Administrative Procedures
AP 8.602 General Ledger
Describes the general ledger and use of general ledger accounts in the University’s accounting system.
AP 8.611 Account Code
To describe the structure and purpose of the University’s account code.
AP 8.612 Establishment and Maintenance of Account Codes
Guidelines and responsibilities for the maintenance and creation of University account codes.
AP 8.615 Object Codes
Procedures to establish object codes, a required accounting string element that classifies income, expense, asset, liability or fund balance transactions.
AP 8.617 Revenue and Higher Education Function Codes
To describe the purpose and role of the function code account attribute in the University’s Kuali Financial System.
AP 8.619 Fund Groups
To provide an understanding of the funds and fund groups used in the University Financial System.
AP 8.650 Continuation and General Clearing Accounts
Procedural guidelines for accounts designated to accept transactions initially coded to an expired account.