CIS 720 Seminar – Dr. Dan Suthers on his interdisciplinary work with CIS

Please join us at the CIS 720 seminar from 4:30-5:30pm on Monday, 10/18, as we welcome Dr. Dan Suthers (ICS), who will talk about his interdisciplinary work with CIS.

Bio: I am a Professor in the Department of Information and Computer Sciences, a department I joined in part because of its openness to diverse and multidisciplinary research. My bio says that I study “cognitive, social and computational perspectives on designing and evaluating software for learning, collaboration, and community, with a current focus on social affordances of digital media and multilevel analysis of sociotechnical systems.” But what does this mean in a practical sense for students deciding whether I should be an advisor or committee member? Rather than giving a conventional talk on some current research project of my own, I will provide a “ground truth” answer relevant to students by surveying (and trying to make narrative sense of) the 14 completed PhD dissertations I have supervised, as well as some in progress.