Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)

Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) has a broad interdisciplinary nature. The following CIS faculty members are working on HCI projects that also extend to other areas:


  • Kim Binsted - Entertaining and Affective Intelligent Interfaces (principal investigator of HI-SEAS Project);
  • Scott Robertson - HCI issues in digital democracy, social computing and civic engagement (head of HICHI lab);
  • Dan Suthers - How representational affordances of interfaces affect collaboration (director of LILIT lab).
Interdisciplinary PhD HCI research

Intelligent Agents & Human-Robot Interaction
Nancy Reed is currently active in two funded research projects, the first focuses on developing autonomous agents in software and robotic applications (e.g. one environment examined is the TACSI Tactical Aircraft Simulator developed at Saab, AB), and the second (EASE - An End-user Actor Specification Environment) focuses on using artificial intelligence to support decision making, applications include the diagnosis of congenital heart defects.

Other CIS faculty currently working in the Intelligent Agents & Human-Robot Interaction area are Susanne Still and David Chin

Adaptive Interfaces
Martha Crosby is currently researching different types of physiological measures used to assess the computer user’s cognitive state. Recent work includes HCI applications of eye tracking and the pressures applied when using a computer mouse.