Frequently Asked Questions
What is an account code?
The account code is a seven (7) digit number representing a functional unit established for a specific purpose with one individual having primary responsibility for it. It monitors the financial activities for a functional unit.
When should I create a new account code?
New accounts shall be established whenever separate accounting and reporting are required for legal, organization, or functional reasons.
An account shall not be established for record-keeping purposes which can be accomplished by the proper use of sub-accounts.
How do I create a new account?
You can copy an existing account or create a new one by clicking on the “create new” button in KFS.
What is a sub-account?
A sub-account is an optional part of the accounting string that allows departments and units to track financial activity within a particular account at a finer level of detail. Sub-accounts can be used to help track income and expenses when several different activities may be funded by the same account.
What is an account delegate?
Account delegates are KFS users that are authorized under certain circumstances to take workflow actions on a document in the place of an account’s Fiscal Administrator. An authorized delegate can take any action that is available to an FA, including the power to approve or disapprove transactions. Account delegation is specific to an account and a document type and may also be limited based on the dollar amount of the document. Delegation only allows a user to approve on behalf of the FA, when a document is at the account routing level.
What is an NI account?
An NI account is an account on the Non-Imposed (NI) Chart. Accounts that are non-imposed (G fund accounts, accounts with UH Fund Appropriation S397xx, and some Federal accounts) do not get charged employer payroll fringe since the State pays for it. For financial statement purposes, we need to keep track of these non-imposed fringes without charging your accounts during months 1 – 12. The NI chart is what we use in KFS to record the non-imposed fringes. So, for every non-imposed account you have, there should be the same account on the NI chart.
What are extramural accounts?
Extramural accounts are accounts set up by the Office of Research Services (ORS) for funding provided by an external (outside the University) organization (i.e. Federal, State). Please go the ORS website for more information.
How do I close an account?
For ORS accounts please check with your ORS accountant. For non-ORS accounts, you may close your accounts if BOTH of the following conditions are met:
- There are no current fiscal year transactions;
- There are no prior fiscal year, month 13, transactions.
In addition, KFS will not allow an account to be closed if there are balance sheet balances remaining in your accounts (i.e. cash, A/R). If you have a non-imposed account you want to close, GALC will close the corresponding NI account for you (i.e. If FA closes a G fund MA account, GALC will close the same account on the NI chart).
Why was my account closed and how do I re-open a closed account?
Many accounts were closed to reduce administrative workload and to improve accurate and consistent reporting. To re-open closed accounts please contact General Accounting for non-extramural accounts and ORS for extramural accounts via email and include re-open closed account in the subject line.