Campus: | University of Hawaii at Manoa | Course: | ICS 621 - Analysis of Algorithms |
Department: | Information& Computer Sciences | Crn (Section): | 79433 (001) |
1. Global appraisal: Overall how would you rate this INSTRUCTOR?
2. Considering everything, how would you rate the GA/TA’s sections of this COURSE?
3. Considering everything, how would you rate the LAB for this course?
4. What did you find most valuable and helpful about the instructor? |
I had a very unorthodox schedule this semester, but Nodari was very open about making special arrangements for office hours. He wants students in the class to participate so he'll often wait until an adequate number of students have made a solution before going over it in in-class exercises.
He typically posts his notes on the course website too if you miss class.
Very enthusiastic about subject material. Nice and very knowledgeable. Always willing to help out and explain material to students.
The instructor made the lectures clear and easy to follow, and made his office hours as accessible as possible for all students.
5. What did you find least valuable and helpful about the instructor? |
Nothing really. Perhaps a slight language barrier at times during lecture.
6. The instructor is fair and objective in evaluating students.
7. The instructor is well prepared and organized.
8. Which aspect of the course were most valuable? |
The assignments were all adequately challenging and served as good practice and review of material covered. As someone who took 311 from a different professor, I was able to pick up important lessons about proving correctness, approaching algorithm design, and the dangers of making assumptions that I don't feel I got before.
The research project is a challenging, but also good experience to have.
The in class lectures. He does a very good job of explaining the material and answers any questions students may have.
The lectures were easy to follow and very valuable, the homework was well balanced, and the final project was valuable as well.
9. Which aspect of the course were least valuable? |
I wasn't able to get much out of the programming assignments because my programming skills are rather iffy, but that is more of a personal problem than a problem with the course. I also bit off a little more than I could chew this semester and wasn't able to give the course the time it needed.
10. Other comments? |
11. The instructor was open to comments and questions.
12. The course was a valuable contribution to my education.
13. I learned a lot in this course.
14. The instructor treated students with respect.
15. The instructor demonstrated knowledge of the course content.
16. This course challenged me intellectually.
17. The instructor both sets high standards and helps students achieve them.
18. The instructor was available for consultation.
19. Considering everything, how would you rate this COURSE?
20. What was the format of this class?
online synchronous (class scheduled for particular days and times)
online asynchronous (class conducted online - no scheduled class meeting)
21. If you answered 'Other' for the question above, please specify. |
Nodari was on a trip for about two weeks so he taught via Zoom with slides. Otherwise the class was taught primary in person on a whiteboard.
22. The course is highly recommended if it were taught by this instructor
23. The instructor was enthusiastic about the course material
24. What changes would you make in the lectures? |
This is a class which takes place for about two and a half hours right after lunch time. There is usually a 5 minute break, but it made it difficult to focus sometimes due to hunger or feeling tired because of the meal.
More powerpoints as opposed to hand written notes.
25. What advice would you give to students, who might be taking this course in the future? |
This class is intended to be a direct continuation of ICS 311. If you haven't taken 311 with Nodari (I haven't) before I strongly suggest reviewing the following techniques from Discrete Math and Algorithms and Data Structures: Induction, Master Method, and Invariant Proofs. There are a number of ways you can practice these which are easily found online. It may also be very helpful to review Appendix A in the CLRS textbook and remember some summation patterns. I believe Nodari grades fairly, so if you receive any criticism in your returned assignments, take note of them so you don't repeat the same mistakes.
I also strongly suggest doing the recommended reading before lecture to make the lessons easier to follow. Actively write notes. And communicate with your classmates - I found them to be very helpful when doing assignments. Start assignments as early as possible, especially the one right before you start your Project.
Set a good amount of time aside for this course to get the most out of it.
Be very comfortable with programming in C because there are a fair amount of hard programming assignments, and you simply won't be able to do them if you have to spend time relearning the language as well. You could use other languages such as Python, but it won't run at the speed needed to complete computations in the allotted time for some assignments.
Start early on homeworks, and don't be afraid to go to office hours. This class is not hard if you do the very minimum, but you will get a lot more out of it if you attempt the optional homework problems and do the readings as well.