Graduate Assistantships

Many CIS graduate students become Graduate Assistants (GAs) at UHM.

There are TA (Teaching Assistant) or RA (Research Assistant) opportunities on campus.

Students may be considered for teaching or research assistantships in one of the four participating programs. The availability of research assistantships varies depending on the needs of grants received by faculty. In general, the best way to be considered for such positions is to begin the program under other funding and then become involved in the research of the faculty.

In addition to the four sponsoring units, CIS PhD students have worked as Graduate Assistants (TA or RA) in these locations: Center on Disability Studies, Online Learning Academy, HICSS, Ethnic Studies Department.

Presently one graduate assistantship, assigned to assisting the chair in running the program, is allocated directly to CIS.




Openings for the UH system are posted at Work at UH website

Some graduate assistantships (GAs) include a tuition waiver, health benefits, as well as a stipend. while others are salary only. 

Most hire over the summer before fall classes begin. 

For more info on compensation and tax withholing, please refer to the following webpage (most of the PhD students start at Step 8):

Student jobs are available at following page: