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Survey Results

Course Survey Results

Philip   Johnson   ICS314, Fall 2020

Campus: University of Hawaii at Manoa Course: ICS 314 - Software Engineering I
Department:   Information& Computer Sciences Crn (Section):   76675 (003)    

1.   Global appraisal: Overall how would you rate this INSTRUCTOR?

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Very Poor (1)  Poor (2)  Average (3)  Good (4)  Very Good (5) 
4.7 23 0.47   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 7(30%) 16(70%)
2.   The teaching assistant was available for consultation.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.83 23 0.49   0(0%) 0(0%) 1(4%) 2(9%) 20(87%)
3.   Reading assignments are relevant to what is presented in class.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.52 23 0.59   0(0%) 0(0%) 1(4%) 9(39%) 13(57%)
4.   The instructor communicates effectively.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.57 23 0.59   0(0%) 0(0%) 1(4%) 8(35%) 14(61%)
5.   The instructor is enthusiastic about teaching.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.91 23 0.29   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 2(9%) 21(91%)
6.   The instructor was clear with course requirements and grading expectations.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.7 23 0.56   0(0%) 0(0%) 1(4%) 5(22%) 17(74%)
7.   Considering everything, how would you rate this INSTRUCTOR?

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Very Poor (1)  Poor (2)  Average (3)  Good (4)  Excellent (5) 
4.78 23 0.42   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 5(22%) 18(78%)
8.   Did the instructor present material effectively?

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.5 22 0.67   0(0%) 0(0%) 2(9%) 7(32%) 13(59%)
9.   I gained a good understanding of concepts/principles in this field.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.43 23 0.79   0(0%) 1(4%) 1(4%) 8(35%) 13(57%)
10.   The instructor was able to explain concepts clearly and effectively.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.48 23 0.73   0(0%) 0(0%) 3(13%) 6(26%) 14(61%)
11.   The instructor was well organized and prepared for each session.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.78 23 0.42   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 5(22%) 18(78%)
12.   The course objectives were clear.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.74 23 0.54   0(0%) 0(0%) 1(4%) 4(17%) 18(78%)
13.   The instructor was effective in meeting the objectives of the course.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.74 23 0.45   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 6(26%) 17(74%)
14.   The course was a valuable contribution to my education.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.61 23 0.66   0(0%) 0(0%) 2(9%) 5(22%) 16(70%)
15.   The instructor was available for consultation with students.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.61 23 0.58   0(0%) 0(0%) 1(4%) 7(30%) 15(65%)
16.   I learned a lot in this course.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.61 23 0.66   0(0%) 0(0%) 2(9%) 5(22%) 16(70%)

17.   What two or three single words best describe this instructor?
enthusiastic and knowledgeable
Inspiring and passionate
Dr. Johnson is a passionate and charismatic professor who highly values teaching real world applicable skills. The course flowed really well, starting with lessons in java script and leading up to students working in a group to build their own application. It was great.
enthusiastic, adaptable
Awesome, Enthusiastic, Fantastic
caring, wise
valuable experience
Fun, understanding, modern
Optimistic, intelligent
Fun, Enthusiastic, Challenging
Engaging, inspiring, helpful
enthusiastic, skilled, nice
Enthusiastic, Knowledgeable, and Fair.
Friendly, effectively
Enthusiastic, caring, passionate
to the point
Awake, passionate
Nice, helpful, caring
tough, friendly, caring
Intellectual, calm, encouraging

18.   My general evaluation of the instructor's teaching effectiveness.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Very Poor (1)  Poor (2)  Average (3)  Good (4)  Excellent (5) 
4.74 23 0.45   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 6(26%) 17(74%)
19.   The instructor treated students with respect.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.83 23 0.39   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 4(17%) 19(83%)
20.   The instructor demonstrated knowledge of the course content.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.78 23 0.42   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 5(22%) 18(78%)
21.   This course challenged me intellectually.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.74 23 0.54   0(0%) 0(0%) 1(4%) 4(17%) 18(78%)
22.   The instructor both sets high standards and helps students achieve them.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.65 23 0.65   0(0%) 0(0%) 2(9%) 4(17%) 17(74%)
23.   The instructor was available for consultation.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.65 23 0.49   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 8(35%) 15(65%)
24.   Considering everything, how would you rate this COURSE?

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Very Poor (1)  Poor (2)  Average (3)  Good (4)  Excellent (5) 
4.7 23 0.47   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 7(30%) 16(70%)
25.   The instructor appears to have a thorough knowledge of the subject.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.78 23 0.42   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 5(22%) 18(78%)
26.   The instructor makes me feel free to ask questions.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.61 23 0.66   0(0%) 0(0%) 2(9%) 5(22%) 16(70%)
27.   The instructional materials (e.g., texts, handouts, etc.) were relevant to course objectives.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.64 22 0.49   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 8(36%) 14(64%)

28.   Additional Comments
This class makes feel SO excited for my future. 314 really prepared you for real world experiences. I feel more confident for the first time ever and it’s my fourth year at UH.
Branden was also a fantastic TA. Always available and incredibly helpful without simply giving away answers.
No comment
Some of this wasn't completely on the professor; the pandemic hit everyone hard and made communication feel either awkward or a little bit challenging due to circumstances that weren't really in our control (i.e. connection stability).
This was the best class I have taken in ICS. The focus is on real-world skills and building a professional portfolio, and there's no time wasted on exams and cramming a bunch of useless information. The instructor is super engaging and makes the course pretty fun. I feel like I have an actual skillset for the workforce and a professional persona that I can leverage to find a job (it's also a great confidence builder). If I could only take one ICS course, this would be it.
This class was taught really well. Web development is not something that I see myself getting into for a career, yet I feel like I learned a lot of useful skills that I am satisfied with from this semester. I have nothing bad to say about the class :)
There are a lot of class assignments, but the assignments are not very difficult, but the in-class quiz was a bit difficult.
Overall, I really enjoyed this class. Philip really tried to create a productive learning environment for all three of the sections using the Discord Server. In this way, we were able to collaborate with other students and ask questions at any time. This was also the one class where I got to know the other students pretty well, especially with never meeting in person.
The professor is very understanding and cares a lot about his students.

29.   What was the format of this class? online synchronous (class scheduled for particular days and times) online asynchronous (class conducted online - no scheduled class meeting)

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Online Synchronous ()  Online Asynchronous ()  In Person ()  Hybrid: In Person and Online Synchronous ()  Hybrid: In Person and Online Asynchronous ()  Hybrid: Online Synchronous and Asynchronous ()  Other () 
0.0 23 0.0   21(91%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 1(4%) 1(4%)

30.   If you answered 'Other' for the question above, please specify.
Was supposed to be a hybrid (in person/online synchronous) class, but eventually became an online synchronous class due to worsening conditions of COVID-19 pandemic

31.   What were the positive and negative aspects of online learning in this class?
questions were made to be asked easily in a chat
Dr. Johnson was so enthusiastic and passionate this was my favorite online class. Despite the circumstances, he still cared and made the class run smoothly and fun.
It was a great experience, other than having difficulties when my own wifi or computer was giving me issues. I do not think I missed out because of online classes.
one that was both a negative aspect and positive is that WODs were less intense and felt like there was less pressure. I feel like with the tools that we used in this class, there weren’t too many negatives of having this class be online
I did not find any negatives in the course; it was everything I could ask for. I liked that we were able to work in groups for a lot of the work due to the teamwork dynamic and it makes the class more fun. Dr. Johnson and Branden made the course so enjoyable and piqued my interest in the world of Software Engineering. I would not change anything to this course and would encourage more people to take it.
negative-lack of in person help, positive- improve learning skills
This class taught me a lot of things but the only negative thing that I have is that doing the group project online. Not being able to meet with my group in person made it so difficult to do the project.
positive - lots of work but very useful information to learn when looking for jobs after graduation. final project is something to put on your resume. negative - Computer requirements can be tough for some people if their personal computers are not strong enough to handle the software needed for this course. Due to covid-19, the normal resources for students for students, such as the computer lab, are not available.
Could take the class at my own pace and comfortably
No comment
Positives: - Meeting new people - Provided videos of possible solution(s) if a student is stuck - Useful feedback - Many opportunities to improve coding skills, whether through additional optional assignments or events, under the guise of extra credit Negatives: - All or Nothing WODs (quizzes) - FINAL PROJECT RELATED: working with students that I have not communicated with (i.e., for anonymity sake, I'm in 2A but got paired with people from 2B)
It was hard to work with and meet other students in an online format. However, the instructor and TA did an outstanding job of leveraging the capabilities of Discord to provide great instruction, despite the limitations.
positive - everything I learned in this class performing under stress due to WODs. Could do the course easily from home negative - the group project online is, I think, harder than doing it in person
This class was supposed to be a hybrid experience, but it was completely online. However, I feel like that worked out fine, and I don't think I missed out on anything because of the online format.
It's really difficult and inconvenient to do a final team project online.
I think the only negative aspect of this class was having to work on a group project and never being able to meet in person. It makes it a little more difficult to hold group members accountable. But overall, I think this course was taught very effectively in an online format.
I think this course was unaffected by the change and would have been taught very similarly to an in person class. My favorite aspect was that in the beginning of the semester our class periods were shortened to the necessary lengths needed to complete the work.
Distance learning is safer. I find it difficult to learn from online sources.
ICS 314 with Professor Johnson was a very fun class. I feel he did very well with the switch to online, despite the class relying heavily on teamwork and communication with others. The class is not too difficult, but there is a lot of work to be done. There were times during the semester I had a difficult time keeping up with the assignments because it would overlap with the due dates for my work in other classes. Professor Johnson's teaching style also teaches you how to be more independent and be prepared for a career in software engineering. Regardless of the amount of coursework, it was a great class and I highly recommend it to anyone who has an interest in software engineering (although I'd probably advise them to take a lighter semester if they decide to take it).
Positive: Instructor used Discord for communication. So it meant you can literally send him a message if you have a problem anytime. Most of the time he'll message you asap Negative: I hate the fact that I can't talk to all my classmates in person. There is no connection between us when we are talking through a webcam.
I wish there was a bit more time going over some of the topics we have learned in this class (specifically, the topics that are writing intensive such as design patterns). Despite that issue and the worsening conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic, this class was absolutely manageable from the time flexibility of the instructor and the teaching assistant to the modules that opened my eyes in software engineering (Meteor, React, UI, etc.). The screencasts provided in those modules are informational for exercises/Thursday WODs (side note for those WODs - one small error = 0%) and they require a lot of energy and discipline to fully grasp those concepts so definitely watch all of those screencasts. If you are still struggling on the Thursday WODs, I highly recommend attending a bWOD conducted by our wonderful teaching assistant Branden Ogata for practice and mental preparation for those intense WODs, which made me enjoy this class a lot more during this semester as I have a better understanding on how this class works and what I could imagine if I get a job in the software engineering field. Overall, insightful class, intelligently fun instructor/teaching assistant, and definitely recommend taking ICS 314!