Pacific Island Mangrove Monitoring Network (PACMAN)

Contributed by Rich MacKenzie (

Sea-level rise (SLR) is the greatest future threat that intact Pacific island mangroves face. The loss of mangroves on Pacific Islands will have huge consequences on human populations that live on these islands as they rely heavily on mangroves for food, fiber, and fuel. Mangroves also protect human lives and coastal infrastructure from typhoons and tsunamis as well as flooding from king tides. The large amounts of carbon stored in mangrove sediments provide an important nature-based solution for climate change mitigation and adaptation. Mangroves have survived past increases in SLR by maintaining their forest floor elevation relative to sea level through root growth and sediment accumulation. Will mangroves continue to keep up with increased SLR rates predicted to occur over the next century and in the presence of human activities (e.g., deforestation, altered hydrology) that impede mangroves’ ability to pace SLR? Working together to monitor mangrove responses to rising seas in existing and new sites across PACMAN will provide this information, which can then be used by resource managers to more effectively conserve or restore mangroves that are resilient to SLR. More resilient mangroves can then continue to provide the goods and services vital for Pacific Islander existence.

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