STRELO. No PNF needs to be generated for this action. Call OHR to approve the PAY 418 action.
How will the payment show on the pay statement?
Relocation amount will be coded as ‘Stipend’
Research Participant Compensation
What is a Research Participant?
An individual who participates in a research project, survey or study. They are given a token of appreciation usually in a nominal cash payment or gift card.
Who is eligible to receive compensation?
US Citizens or Resident Aliens are eligible to receive cash payments or gift cards. If the participant is a Non Resident Alien, compensation to them would need to be processed via DV as the appropriate withholding will be applied. Non Resident Alien participants are not eligible to receive cash or gift card payments. *Inform each research participant prior to the beginning of the project we need a completed WH1 in order to be compensated. The cash advance needs to be repaid to UH if the proper documents are not obtained. Refer to the Acknowledgement for Cash Advance/Promissory Note.
Who is responsible for obtaining the required approvals and reporting to Disbursing the compensation paid to research participants?
The UH School/Department conducting the research project, survey or study is responsible to obtain any required approvals prior to the start of the project. This may include but not be limited to obtaining the approval from the Office of Resource Compliance for Human Research. The UH School/Department is responsible for reporting to Disbursing the compensation paid to participants. *Timely reporting is needed as Disbursing manually tracks the payments to determine if a US Citizen or Resident Alien has received $600 or more in a tax year. If yes, a 1099-MISC will be issued. Any amounts paid by DV to a Non Resident Alien are reported on a 1042-S.
What information should be on the report to Disbursing of the participant compensation distribution?
We need the participant’s name, amount received, date received and the payee’s signatures acknowledging receipt of the payments. You can use your own spreadsheet or use the sample list of participants attachment. FileDrop the WH1’s to Disbursing. If you include the KFS vendor code in the listing, a copy of the WH1 is not needed as Disbursing can view the WH1 from the KFS vendor code. *Flag any participant compensation to employees as it will be recorded as wages-in-kind and reported to payroll.
Should you set up a vendor code?
If the participant is a US Citizen or Resident Alien who will receive a total of $600 or more in a calendar year, please set up a vendor code and include the vendor code in your report to Disbursing. If the participant is a Non Resident Alien, then a vendor code needs to be set up as the payment would need to be made by DV so the appropriate withholding can be applied.
Can you submit a cash advance on a DV?
Yes, email a memo to the Director of Disbursing, James Kashiwamura requesting approval for the cash advance. The memo shall include the project outline, the anticipated number of participants, the planned start and end dates of the project, and the payment method to be used to compensate the participants. Appropriate approval for Human Research should be provided. If compensation is to be made in gift cards, the purchase of gift cards shall be a direct purchase from vendors rather than making a pre-payment to a website that grants gift cards directly to participants via the Internet. All purchases shall comply with University procurement guidelines. See Attachments – Cash Advance Procedures, Sample Promissory Note and Sample List of Participants.
What payments are reported to the IRS?
A payment or series of payments made to individuals for participating in a medical research study or studies. If a research participant is a US Citizen or Resident Alien and receives payments totaling $600 or more in a tax year, it will be reported on a 1099-MISC. 1099-MISC are mailed out at the end January for the prior year. If the research participant is a Non Resident Alien, ALL payments are reported on a 1042-S. 1042-S are mailed out by the beginning of March for the prior year.
Third Party Payments
What is a Third Party Payment?
When payment is made to a third party rather than the participant/business directly. An example would be when we pay City Travel for airfare for an individual and it is reportable income to them. Or when we reimburse an employee for emergency plumbing services.
What should be reported to Disbursing?
Only reportable object code payments would need to be reported to Disbursing. To see a list of reportable object codes on a 1099 or 1042 go to the MAIN MENU of KFS. Look in the middle column, Lookup and Maintenance and select Object Code. Select MA-UH Manoa for the Chart Code, then select the radio button to YES for either the 1099 indicator or 1042 indicator to check what codes are reportable.
How do I process Payment via Disbursement Voucher (DV) or Payment Request (PREQ)?
Provide a third party worksheet which includes the vendor code. Attach the third party payment worksheet with the Disbursement Voucher (DV) or in the email of the invoice payment on the PO. After the DV has been approved or the PREQ created, Disbursing will add the payment to be manually tracked so that any US Citizen or Resident Alien that receives $600 or more in a calendar year will have a 1099-MISC issued. Any payments for a Non Resident Alien will have a 1042-S issued.
How do I process payment by P-card?
Provide a third party worksheet which includes the vendor code. Include the PCDO report that confirms the Report Key#, amounts paid, object code, receipts and any other supporting documentation such as the award letter and event information.
What type of forms should I submit to create or edit a vendor code in KFS?
For Individuals:
- UH WH-1 University of Hawaii Statement of Citizenship and Federal Tax Status
- If Legal Permanent Resident Alien (LPR), attach front & back copy of Alien Registration card to UH WH-1 form
- If Nonresident Alien (NRA), follow WH-1 Directions> All Others> 3, 4, 5 thru 8, if applicable
For Entities: e.g. – companies, foreign gov’t agencies, private foundations, higher educ. inst. etc.
- IRS Form W-9 and copy of invoice, if available
- If foreign, IRS Form W-8BEN-E or W8-EXP, or W8-ECI, or W8-IMY and copy of invoice, if available
Why does Disbursing ask for an invoice to be included in the vendor request?
Often the address on the IRS Form W-9 lists the corporate address while the invoice lists a different remittance address. If we see both the W-9 and invoice addresses, Disbursing can input the correct remit address the first time without editing the address later. We also encounter purchase order mailing addresses that are different from the remit payment address. Therefore, we would input both addresses as necessary when creating the vendor in KFS.
Can I fax my information to Disbursing so they can create or edit the vendor?
Yes. Please fax your information to (808) 956-9145, our Clerical/Vendor Maintenance Office. Please include a cover sheet referencing the office you represent and what you want done.
When are vendor numbers required?
Vendor numbers are required for businesses, nonemployees, students, and RCUH employees so payments can be initiated. Vendor numbers for UH employees (faculty & staff) are not required as their information is fed daily from Peoplesoft to KFS.
What is a vendor division?
Vendor Division is a vendor who is part of a corporate structure and uses the same tax identification number as the parent vendor but may have a different name to which payment should be made. Divisions are established to indicate a connection to the parent vendor and to facilitate payment processing.
What do I do when my vendor request is disapproved?
If your vendor request was disapproved, the pertinent Vendor eDoc number will be sent to your Action List to Acknowledge the disapproval. Click the linked eDoc number, then open the Route Log tab, located toward the bottom of the screen, to view the reason for disapproval and recommended next steps. When done reviewing, you may then click the Acknowledge button. This will simultaneously remove the eDoc from your Action List.
When is a W-9 used?
IRS Form W-9 is primarily used for the following:
- Sole Proprietors (Independent Contractors)
- Single owner Limited Liability Company
- Partnerships (Business)
- C or S Corporations
- Trust/Estates
- Limited Liability Company (LLC) which could be any of the above except Trust/Estate
When is a UH W-1 used?
UH WH-1 is for individuals. As a reminder, the UH WH-1 Section A and E are the only sections that need to be completed for US Citizens, Permanent Resident Aliens (Green card), or Resident Aliens. For all foreigners or nonresident aliens, Sections A, B, and E must be completed. Section C & D can be left blank.
Please note, the use of “Cut & Paste” of signatures and dates in Section E is not acceptable as well as imitation digital signatures. Section E should be signed and dated in INK.
What’s the difference between Disbursement Voucher and Refund vendor types?
In most cases, choose Disbursement Voucher as the vendor type. Refund vendor types are established for one-time payments, e.g., when a UH event is cancelled, refunds are given to ticket purchasers. Do not confuse “refund” with “reimbursement”, i.e., if a vendor code for a student is coded as a Refund vendor type, KFS will not allow a reimbursement or stipend payment to that student. In ALL cases, if the tax number is available, select Disbursement Voucher as the vendor type as this will give the user more flexibility in making payments.
What do I do with checks with incorrect addresses for UH employees?
When Disbursing receives a returned check from the post office addressed to a UH employee, the returned check is sent to the employee’s department so the employee’s mailing address may be updated in PeopleSoft. Be sure to update the Home address in PeopleSoft. This may also be a good time to suggest the employee sign up for ePayment, i.e., direct deposit to their savings or checking account. For more info on ePayment:
How do I submit a Foreign Vendor request?
For new foreign vendors, foreign vendor edits and new foreign divisions, be sure to include the following in the description field: FO#-NRA Vendor Name or Last Name. Example: 060-NRA Viceroy India or 060-NRA Smith.
Is there a resource guide on vendor maintenance?
Yes, there is the Vendor Maintenance User Guide.
I am trying to update the vendor by adding a new division. KFS is prompting me to put the W9 sign date into the form, but there is no place that is allowing me to put the date. What do I do?
The solution is a two-step process. First, edit the parent vendor code and add the W-9 signed date. Submit the vendor request for the Disbursing Office’s approval. After the vendor request is approved, you can edit the suffix vendor in the same vendor code family or create a new Division vendor code.
Unfortunately, you will have to secure a new W-9 form from the vendor to input the W-9 Date field. Due to your KFS security profile, the system will not allow you to open any attachments in the vendor code which includes the W-9 form.
The above situation applies primarily to businesses that use IRS form W-9.
If you are trying to Edit or create a Division vendor request for an individual, you must remove YES from the W-9 field. Do not fill in the W-9 fields if you are using a UH WH-1 form.
A reference guide for new vendor fields may be found here.