This issue of the Financial Management Office Newsletter includes information about the following:
- Message from Associate VP B&F / Controller Amy Kunz
- Fiscal Administrator (FA) vs. Organizational Purchasing Officer (OPO) roles for Approval of KFS Purchasing Documents
- Effective 8/15/23: Revised AP 8.851 Employee Out of State and Intra State Travel
- Uber/Lyft Reimbursements
- Disbursing Department Assignments for FY2024
- Save the Date – Thursday, July 27, 2023 – Informational Session on New Credit Card Contract
- Resources
The Financial Management Office Newsletter is distributed monthly. Should you have any questions about this newsletter, contact Amy Kunz via email:
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Message from Associate VP B&F / Controller Amy Kunz
Target Audience: All
Happy Fiscal New Year from FMO! We really appreciate each of you for the efforts made in the timely closing of fiscal year 2023. We know this is a time crunch but we also hope the adjustments made to the closing calendar gave you more time to do this important work. Feedback on the process is always welcomed and appreciated.
We have had some recent personnel changes in FMO so I wanted to introduce you to the new staff so you are familiar with names that you might be seeing via email or telephone requests. We are excited with the experience that each of these people bring to their positions to help FMO be more efficient and new sets of eyes always open new opportunities for improvement.
Suzanne Efhan is the new General Accounting and Capital Assets Accounting Director. She is taking the place of Karen Morimoto, who is planning to retire in December. Karen will be providing training and support to Suzanne as we complete year end and the external audit.
Leanne Okai and Tiffany Suefuji have joined the team in General Accounting as Fiscal Accounting Specialists.
Faye Sueoka has joined the Treasury team as the Administrative & Fiscal Support Specialist.
Nicole Wakui has joined the Bursar’s office as a Fiscal Accounting Specialist.
Again, thank you for all you do! We wish you the best in FY2024! Please feel free to provide any feedback or suggestions to Amy Kunz at
Fiscal Administrator (FA) vs. Organizational Purchasing Officer (OPO) roles for Approval of KFS Purchasing Documents
Target Audience: Fiscal Administrators and Organizational Purchasing Officers
In KFS, some departments have the same group of users set up as both an FA (or Account Delegate) and an OPO. Other departments may assign these roles to different users, or may have numerous organization codes with different OPOs assigned to each. The information below is provided to clarify how KFS determines routing of purchasing documents to the FA and OPO.
In KFS, routing of purchasing documents to the FA and OPO are determined by different criteria:
- The FA is approving for fiscal authority (i.e., availability of funds) on an account; and routing of the REQS and Purchase Order Amendment (POA) for FA approval is based on the accounts used on the respective REQS and POA documents.
- KFS routes the REQS and POA to each FA (and each account delegate), for ALL accounts on the REQS or POA, including accounts which are not affected by changes on a POA.
- The OPO is approving for purchasing authority (i.e., purchasing rules and requirements met) on the PO and POA; and routing of the PO and POA for OPO approval is based on the respective PO’s chart and organization code (Chart/Org) and to the OPO(s) assigned to that Chart/Org.
- Note: The PO Chart/Org is transferred from the REQS. The Chart/Org on the REQS is determined by the Initiator’s primary department code, but can also be manually changed on the REQS. It is possible, but not recommended to change the Chart/Org on a POA. Having a different Chart/Org (and possibly a different OPO approver) on the PO vs. POA may cause confusion.
- Departmental purchasing staff responsible for processing and approving POs must be assigned Role 10007, Organizational Purchasing Officer (OPO). A user may be assigned the OPO role for multiple Chart/Orgs.
- If an organization code does not have an OPO assigned, KFS routes the PO or POA to the OPO assigned to the next higher organization code in the Organization Hierarchy.
- Example Org Hierarchy: MA/CDS -> MA/RSED -> MA/DNED -> MA/SCAA -> MA/PROV -> MA/PRES
- MA/RSED does not have an OPO assigned
- MA/DNED has multiple OPOs assigned
- A PO with Chart/Org=MA/RSED, will route to the OPOs for MA/DNED, the next higher organization code in the Organization Hierarchy.
- Example Org Hierarchy: MA/CDS -> MA/RSED -> MA/DNED -> MA/SCAA -> MA/PROV -> MA/PRES
- If an organization code has one or more OPOs assigned, the PO or POA will only route to those OPOs. OPOs assigned to higher organization codes in the Organization Hierarchy will not be able to approve.
- Example Org Hierarchy: MA/CDS -> MA/RSED -> MA/DNED -> MA/SCAA -> MA/PROV -> MA/PRES
- MA/CDS has one OPO assigned
- A PO with Chart/Org=MA/CDS will only route to the OPO assigned to MA/CDS. OPOs for the next higher organization codes MA/DNED and MA/SCAA will not be able to approve.
- Example Org Hierarchy: MA/CDS -> MA/RSED -> MA/DNED -> MA/SCAA -> MA/PROV -> MA/PRES
This information can also be found in the Purchasing section of the Fiscal Services FAQs, in the FAQ “I am a Fiscal Administrator (FA) and an Organizational Purchasing Officer (OPO) for my department. Why didn’t the Purchase Order (PO) route to me for OPO approval after I approved the Requisition (REQS) as FA?”
If you have any questions, please contact the Fiscal Services Office at
Effective 8/15/23: Revised AP 8.851 Employee Out of State and Intra State Travel
Target Audience: Fiscal Administrators and Fiscal Support Staff
On August 15, 2023, employee travel advance eligibility will change.
Under the new AP 8.851, travel advances may be granted to active employees:
- Set up to receive advances via ePayment.
- To individuals with no other outstanding travel completions associated with an advance more than 30 days after the return date from their previous trip(s).
- For Lodging up to the Federal Allowable Rate (FAR) or the quoted cost, whichever is lesser.
- For M&IE up to the Federal Allowable Rate (FAR)
- For airfare and conference fees with receipt.
- For unconventional travel expenses such as:
- Student athlete travel associated with athletic completions and recruiting where PCards are Purchase Orders (POs) are not feasible.
- Student travel relating to University-sanctioned business as well as any travel related to a chartered student organization. Students must not have any other outstanding advances more than 30 days after the return from a previous trip.
- Travel related to teaching for the Study Abroad Program.
- Research travel in remote areas.
We highly encourage employees to work with their supervisors or business office to pay for their up-front travel costs through PCard or PO (airfare, lodging and conference fees, etc.). For other out-of-pocket expenses, the turn-around time for reimbursement currently averages 9 calendar days from the time the travel completion is submitted. For even faster reimbursement, we recommend travelers sign up for ePayment to receive reimbursements electronically via direct deposit.
We understand that employees may have incurred out-of-pocket expenses prior to the implementation of this change. With that in mind, Disbursing will accept requests for travel advances through September 15, 2023 for out-of-pocket expenses incurred prior to August 15, 2023.
The Administrative Procedure (AP) was forwarded to UHPA, HGEA and UPW for comments and feedback. It was also vetted to various UH departments, including Community Colleges and system offices prior to submission. We want to thank those that participated in the feedback loop to improve the AP and that the AP will become a workable solution going forward.
Should there be any questions regarding these changes, please email
Uber/Lyft Reimbursements
Target Audience: Fiscal Administrators and Fiscal Support Staff
As a reminder, tips and wait time charges for Uber and Lyft are not reimbursable expenses. A list of allowable and disallowable expenses can be found on the eTravel FAQs.
For questions, please email
Disbursing Departmental Assignments for FY2024
Target Audience: Fiscal Administrators
The departmental assignments for FY2024 have been posted to the FMO website.
For questions, please call the Disbursing Office at (808) 956-5535.
Save the Date – Thursday, July 27, 2023 – Informational Session on New Credit Card Contract
Target Audience: Fiscal Administrators
The current credit card contract will be expiring on July 31, 2023 and a new Merchant Services (Credit Card) Contract with Bank of Hawaii will begin effective August 1, 2023.
An informational Zoom session is planned for Thursday, July 27, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. Bank of Hawaii will be presenting reminders on card brand requirements and best practices for merchant operations. Under the new contract, the merchant fees will be based on Cost Plus pricing. Information of this change will also be discussed at this session.
All merchant staff are welcome to attend. We are requiring attendance by the Merchant Account Contacts and Fiscal Administrators. Registration information will be sent to the PCI DSS Listserv once available. The PCI DSS Listserv includes the Merchant Account Contact, Fiscal Administrator, IT Contact and Department Head designated on the AP 8.710 Appendix B form submitted. The session will be recorded for those not able to attend the live session.
For questions, please contact Joanne Yama at