FMO Newsletter-November 2022

This issue of the Financial Management Office Newsletter includes information about the following:

The FMO Newsletter is distributed monthly.  Should you have any questions about this newsletter, contact Amy Kunz via email:

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Announcement: Disbursement Voucher Processing for UH Students

Target Audience: All

The Financial Aid Office is required to report all educational resources that a student receives in calculating their eligibility for financial aid. This includes grants, scholarships, stipends, fellowships and payments that are provided to students outside of Banner. This also includes payments that are provided to students from an external grant program from another UH campus (campus other than student’s home campus).

To ensure all resources are accounted for, please make sure to include the UH ID number when processing Disbursement Voucher payments for any UH student. While this field is optional, it must be populated in order for Financial Aid to properly identify students for compliance. We appreciate your assistance!

If you have any questions or need clarification, please contact Cathy Bio at

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2022 Wages-In-Kind (WIK) Processing Deadline

Target Audience: Fiscal Administrators

The Wages-In-Kind (WIK) processing deadline for Tax Year 2022 is December 5, 2022.  All DVs turned into the Disbursing Office on or prior to that date will be processed for Tax Year 2022.  Payments subject to this deadline include:

  • Same Day Travel Per Diem – $20 (Object Code 4352)
  • Mileage (Object Code 4152)
  • Auto Allowance (Object Code 4192)
  • Transportation Allowance (Object Code 4251 & 4252)
  • Cash Awards (Object Code 7244)
  • Housing Allowance (Object Code 7248)
  • Relocation Allowance (Object Code 4891 & 4892)
  • Uniform Allowance (Object Code 7246)

DVs & PNFs received after the WIK deadline will be disapproved and will need to be resubmitted in January 2023.   

If there are any questions, please contact J.R. Kashiwamura at

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REMINDER:  Retirement of the UH Pay Stub Application Effective 12/31/22

Target Audience: Fiscal Administrators and Human Resources Specialists

As mentioned in the August 2022 newsletter, due to the transition to the Hawaii Information Portal (aka HIP) in 2019, please note the following:

Once the UH Pay Stub Application is retired:

  • Employees will no longer have access to their pay statements for pay dates November 3, 2000 through December 20, 2018
  • Employees will only have access to pay statements that were issued in HIP from January 5, 2019 to current
  • Pay statements will not be available for printing prior to January 5, 2019

If interested, from now until December 31, 2022, download pay statements (via the UH Pay Stub Application) and save to a personal device for dates from November 2000 through December 20, 2018.  It is suggested to only download the last pay statement of the year instead of 24 pay statements per year.

For more information, please contact the Payroll Office at

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