FMO Newsletter-November 2023

This issue of the Financial Management Office Newsletter includes information about the following:

The Financial Management Office Newsletter is distributed monthly.  Should you have any questions about this newsletter, contact Amy Kunz via email:

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11/1 Fiscal Administrators Town Hall Meeting Presentation and Recording

Target Audience: All

Thank you for attending the FA Town Hall on November 1, 2023.  We appreciate your attendance and questions.  For those that were not able to join live, or that want to reference the information, the PowerPoint presentation and webinar recording are available here.

If you have any questions or concerns, or have something that you would like to include at a future FA Town Hall, please let Amy know at

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S397 Payroll Transactions

Target Audience: Fiscal Administrators and Fiscal Support Staff

This fiscal year Payroll charges continue to be charged to expired appropriation S397 at the State.  Although the payroll transactions are being posted to the designated continuation account at the University of Hawai’i, these transactions have created discrepancies between the records of the State and the University of Hawai’i.  To avoid further discrepancies, please discontinue the use of S397 and update the appropriate employee records to the correct appropriation that is not S397.

Should there be any questions, please email

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2023 Wages-In-Kind (WIK) Processing Deadline

Target Audience: Fiscal Administrators

The Wages-In-Kind (WIK) processing deadline for Tax Year 2023 is November 30, 2023.  All DVs turned into the Disbursing Office on or prior to that date will be processed for Tax Year 2023.  Payments subject to this deadline include:

  • Same Day Travel Per Diem – $20 (Object Code 4352)
  • Mileage (Object Code 4152)
  • Auto Allowance (Object Code 4192)
  • Transportation Allowance (Object Code 4251 & 4252)
  • Cash Awards (Object Code 7244 & 7245)
  • Housing Allowance (Object Code 7248)
  • Relocation Allowance (Object Code 4891 & 4892)
  • Uniform Allowance (Object Code 7246)
  • Mobile Allowance (Object Code 3803)

DVs & PNFs received after the WIK deadline will be disapproved and will need to be resubmitted in January 2024.   

If there are any questions, please contact J.R. Kashiwamura at

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PCI DSS v4.0

Target Audience: Fiscal Administrators and Fiscal Support Staff

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) requirements provide technical and broad-ranging security requirements that must be met by all entities that accepts, transmits, or processes customer payments via credit cards.  

The updated v4.0 standards is intended to address evolving risks and threats to payment data and to reinforce security as a continuous process.  The current version of the standard, v3.2.1, will be retired as of March 31, 2024.  While many requirements remain the same, a significant change that will impact merchants collecting payments via e-commerce is that quarterly vulnerability scans must be performed by an Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV).  Vulnerabilities identified must be remediated such that a passing scan is achieved on a quarterly basis.  Compliance documentation from third party service providers must also be obtained, which may also require verification of the third party’s passing ASV scans.

Through the Bank of Hawaii Merchant Services Contract, the University is provided the Clover Security portal to complete annual Self-Assessment Questionnaires to demonstrate PCI DSS compliance.  The Clover Security portal will also provide access to run the ASV scans.  The portal will be updated to v4.0 standards on February 6, 2024.

Further information on the implementation of v4.0 standards will be provided via notification to the PCI DSS listserv regarding upcoming informational and training sessions related to PCI DSS v4.0.

Should you have any questions, please contact Joanne Yama at  

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