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Survey Results

Course Survey Results

Kimberly   Compoc   HIST363, Spring 2023

Campus: University of Hawaii West Oahu Course: HIST 363 - US Pop Mass & Counter Culture
Department:   Humanities Crn (Section):   66400 (1)    

1.   The instructor taught me methods of analysis for this field of study.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5)  N/A () 
4.67 18 0.59   0(0%) 0(0%) 1(6%) 4(22%) 13(72%) 0(0%)

2.   My overall evaluation of this course is...
Very Informative! I came into this class with little knowledge of the history of LGBTQIA+ people. I can now discuss what I learned with people around me that are interested in the history of LGBTQIA.
Overall, I enjoyed this course. I think I learned a lot about LGBTQIA+ issues in US History.
Interesting subject and topic and learned new things about the community and just in daily life
My overall evaluation of this course was that it was an amazing course. It was well taught and all the topics we went over in the class was properly explained.
The course helped me understand the LGBTQIA+ community, as well as the pop culture's influence in shaping the world today.
My overall evaluation of this course is that it gave me better insight on LGBTQ people in society with the help and instruction from the professor with the great lectures and information given to us each class.
It's a very informational, long, but entertaining class that delves into the course material through a number of interesting resources that we students discuss in the Zoom call and reflect on in the forums. I have a newfound understanding of everything the course has provided. It has allowed me to be a little more vulnerable through the encouragement of participation and my reflections on the content.
I really liked this class that i'm always excited to learn the new lesson from my professor.
I thought this was a very informative class that taught me about a diverse community that I didn't have much knowledge on. Professor Compoc is very enthusiastic about the LGBTQIA+ community, which caused the class to be thrilled on all the material we were provided. I also enjoyed the readings and videos that she made us read, write, and reflect on. As a general creative media major I can see how this class is fundamental for my future profession as a video maker.
A plentiful class that carefully deduces and analyzes courses throughout history, particularly that of pop culture and media, with a heavy focus on LGBTQ representation and involvement. It's a wonderful class that pays attention to detail and spends lengthy discussions to assure that most participants gain an understanding not only historically, but emotionally.
To begin with, very deceptive. The class name on registration did not outline that the "focus," or, more accurately, the center point, of the class would be LGBTQ ideologies. As a class, it was okay, but it was tiresome hearing agenda-driven indoctrination over education. Overall, I'm leaving this class relieved I don't have to take it again.
My overall evaluation of this course is that it was very informational and taught me a lot about the significance of the LGBTQIA+ community in films and media this semester. I felt enlightened on how to correctly address others that are a part of this community, and the professor was very kind and helpful.
Very enlightening course, I've learn a lot on the topics and history of LGBTQ in media. The workload was reasonable and the discussions were engaging.
This was an excellent course. I learned a lot about a topic I knew almost nothing about before. I appreciated the variety of materials used such as films, cartoons, plays, essays, books, and instructor videos which kept the class interesting.
My overall evaluation of this course is pretty good. All of the content and assignments from this course did a good job at expanding my knowledge about century pop, mass, countercultures with a focus on LGBTQIA+.
it’s a good class to take if you really want to learn more about social justice and social issues. teacher is friendly and always clear one what she wants us to do.
I thought this class was very interesting and I learned alot
A+ Would definitely take again. Eye-opening on many levels of not just identity, but societal issues that shape identity.

3.   If this course was taken to fulfill course requirements for your concentration/major, how did this course enhance your personal and/or professional development in your concentration/major?
I believe that this course was very vital for my major due to how the world is changing. The community of gaming is filled with LGBTQIA+ people and to know more about the subject can better myself when producing games genarlized towards the community.
I think the exploration of historical topics such as the Hollywood Production Code was very eye-opening, and seeing how biased media was in the past will help shape how I perceive media in the future. (Creative Media major)
It would help me out with my career path especially with the fact that the people I would work with involves this area
This class was taken to fulfill my course requirements for my major and it helped me by understanding more about the LGBTQIA+ community.
It was a requirement. I think it helped understand how to communicate with people that are apart of the LGBTQIA+ community more than I previously did.
This course did not in any way shape or form fulfill my course requirements for my concentration/major.
My major is in video game design, which a handful of the course content has touched upon and how they connect. Personally, I've gained a better understanding of representation in video games, which includes how fictional characters are depicted to promote inclusivity and diversity in the video game industry, to be specific. The course's content on LGBTQ+ representation in film made me connect the dots when it comes to the video game industry as well. Overall, this course has definitely enhanced my personal understanding of representation and my professional development in my major.
This course enhanced my personal and professional development by showing me and my classmates the different angles of the world and people that we don't learn from elementary till now.
This class was taken to fulfill my course requirement for my major and enhanced my professional development because as someone who wants to produce video content for the world, I need to be aware and sensitive to the LGBTQIA+ community. I know the evolution of sex and gender representation in media, and know what it took for them to get to the place they are now. I'm also aware of visibility that the LGBTQIA+ community has in media today, which can easily come to a stop at any given moment. So as a future film maker I need to make sure that this community is respected in the utmost positive way to continue their visibility without violence.
Perhaps in the ways of consideration and moving forward. As a content creator or whatever artistic choices I make to move forward with, I'd want to start by assuring whatever content I do is inclusive and approachable by all.
The only thing I gained from this class was a better understanding of how to be patient and endure sitting through a three-hour class slog for 16 weeks. Everything else was either useless or harmful to me as a human being.
This course was taken to fulfill my course requirements for my major, but I feel like if I'm going to get a job as a UX designer or go into content creation, I feel like it enhanced both my personal and professional development in understanding the LGBTQIA+ community on a deeper level.
Although this course was a requirement I found it enjoyable and thought provoking.
I learned a lot about LGBTQIA+ history. I know some of the struggles and successes this community has experienced, especially in the medium of film. I learned about key events such as the Stonewall Rebellion. I pay closer attention to the news when I hear about more discriminatory laws being passed against this community. Clearly, there are many challenges still to be overcome.
This course enhanced my personal and professional development in my concentration/major by showing me just how much and powerful the media is in regards to the way minorities such as the LGBTQIA+ community are protrayed and represented.
Personally, no I was never one for this type of social justice/ issue class but professionally I would say yes because now I have a better understanding of what to do or say and what not to say or do
It opened me up to the LGBTQIA community and now i know o much more
This course had made me become more aware of the social issues that surround sexual identity and sexual orientation, from portrayals in film to legislative actions.

4.   I would rate the overall effectiveness of the instructor: F=Inferior; D=Poor; C=Average; B=Good; A=Superior.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   F (1)  D (2)  C (3)  B (4)  A (5) 
4.44 18 0.78   0(0%) 1(6%) 0(0%) 7(39%) 10(56%)
5.   How much time did you spend during a typical week working on assignments, readings, chats, emails, etc. for this course?

Mean N-Size Std Dev   0 to 2.9 hours (1)  3 to 6.9 hours (2)  7 to 10.9 hours (3)  11 to 14.9 hours (4)  15+ hours (5) 
2.78 18 0.88   1(6%) 5(28%) 10(56%) 1(6%) 1(6%)

6.   Please comment on the activities or resources that could be added to this course to improve your learning.
I feel like all the resources that are in the course is enough for my learning.
Recently I learned about Anita Bryant, known for her anti-LGBT+ rhetoric. I think learning about figures like her could be interesting because they show how normalized bigotry was in US history.
Some activities that were used are videos, TV shows, slides, projects, articles
I think that the resources and activities provided in the class were really good. I would have loved to have more comics like the ones we had like the "Dykes to Watch Out For" comics.
The course widen my understanding of key terms and dates that were significant to the course material as well.
I have no comment or suggestions of the activities or resources that could be added to this course to improve my learning.
I think that considering how long the class is, the overall schedule, and how everything is organized in terms of group forums and the encouragement of active participation, I feel the amount of content involved is enough for me. Not to mention we have a 15-minute break in the midst of the Zoom call, which is a plus for me.
I think we could talk about LGBTQIA+ social media influencers.
Nothing comes to note.
Anything to do with the actual U.S. Pop Culture and not just LGBTQ resources.
Activities and resources that could be added to improve the course would be maybe organizing the materials in set weeks. It was a little difficult to keep a track of dates being moved around, then finding the resources, but I appreciate the schedule that the professor had made.
Maybe more small group discussions during zoom class.
I liked the class as it is.
I don't have any suggestions for activities or resources that could be added to this course to improve my learning.
interacting with the students more and see how their feeling or if the martial of the class if difficult for them to understand. Do mental checks
I believe it didn't need any.

7.   I expect my grade for the course to be a/an:

Mean N-Size Std Dev   F (1)  D (2)  C (3)  B (4)  A (5) 
4.39 18 0.78   0(0%) 0(0%) 3(17%) 5(28%) 10(56%)
8.   I learned a good deal of factual material in this course.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.61 18 0.78   0(0%) 1(6%) 0(0%) 4(22%) 13(72%)
9.   I gained a good understanding of concepts/principles in this field.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.5 18 0.62   0(0%) 0(0%) 1(6%) 7(39%) 10(56%)
10.   The instructor makes good use of examples and illustrations.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.56 18 0.62   0(0%) 0(0%) 1(6%) 6(33%) 11(61%)
11.   The instructor stresses important points in lectures/discussions.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.72 18 0.46   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 5(28%) 13(72%)
12.   The instructor clearly stated at the beginning of the semester the objectives of the course and requirements.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.83 18 0.38   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 3(17%) 15(83%)
13.   The instructor acknowledges all questions insofar as possible.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.56 18 0.78   0(0%) 1(6%) 0(0%) 5(28%) 12(67%)
14.   The instructor was easy to talk with and available for consultation.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.22 18 1.06   1(6%) 0(0%) 2(11%) 6(33%) 9(50%)
15.   The instructor presented the course materials in a clear and organized way.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.39 18 0.7   0(0%) 0(0%) 2(11%) 7(39%) 9(50%)
16.   The amount of material covered in the course is reasonable.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.44 18 0.51   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 10(56%) 8(44%)

17.   Please list your suggestions for improving the course and/or the instructor's teaching style and methods.
I found that the films were the best activities for the course, and that there should be more lessons on that.
Dr. Compoc is obviously a very opinionated person, and I do find it quite admirable how passionate she is about social justice. However, there were some points in the class where it felt like she was stating her opinion as fact. I don't think there's anything wrong with asserting your opinion, but it's important to be careful to make sure people know it's just your opinion.
I would have wanted it be more organized like due dates were mismatched on the schedule and assignments tab
I have no suggestions on how the instructor could improve. Honestly the way the instructor taught the class was really well in my opinion and they provided off hours for questions for people who needed it.
Just keep up what you're doing.
I have no list of suggestions for improving the course and/or the instructor's teaching style and methods.
I don't have any suggestions, honestly. This is the first time a professor I've had was extremely engaging with both the students and the course content. This was also the first time I've had an online class that's almost three hours, in comparison to classes that last 80 minutes.
Some readings were a little long, and others required a little back note before reading, since they were a little complex.
Nothing comes to note or mind.
Teaching style and methods aside, I suggest rethinking what beliefs and how you've use your position as an educator.
Overall, I was pretty happy with the instructor's teaching style and methods. I was intimidated at first, but after learning how to work with Chicago Manual Style and being under the professors' guidance, I felt like I became a better writer.
The course flowed well but maybe some assignment and projects needed some clearer instructions. Most were great and very direct.
I would require the minimum word count for drafts. It was hard to do a good peer review when half the essay was missing. For me, a draft should be complete.
One suggestion I have for the instructor is to lessen the amount of words on the presentation slides. As someone who learns better by note taking, it got a little overwhelming at times when there were big amounts of words and the presentation was moving at a fast pace.
Mental check, make sure your students are over loaded and that they don’t feel scared to talk because of different point of views
I really liked how graphic the course teachings were and I would not change anything about it.
Perhaps more text on local and indigenous literature that ties in sexual orientation and identity.

18.   My overall evaluation of this instructor is....
Great! The instructor knew about the source materials, and had use engage in conversations every lesson.
Overall, I think she's a good instructor. She brings a passion about her subjects which is very refreshing.
Very encouraging but critiques heavily
My evaluation of the instructor would be an A because they did such a good job on the sontent for the course as well and teaching it to the class in a way that would be easily understood and well as making the class participate with one another.
The instructor is really clear with her instructions and make an effort to explain the material more when it is required of them to do so.
My overall evaluation of this instructor is great, passionate about the topic at hand and is very hard working.
Professor Compoc is a natural in teaching, engaging with students, and being entertaining here and there. I feel like her organization is top-notch in terms of scheduling all the course content. She's one of the few teachers I've had in my education that genuinely connects with the course content, and I think I understand why she encourages participation now.
Professor Compoc is very a positive, knowledgeable teacher who really took the time to express and share accurate LGBTQIA+ representation in media.
Professor Compoc did a wonderful job. Never did I expect to take a course that focused heavily upon LGTBQ topics and discussions. I'm glad for how much I was able to learn and compare perspective to.
Grief. The instructor is so bound by worldly ideologies and is encouraging others to be under the same bondage. I pray that she would know the truth.
I would give the professor an A. I really liked how passionate she was about the subject and how she let us speak our thoughts freely without scrutiny.
Wonderful, very respectful and aware, great instruction, interesting discussions.
The instructor was excellent. It was wonderful to have a personalized intro video each week as well as a great summary of the lesson video. So many instructors use old videos from previous classes that often mention the wrong due dates etc., which is confusing and gives a negative impression. I also appreciated the personal comments and suggestions the instructor made on the assignments. It was clear the instructor looked at the quiz results and read the discussion posts, as she commented on them in detail during the video lecture. Her instructions were also very clear and the checklist format for each week was easy to follow.
Overall, my evaluation of this course is pretty good. The professor did a good job at summarizing the important parts of every reading and also presented them in a pretty concise and organized manner.
she’s a great teacher does what she’s paid to do and does her job great.
My overall evaluation of the instructor is excellent work and I learned so much about the LGBTQIA community and I think it will help me with communicating with them better.
A+ easy to understand and very passionate about topic.

19.   Class assignments provided an effective aid for learning the subject matter.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.5 18 0.51   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 9(50%) 9(50%)
20.   The instructional materials (e.g., texts, handouts, etc.) were relevant to course objectives.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.61 18 0.5   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 7(39%) 11(61%)