Federated States of Micronesia
Capital | Palikir |
Population | 114,000 |
Political Regime | Federal Republic in Free Association with the US |
Major Religion | Roman Catholic; Congregational |
Official Languages | Chuukese, Pohnpeian, Kosraen, and Yapese |
Life Expectancy | 73.9 years |
GDP/Per Capita | $401.93 million (2018)/ $3,568 (2018) |
Land Area/EEZ Area | 271 mi^2/1,155,373 mi^2 |
National Policy Documents
Other Policy Documents
Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
The Federated States of Micronesia National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan
Federated States of Micronesia Intended Nationally Determined Contribution
Pacific Climate Change Portal