Aloha Kauʻiokahaloa Nui residents and Neighbors,
University Housing received the following update regarding the Woodlawn Drive Bridge Stream Project:
UPDATE – Mānoa Stream Improvements at Woodlawn Drive Bridge, DLNR Job No. J38CO56A
Frank Coluccio Construction Company
Beginning of Phase 1 Construction – Upstream, underneath and downstream areas of the existing Woodlawn Drive Bridge. The Contractor will set up temporary construction fencing with dust screens along the perimeter of the construction base yard & Mauka / Koko Head side of stream, and setup Best Management Practices (BMPs). BMPs are practices used to reduce runoff around the project site and within the stream.
The contractor will be installing a filter fabric on the 6-foot high perimeter fencing to minimize dust from the project site. The contractor will also install biosock bags along the base of the perimeter fencing to prevent water runoff into areas outside of the project site.
The Contractor will also begin working on setting up the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) site for sediment basins.
Large trucks and excavator(s) will be used around all areas of the Bridge (ʻEwa / Koko Head & Mauka / Makai).
Monday, June 25, 2018 — Approximately Friday, September 28, 2018
HOURS OF CONSTRUCTION: Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Please note that there will be no work occurring on the July 4th holiday.
ACCESSIBLE ROUTES: Accessible routes along the Woodlawn Drive Bridge and sidewalks will not be affected, except for the beginning and end of the workday when equipment is moved to continue work and stored overnights and weekends in the base yard.
ADVISORY: All persons in the vicinity of this construction project are advised to respect all construction barricades and all posted safety/detour signs. Your patience, cooperation and understanding are requested as the inconveniences inherent to construction (noise, dust, odors and debris) are generated by this project.
Organizers of upcoming UHM events or ad hoc projects in the vicinity of the construction project are encouraged to contact the Construction Manager to discuss coordination to avoid any conflicts.
PROJECT CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT CONTACT: Anyone with questions, concerns or comments regarding this Notice of Construction may call Joseph Hart, Project Construction Manager, at (808) 216-4918, or e-mail at
We are committed to timely communication and will be providing regular updates via email as the project progresses.
Andy Lachman
University Housing Manager