This issue of the Financial Management Office Newsletter includes information about the following:
- REMINDER: Retirement of the UH Pay Stub Application Effective 12/31/22
- Annual Nonresident Alien (NRA) Assessment for 2023
- Updated UH WH-1 Form Available for 2023
- Same Day Travel Completions Received After the WIK Deadline
- Resources
The FMO Newsletter is distributed monthly. Should you have any questions about this newsletter, contact Amy Kunz via email:
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REMINDER: Retirement of the UH Pay Stub Application Effective 12/31/22
Target Audience: Fiscal Administrators and Human Resources Specialists
Due to the transition to the Hawaii Information Portal (aka HIP) in 2019, please note the following:
- The UH Pay Stub Application will be retired effective December 31, 2022
- The UH Pay Stub Application includes pay statements for pay dates November 3, 2000 to current
Once the UH Pay Stub Application is retired:
- Employees will no longer have access to their pay statements for pay dates November 3, 2000 through December 20, 2018
- Employees will only have access to pay statements that were issued in HIP from January 5, 2019 to current
- Pay statements will not be available for printing prior to January 5, 2019
Things to do from now until December 31, 2022:
- If interested, download pay statements (via the UH Pay Stub Application) from November 2000 through December 20, 2018
- Suggest to only download the last pay statement of the year instead of 24 pay statements per year
For more information, please contact the Payroll Office at
Annual Nonresident Alien (NRA) Assessment for 2023
Target Audience: Administrative Officers, Fiscal Administrators, Business Office Staff
To determine if an individual working at the University of Hawai’i on an F-1 or J-1 type visa have been in the USA long enough to qualify as a Resident Alien, the Disbursing Office will be conducting its annual January NRA assessment of all foreign individuals.
The individual benefits from this assessment whereby if they pass the IRS Substantial Presence Test (SPT), the University is no longer required to withhold 14% for 1042 taxes from their fellowship payments. In addition, providing an updated WH-1 during the annual assessment will facilitate payments and tax forms going to the correct mailing address.
All departmental business offices are required to have their NRA personnel fill out the updated 2023 version of the UH WH-1 form and attach copies of all supporting documentation as required and listed at the top of the first page of the WH-1.
Please scan the supporting documentation and submit an EDIT vendor request on KFS. The vendor request should list in the DESCRIPTION field the following: FO Code #, NRA Update, LAST NAME. Please remember to review your scanned images before attaching to ensure scanned documents are readable, passport ID or visa numbers and dates are clear to avoid your vendor request being disapproved.
NRA assessments must be completed before a payment can be made each calendar year.
If there are any questions regarding this process, please contact Donnie Feng, Disbursing Office at
Updated UH WH-1 Form Available for 2023
Target Audience: Administrative Officers, Fiscal Administrators, Business Office Staff
The UH WH-1 has been revised and posted to the FMO website. You can find the form at this site page: Payment/Reimbursement -> Forms-Disbursing -> Miscellaneous Forms
All previous versions of this form should be discarded. Please update your forms accordingly.
If there are any questions regarding this process, please contact Donnie Feng, Disbursing Office at
Same Day Travel Completions Received After the WIK Deadline
Target Audience: Administrative Officers, Fiscal Administrators, Business Office Staff
The Wages-in-Kind (WIK) processing deadline for Tax Year 2022 was December 5, 2022. Same Day Travel completions with a $20 allowance will be denied by the Disbursing Office and the department will need to resubmit in January 2023.
If the same day travel includes out-of-pocket expenses (e.g. airfare, car rental, etc.), the Disbursing Office will process the completion provided it does not include the $20 allowance. The $20 allowance can be processed separately in January as a revision.
If there are any questions regarding this process, please email the Disbursing Office at