Q:   How do I know what account number to use?  
A:   Check with your Program Manager, Fiscal Administrator, or the Fiscal Office responsible for approving the travel document.

Note:  In eTravel, the account code is not required until the Business/Fiscal Office clicks the Approve button. This allows the document to the submitted to the Fiscal Office so they can fill in the appropriate account codes.
Q:   How do I allocate costs among multiple account codes?
A:   eTravel has 3 Accounting Methods:
  1. By Percentage -- select this option to allocate costs by a percentage, for up to a maximum of 5 account codes. Example: 60% to one account, and 40% to another.
  2. Fixed Amount -- select this option to allocate costs by a fixed dollar amount, for any number of account codes. Example: $1,001.23 to one account, and $502.77 to another.
  3. Manual -- select this option to allocate costs and subcodes to a specific account code. This option requires the most work but allows the most flexibility to allocate amounts by specific subcode. Any number of account codes may be used.
Q:   Why is a percent breakdown necessary if they are charging more than one extramural account?
A:   "By Percentage" is only one accounting method that may be used to allocate costs among multiple accounts. This method is ideal if all travel costs are being funded with one account code (where percentage = 100), or to split costs based on a percentage. However, if this method does not work for your specific travel scenario, you may select the "Fixed Amount" or "Manual" option.
Q:   How do I complete the JV section?  
A:   The JV section only displays on the Travel Completion if a travel advance was taken. At time of Travel Request, the travel advance is always recorded in KFS under subcode 4501. At time of Travel Completion, all amounts recorded under the 4501 subcode must be reversed to the actual expense subcodes. The "By Percentage" and "Fixed Amount" accounting methods will generate the JV section automatically and should be used whenever possible. If the "Manual" option must be used, please check with your Fiscal Administrator or reference the Travel Completion Guide on the FMO Travel website.
Q:   How do I know what subcode to use?
A:   Travel subcodes are based on the type of expense AND the destination. As an example, there are 3 different transportation subcodes, one for Intra-State travel, one for Out-of-State/CONUS travel, and one for Foreign/OCONUS travel. In eTravel, subcodes are automatic based on the expenses selected from the pull-down list, so users rarely have to deal with subcodes or know what subcodes to enter. Even with the Manual accounting method, eTravel validates dollar amounts and subcodes based on what's entered in the Expense section.
Q:   How do I process travel when it involves both UH funding and UH Foundation funding?
A:   In eTravel, as long as UH is paying for some of the expenses, you must select "UH Disbursing" in the "Process Via" field on Step 1 of the Request or Completion. Subsequently in the Expense section, select "UHF" as the Payment Method for all expenses that the UH Foundation is paying for. In addition, a copy must be submitted to UH Foundation to cover the remaining expenses.
Q:   How do I process travel entirely funded by UH Foundation or RCUH?
A:   For travels 100% paid through UH Foundation, use eTravel to create and submit the travel document and select "UH Foundation" in the "Process Via" field on Step 1 of the Request or Completion. Original documents must be submitted to UH Foundation for payment processing. For RCUH travel, process through the RCUH system.
Q:   If there's no cost to the University, does a Travel Request still have to be submitted?
A:   Yes. If the employee is traveling for official UH business, even if at no cost to the University, a Travel Request must be submitted to cover the traveler while he/she is away. In addition, in the event of a disaster, the University will be able to identify employees traveling in the area of the disaster.
Q:   Which campus will approve the travel paperwork if another campus's account code is used?  
A:   Obtain all of the necessary approvals (e.g. Intra-State and Out-of-State) from the traveler's campus/department. In addition, you must obtain the approval of the Approving Authority and Fiscal Administrator that is responsible for the account being charged.