CIS 720 Seminar – How do you fund your PhD?

Please join us on Monday April 1, 4:30-5:30 in Hamilton Library 3F, for a talk by CIS PhD students Jennifer Beamer, Stasha Gardasevic and Kelsea Hosoda. 
In this seminar, the panelists will share their experiences in identifying, applying, and obtaining scholarships, grants, fellowships, TA/GAships, jobs, and conference funding. Each of the different funding sources will be contextualized from the perspective of PhD students. We will share the pros and cons of each of the funding types, provide anecdotes on funding for international students, and even address how the funding relates to taxes and student loans. We will conclude with a discussion on funding success stories and strategies for finding funding.
About Panelists:
Jennifer Beamer is in her 4th year of the CIS program. Jennifer worked as an APT, and Faculty- Librarian At UH Manoa, for the majority of her program. She secured several small grants and scholarships for piloting her research, as well as for conference attendance to communicate the results.  Her research is focused on organizations that support institutional repositories – large web-based digital-asset management systems, through which research institutions and universities can promote, preserve research, scholarship, and conference papers, both in Japan and the United States. Presently Jennifer works as the Scholarly Communications Coordinator (Librarian) at The Claremont Colleges, in Claremont, California.

Stanislava Gardasevic (Stasha) is a 3rd year international PhD student. She has been the TA for the CIS program for the first two years, and now she is a TA for LIS (teaching few library technology related courses). Her background is in digital librarianship and her research topic is related to creating and visualizing knowledge graph based information system for intended to help PhD students in their progress towards the degree.

Dr. Kelsea Kanohokuahiwi Hosoda is graduating from the CIS program this Spring 2019 semester. During her 4 years as a PhD student, she successfully obtained over $50,000 in scholarship funding and over $40,000 in grants. To fund her PhD and support her family she also worked as an elementary Hawaiian language teacher, a graduate teaching assistant for the Communications department, started her own educational consulting business, and is currently working as a graduate assistant in the School of Ocean and Earth Sciences and Technology. In the past year, she was fully funded to attend five conferences where she presented different portions of her dissertation research focused on improving information retrieval of Hawaiian language text documents using natural language processing techniques.