Below are strategies to find other funding sources within the UH system but separate from the FAFSA application process.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Be sure to review all these strategies before submitting any applications so you have a thorough overview of how the different pieces fit together, especially for funding sources available through common applications like the UH system Common Application. Completing only one strategy at a time is not recommended as you may miss key points. Applications cannot be edited or redone after submission.
Strategy 1: Use UH Foundation scholarship search engine
![University of Hawaii Foundation](
The University of Hawaiʻi (UH) Foundation awards about $5 million annually from various private and corporate donations. Some scholarships are available to students across all UH campuses, whereas others are for students of a particular UH campus.
You can do a search to find scholarships across the UH system that pertain to you. Click on the title of each scholarship that shows up in your search. Read the “Description” and other criteria carefully to make sure you qualify. Scroll down to “Application Info” for directions and/or links on how to apply–but do not apply just yet! See Strategy 3 and continue searching.
Video Tutorial: UH Foundation Keyword Search
**Many of the funding sources you find through the UH Foundation will direct you to complete the UH System Common Scholarship Application (see below for application link & other tips). Be sure to follow Strategy 3 and review the Tips to Apply for the UH System Common Scholarship before you submit the UH System Common Scholarship Application; once you submit this application, you cannot go back to make changes.**
***IMPORTANT NOTE: If your search pulls up the Henry and Dorothy Castle Memorial ECE Scholarship and Mary Tenney Castle Memorial Graduate Fellowship, do not apply through the UH System Common Scholarship Application as instructed. Instead, follow the instructions for those scholarships posted in the List of Funding Sources for ECE Students.***
Strategy 2: Use keyword searches to find scholarships relevant to you
Save yourself and funders time and energy by only applying to scholarships that you meet the criteria. Applying to anything and everything even if it doesn’t apply to you doesn’t equate increasing your chances to receive scholarships. Here are some suggested keywords and/or types of keywords to use for ECE students.
Your Field of Study | Your Demographics | Where You Come From |
“early childhood education”* “preschool” “infant/toddler” “special needs” | ethnicity (e.g., “Chinese,” “Filipino,” “Japanese,” “Marshallese,” “Native Hawaiian” or however you identify) religious affiliation (e.g., “Bahai,” “Buddhist,” “Christian,” “Muslim”) life situation (e.g., “single parent,” “first generation college student,” “immigrant,” “veteran,” etc.) | where you live (by island, district, zip code and/or state) what school(s) you attended (some scholarships are awarded to alumnae of certain local high schools) your UH home campus (some scholarships are only for students at your UH home campus) |
Strategy 3: Keep track of which applications you must complete before applying
Before you apply to any particular funding source, you will want to do a comprehensive search first and keep track of which application you are directed to complete. Feel free to use this Sample Funding Tracking Sheet to help you keep track of all the funding sources for which you qualify and will apply.
For scholarships that direct you to complete a “common application,” you will want to make note of which scholarships fall under the same common application. This is because you can only submit a common application once, so you have one opportunity to state all the scholarships you wish to apply for in that one application. If you rush to submit a common application, and later find another scholarship that directs you to complete the common application you already submitted, you may not be able to go back and edit your application.
This strategy is especially important for all the funding sources that direct you to complete the UH System Common Scholarship Application and the UH Mānoa College of Education (COE) Common Scholarship.
Strategy 4: Check if these ECE scholarships might apply to you
Click below for a list of some ECE-focused scholarships found in the UH Foundation database that may apply to you. See the list under the header “UH System & Campus Specific Sources.” Search for each scholarship in the UH Foundation database (see Strategy 1). Carefully review the scholarship description(s) to ensure you meet the criteria before you apply.
Strategy 5: Visit your campus website for more campus-specific scholarships
Each UH campus may offer scholarships only available to its students that may or may not be listed in the UH Foundation database. Many UH campus websites may direct you to search and apply for scholarships through UH Foundation’s search engine anyway, but they may also post additional scholarships that you can’t find through UH Foundation. Visit your campus website to see if there are any additional scholarships for you.
Now Begin Applying!
As you get a sense of the various scholarships you are eligible for, and the different applications you will need to complete, then begin your applications.
UH System Common Scholarship Application
![University of Hawaii system](
All UH students should complete the UH System Common Scholarship Application even if you don’t have time to complete a scholarship search. While indicating which scholarships you wish to apply for through the UH System Common Scholarship Application will increase your chances of getting as much funding as possible, just completing the application (without even indicating which scholarships) could qualify you for some funding. Also see Tips to Apply for the UH System Common Scholarship.
STAR Scholarships for UH Mānoa Students only
![STAR UH Manoa scholarship search engine](
Some scholarships in the STAR system may be also be found using the UH Foundation search. Once you login to STAR, click on the menu tab “Keyword Search” to begin your search. Follow the same keyword search strategies stated above.
Sometimes you may come across scholarships in STAR that state “Scholarship is not open for student Applications,” especially the ones pertaining to “early childhood education.” Double check to see if that same scholarship is listed in the List of ECE-Related Funding Sources and you will find the correct application link there. If it’s not listed there, then it may just not be available at this time.
For all scholarships that are available, there will be an “Apply” button you can click on and begin your application there.
UH Mānoa College of Education (COE) Common Scholarship Application
![UH Manoa College of Education](
For students in the College of Education (COE) at UH Mānoa only, additional scholarships are available through the COE Common Application (not to be mistaken with the UH System Common Scholarship Application). See Instructions & Descriptions for a list of available scholarships before you apply. You can do a keyword search by doing a “find” search in the Instructions & Descriptions document.
At the College of Education website, check out the “UH & Community Funding” tabs in the upper right corner for more funding sources for COE students.
NOTE: Be sure to complete the correct application
Most search engines like the UH Foundation and STAR will provide correct instructions on how to apply, however take note of the exceptions for certain scholarships highlighted in this website. If you’re not certain about any ECE-specific scholarships you found in your searches, be sure to review the List of ECE-Related Funding Sources. The links and instructions for how to apply on that page are correct. This is an imperfect system and we hope the information here can help you navigate process!
Tips for Successful Scholarship Applications
Once you’ve complete a comprehensive search of all the various scholarships you may qualify for, it’s time to start completing those applications! To maximize your chances of receiving as many funding sources as possible, follow the tips at the link below.
Finding External Sources of Funding (outside UH)
There are also many sources of funding outside of the UH system. Click below to find out more.