Coastal, or near shore, vegetation is found in a narrow zone (strand), near the ocean (or in some places close to the lagoon edge) on open sandy and rocky shores. Because the atolls and reef islands of the Marshall Islands have extensive sandy and rocky shores, this type of vegetation is common. Several plants found in this plant community are used traditionally for various purposes, including use as a windbreak and to control erosion.

Although plants of different forms, such as trees, shrubs, vines, and herbs, are all found in the coastal vegetation of the Marshall Islands, they share several things in common. For example, many produce seeds that float and are able to survive in saltwater for long periods of time. These seeds can be carried long distances by ocean currents. The strand plants also have to be able to survive in very sunny, often windy, salty conditions near the seashore. Many coastal plants are non-woody (herbs) with fleshy leaves and salty sap.

Additional Information About Coastal Areas

Vegetation Zones

Individual Plants

Marshallese Names Scientific Name Family Names
Atat Triumfetta procumbens Forst. f. Tiliaceae
Bōb Pandanus tectorius S. Parkinson ex z. Pandanaceae
Dāpijdekā Boerhavia sp. Nyctaginaceae
Kālōklōk Caesalpinia bonduc (L.) Roxb. Fabaceae
Kaar Premna serratifolia L. Verbenaceae
Kaōnōn Cassytha filiformis L. Lauraceae
Kiden Tournefortia argentea L. f. Boraginaceae
Kille Sophora tomentosa L. Fabaceae
Kino Phymatosorus grossus (Langsdorff & Fischer) Brownlie Polypodiaceae
Kinwōj Hedyotis biflora (L.) Lam. Rubiaceae
Kinwōj Synedrella nodiflora (L.) Gaertn. Rubiaceae
Kōñe or Kiej, Kiejor Pemphis acidula Forst. Lythraceae
Kōņņat Scaevola taccada Vahl Goodeniaceae
Kōņo Cordia subcordata Lam. Boraginaceae
Lukwej or
Calophyllum inophyllum L. Guttiferae

Marjej, or

Wollastonia biflora (L.) DC. Asteraceae
Markinenjojo Vigna marina (Burm.) Merr. Fabaceae
Marļap Canavalia sp. (Aubl.) Thou. Fabaceae
Marļap Ipomoea tuba (Schlecht.) Don. Convolvulaceae
Marpeļe Ipomoea macrantha (Schlecht.) Don. Convolvulaceae
Ňeñe Suriana maritima L. Simaroubaceae
Ni Cocos nucifera L. Palmae
Pādālijmaan Fimbristylis cymosa R. Br. Cyperaceae

Euphorbia atoto Forst. F.

Piñpiñ Hernandia nymphaeifolia L. Hernandiaceae
Topo Ipomoea pes-caprae) (L.) Sweet  Convolvulaceae
Utilomar Guettarda speciosa L. Rubiaceae
Wōp Barringtonia asiatica (L.) Kurz Lecythidacea
Wūjooj Lepturus repens (G.Forster) R.Br. Poaceae
Wūlej Clerodendrum inerme Grey Verbenaceae
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