Radiation Safety

The University of Hawai’i Radiation Safety Program was established to ensure the safe use of radioisotopes and radiation producing machines at its facilities and in accordance with Federal and State requirements. Radioactive materials are licensed at UH by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and radiation producing machines are licensed at UH by the Hawai’i Department of Health (DOH).

At the University of Hawai’i, the Laser Safety Program is organized and managed in the Radiation Safety Program. More information about the Laser Safety Program can be found on the Laser Safety Program page.

To get started working with or around radioactive materials follow the instructions in the EGL-1, Radiation Safety Program – Onboarding and Maintaining Compliance Guide.

Radiation Safety Program Services:

  • Provide workers with basic fundamental training on the hazards of working with radioactive materials.
  • Provide and maintain the Environmental Health & Safety Assistant (EHSA) web-based software platform to manage radioisotopes.
  • Provide calibration of Geiger-Mueller detectors used for contamination surveys.
  • Provide radiation dosimetry when required by the regulations.
  • Maintains records in the EHSA on training, inspections, and surveys as required by NRC.
  • Provides leak testing for all sealed sources.
  • Provides radioactive waste disposal.


  • New radiation workers are required to follow the onboarding process prior to working with radioactive materials.
  • Please remember to update your information in the EHSA web-based software platform.
  • Please remember to secure your radioactive material after delivery and after use.
  • Contact radsafe@hawaii.edu if you have any questions.

Radiation Safety Training
Reference Materials
Links to Related Sites