Dr. Ryota Ono

CIS 720 Seminar – A Talk on Information and Communication Technology, Policy and Futures Studies

Please join us on Monday Jan 27, 4:30-5:30 (Hamilton Library 3F) for a talk by CIS alumnus Ryota Ono on Information and Communication Technology and Policy and Futures Studies.


Dr. Ryota Ono is Professor at the Department of Business Administration at Aichi University in Japan. He received his M.A. in Telecommunications from the University of Colorado at Boulder and obtained his Ph.D. in CIS at the University of Hawaii at Manoa (1996) . He started his academic career at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. Since 2000, he has worked for Aichi University.  He was a visiting scholar at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia, and is currently a visiting researcher in the College of Social Sciences at UHM.

Dr. Ono’s research focuses on Information and Communication Technology and Policy and Futures Studies. He is one of the few Future Studies scholars in Japan. He has published and coedited several books, including The Future Internet: Alternative Visions coedited with Dr. Jenifer Winter. His current research at UHM uses Futures Studies assumptions and methods to understand deeper causes and contexts for how individuals understand and make decisions about the future.