Administrative Procedures
AP 8.701 Receipting and Depositing of Funds Received by the University
Describes procedures for receipting, depositing, recording, reconciling and safeguarding of UH funds in accordance with State and UH policies.
AP 8.702 Establishment of Electronic Funds Transfer and Receipt of Funds
Describes procedures to establish and process electronic funds transfer agreements with government agencies and other businesses.
AP 8.710 Credit Card Administration
Describes procedures for participation in the University’s credit card program and the University’s PCI compliance process.
AP 8.740 Dishonored Checks
Describes procedures for the processing of dishonored checks.
AP 8.750 Establishment and Maintenance of Change Funds
Describes procedures to establish and administer change funds.
AP 8.760 IRS Compliance for Reporting Cash Payments Over $10,000
Describes reporting requirements for cash payments over $10,000 in any 12-month period.