Business/Fiscal Officer Role

I have fiscal authority for travel documents . . .
Business/Fiscal Office Groups are Defined in Profiler

The following apply:
  • Business Office Groups are based on the department's FO Code.
  • If you are a Lead FO and a new group must be established, email
  • There are two ways users may be added to a Business Office Group:
    1. By FO Code
    2. By UH Username (for users who aren't assigned to an FO Code but have fiscal authority)
  • If you need to be added to a specific Business Office Group, contact the Fiscal Administrator of that dept.  
  • Each travel document is associated with a Business Office, so you will have access to all travel documents for the Business Office(s) you are a member of. Users *may* belong to more than one Business Office.
  • Anyone can view Business Office Groups in Profiler.
If you are preparing travel documents for a Traveler, see the Preparer Role section. The information below are notes for those serving in a fiscal capacity.

Before the Trip

This section is currently under construction....