Please join us on Monday, Feb 5th at 4:30 in HL 3F for a talk by Dr. Thayanan Phuaphanthong.
Thayanan is the Program Coordinator for the HICSS conference as well as a graduate of CIS.
Recalling Dr. Oppegaard’s and others’ advice to “get involved” with conferences as you grow your academic career, Thayanan will give us a behind-the-scenes view of how the HICSS program comes together each year, the various roles, deadlines, differences between tracks, mini-tracks, symposia, etc. and opportunities together involved as reviewer, author, mini track chair and so on
Thayanan recently accepted a full-time specialist role in Shider College where she also teaches in our undergraduate curriculum. She will also talk about taking the administrative route through higher ed after completing a PhD.
Please join us to welcome Thayanan back to CIS and learn about HICSS.
After the talk is “First Monday” at Manoa Gardens for all inclined to attend.
See you there.