FMO Newsletter-January 2022

This issue of the Financial Management Office Newsletter includes information about the following:


The FMO Newletter is distributed monthly.  Should you have any questions about this newsletter, contact Amy Kunz via email at

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Act 176, Session Laws of Hawai`i 2021

Target Audience: Fiscal Administrators and Staff

This is to inform you that the Governor signed into law, Act 176, SLH 2021, which will impact the selection of object codes when agricultural products are purchased.  Act 176 requires and establishes benchmarks for each state department, including the University of Hawai`i, to ensure that a certain percentage of the produce purchased by that department consists of fresh local agricultural products or local value-added, processed, agricultural, or food products.  UH will also need to submit a report on this annually and will need to know how much locally produced agricultural products are purchased compared to the same from outside of the state. 

We have established object codes to capture the required data for tracking and reporting purposes.  Beginning January 1, 2022, the two new object codes to choose from when purchasing and expending for purchases of these types of products are:


Act 176 defines “fresh local agricultural products” as “fruits, vegetables, nuts, coffee, eggs, poultry and poultry products, livestock and livestock products, milk and milk products, aquacultural and maricultural products, and horticultural products.” It also defines “local value-added, processed, agricultural, or food products” as “at least fifty-one per cent of the product’s primary agricultural product is grown, raised, and harvested in Hawai‘i.”

If there are any questions, please contact the Government Relations Office at (808) 956-4250.

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Student Refund Processing Timeline Changes

Target Audience: All

The University has made changes to the refund processing timeline for student refunds processed through Banner. Refunds will be consolidated and processed three times a month on the 10th, 20th and the last day of the month; however, January will have an additional run on the 14th. Student accounts anticipating a refund due to a financial aid disbursement credit, will be initiated on the next available refund day after a disbursement occurs. Non-financial aid refunds will be initiated on the next available refund day after the credit is posted to their account.

The following is the disbursement timeline and refund Initiation:

Financial aid funds disbursed from 01/01/22 through 01/06/22, refunds will be initiated on 01/06/22.

Financial aid funds disbursed from 01/07/22 through 01/12/22, refunds will be initiated on 01/14/22.

Financial aid funds disbursed from 01/13/22 through 01/18/22, refund will be initiated on 01/20/22.

Financial aid funds disbursed from 01/19/22 through 01/27/22, refunds will be initiated on 01/27/22.

Once a refund is initiated, depending on how the student has selected to receive their refund, they can expect to receive it within the following timeframes:

eRefund 2-3 business days
Credit Card Refund 3-5 business days
Paper Check Refund 5-7 business days but dependent on US Postal Service

Students, faculty and staff have been advised of this new procedural change by email communication sent on December 23, 2021. Information has been provided via University Policy and Procedure AP 8.770 and how to sign-up for eRefunds.  Also, AP 8.802 outlines the requirement to enroll in direct deposit and/or ACH for all payments, unless otherwise prohibited by state or federal laws and regulations.

If there are any questions, please contact Denise DeArment at (808) 956-2934.

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Quarterly Interest Rate for Late Vendor Payments

Target Audience: Fiscal Administrators and Fiscal Support Staff

Pursuant to Section 103-10 of the Hawai`i Revised Statutes, the interest rate for obligations related to goods delivered or services performed remaining unpaid after 30 days is equal to the prime rate for each calendar quarter plus two percent. The interest rate is adjusted quarterly using the prime rate as posted in the Wall Street Journal on the first business day of the month preceding the calendar quarter. Please refer here for the 1st quarter interest rate and calculation.

Should there be any questions regarding this change, please call the Disbursing Office at (808) 956-5535.

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2022 Payroll Deadlines

Target Audience: Fiscal Administrators and Human Resources Specialists

The 2022 Payroll deadlines have been uploaded to the Payroll website. To view the 2022 deadlines, please visit the Payroll AO/PO section or click on the links below.   

Pay Schedule
Payroll Calendar
Payroll Deadlines (Lag)
Payroll Deadlines (After-the-Fact)
SECE Timesheet Deadlines
TAPS Timesheet Deadlines

For more information, please contact the Payroll Office at

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2021 W2s Distribution

Target Audience: All

Per DAGS, we are expecting W2s to be available by January 25, 2022.  Employees who opted out of paper should be able to see their W2s online a few days in advance of paper distribution.

This year, the UH Payroll Office will be providing a listing of employees (sorted by warrant distribution codes) who received a W2 as well as employees that provided consent to opt of paper.

For any questions, please contact the Payroll Office at

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2022 Federal Allowable Mileage Rates

Target Audience: Fiscal Administrators

Effective January 1, 2022, the Federal allowable standard mileage rate for business has changed to 58.5 cents per mile.  Business mileage claims of 58.5 cents per mile are to be processed on the Personal Automobile Mileage Voucher, DISB-33.  The form DISB-33 can be found on the Travel forms page.

To view the notice, please visit here.  For more information, please call the Disbursing Office at (808) 956-5535.

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State of Hawai‘i Automated Clearing House Vendor Payment Project

Target Audience: All

The State of Hawai‘i (State) is in the process of implementing vendor payments via electronic payments.  University departments, as a vendor of the various State agencies, currently receive payments from the State via check payment. 

The Treasury Office is working with the State to coordinate the electronic payments via Automated Clearing House (ACH) for invoice payments due to the University.  While the State may offer other types of electronic payment options, the University will only allow payments via ACH.  If any department receives communication directly from the State in their implementation process, please contact Joanne Yama of the Treasury Office and do not take any action on the communication received. The Treasury Office will serve as the central contact for the on-boarding process.

Further information for this State vendor payment project will be provided when available. 

Should you have any questions, please contact Joanne Yama at

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JasperReports Server Survey

Target Audience: JasperReports Server Users

It has been a year since JasperReports Server (JRS) was implemented and eThority was discontinued.  All of the global reports and data that was available in eThority have been converted with some changes for performance.  To assist us in determining how to improve JRS, we created a survey to collect your feedback.  We would appreciate your response by 1/31/2022.

If you have any questions, please contact the Fiscal Services Office.

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Old Enroute Requisitions will be SuperUser Disapproved

Target Audience: Fiscal Administrators

There are many old Requisitions that are in Enroute status in KFS. As part of a system
cleanup, these old Enroute Requisitions will be SuperUser Disapproved by Fiscal Services
during the month of February, 2022. Currently, this applies to any Requisition that was
created before Fiscal Year 2020 and has not been updated since June 30, 2019. Initiators
and any user who previously approved these Requisitions, will receive the system generated
Acknowledge action request once the Requisitions are SuperUser Disapproved.

If you have any questions, please contact the Fiscal Services Office at

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Valuable Tax Information from Past Newsletters in FMO Website

Target Audience: Fiscal Administrators

In the December FMO Newsletter, we advised that we would remove newsletters over two years as part of the effort to maintain an accessible website.  (note:  FMO newsletters started on December 2015).

For the tax articles, most of the information has been inserted in the Tax Services FAQ section of the FMO website.

Please reference the FAQ section to find valuable tax information to assist you on tax related topics and always feel free to reach out for any fact specific circumstance for additional assistance.

Should you have any questions, please contact Kenneth Lum at

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