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Survey Results

Course Survey Results

Kimberly   Compoc   HIST282, Fall 2020

Campus: University of Hawaii West Oahu Course: HIST 282 - Intro to American History II
Department:   Humanities Crn (Section):   69601 (1)    

1.   The instructor taught me methods of analysis for this field of study.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5)  N/A () 
4.0 9 0.71   0(0%) 0(0%) 2(22%) 5(56%) 2(22%) 0(0%)

2.   My overall evaluation of this course is...
Overall, I feel like I learned a lot from this class and this topics I learned in this course helped to persuade my contribution to the 2020 presidential election. I felt that because of this course I was more involved with politics, being informed and informing others, and the Black Lives Matter movement. However, though I learned a lot from this course I strongly feel that this course was a self-taught class. Many of the things we discussed were information we had to learn ourselves through readings and films. Although many of the students in the class asked the professor to do more lecture-styled zoom meetings, she did not and made it very difficult to learn. I felt the professor could have done more in assisting in our learning and teaching us new information.
I found this course to be very informational, yet it was a lot of information to take in. Very textbook and quiz drove. There a lot of elements in this course that touches on key events in history that I appreciated but wish we could have gone more into detail. And I thoroughly enjoyed the small and large group discussions as it was great interaction with peers. Overall, there were up and downs in this course, but I was able to grasp a lot of skills and information that are helpful in my field of study.
There was lots of reading and taking notes for quiz, writing assignments felt like being in a writing intensive class. Zoom class was mostly to talk about quiz and things we read from each chapter. I really enjoyed our small breakout rooms because we were able to get work done and chat with our classmates without being judged on our answers.
its good
I enjoyed the curse material and the structure of the course was manageable. At times the instructor was more biased on certain topics and often shared her opinion.
It was a hard course but I really enjoyed it because I could challenge and educate myself. Overall, it very a greatly informative class.
WOW! Everyone should take this course because we ought to know; the truth about the founders of this country, and the people in power, the reasons to what makes people and a country "tick," and to help us understand the stuff we do.

3.   If this course was taken to fulfill course requirements for your concentration/major, how did this course enhance your personal and/or professional development in your concentration/major?
This course enhanced my professional development because I learned a lot about how history has formed to create the place we are at now in terms of our country, our government, politics, and racial equality. I think this helps me in my education major because I know the importance and can inform my students about it one day.
I feel I learned more by reading each chapter on my own. The zoom classes were not necessary but okay when we had small groups.
definitely a lot more in-depth within communities for this history course
This course has given me. greater understanding for the historical attributes and legacy we deal with in our country today.
This course highlighted historical events that shaped the present.
Her class wasn't a course requirement for my major.

4.   I would rate the overall effectiveness of the instructor: F=Inferior; D=Poor; C=Average; B=Good; A=Superior.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   F (1)  D (2)  C (3)  B (4)  A (5) 
3.33 9 1.22   0(0%) 3(33%) 2(22%) 2(22%) 2(22%)
5.   How much time did you spend during a typical week working on assignments, readings, chats, emails, etc. for this course?

Mean N-Size Std Dev   0 to 2.9 hours (1)  3 to 6.9 hours (2)  7 to 10.9 hours (3)  11 to 14.9 hours (4)  15+ hours (5) 
3.0 9 1.32   1(11%) 2(22%) 4(44%) 0(0%) 2(22%)

6.   Please comment on the activities or resources that could be added to this course to improve your learning.
More lecture-styled classes and teaching students new material rather than relying on students to learn it on their own.
I would say adding more instructor-based lectures not so much textbook stuff because I feel it's better to hear from the instructor more so than a book.
More being taught, and less of reading chapter to just take a quiz. Not feel as if we are in a writing intensive class.
was good
More video resources related to the chapter content.
I think maybe making a video lecture of an overview of each chapter would be nice. I found that watching videos online really secured my learning of the huge amounts of knowledge we had to remember.
I don't have any suggestions.

7.   I expect my grade for the course to be a/an:

Mean N-Size Std Dev   F (1)  D (2)  C (3)  B (4)  A (5) 
4.0 9 0.5   0(0%) 0(0%) 1(11%) 7(78%) 1(11%)
8.   I learned a good deal of factual material in this course.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.33 9 0.71   0(0%) 0(0%) 1(11%) 4(44%) 4(44%)
9.   I gained a good understanding of concepts/principles in this field.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.0 9 1.0   0(0%) 1(11%) 1(11%) 4(44%) 3(33%)
10.   The instructor makes good use of examples and illustrations.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
3.78 9 0.83   0(0%) 0(0%) 4(44%) 3(33%) 2(22%)
11.   The instructor stresses important points in lectures/discussions.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.0 9 0.87   0(0%) 0(0%) 3(33%) 3(33%) 3(33%)
12.   The instructor clearly stated at the beginning of the semester the objectives of the course and requirements.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.33 9 0.71   0(0%) 0(0%) 1(11%) 4(44%) 4(44%)
13.   The instructor acknowledges all questions insofar as possible.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
3.89 9 0.93   0(0%) 1(11%) 1(11%) 5(56%) 2(22%)
14.   The instructor was easy to talk with and available for consultation.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
3.67 9 1.32   0(0%) 3(33%) 0(0%) 3(33%) 3(33%)
15.   The instructor presented the course materials in a clear and organized way.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.0 9 0.87   0(0%) 0(0%) 3(33%) 3(33%) 3(33%)
16.   The amount of material covered in the course is reasonable.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
3.78 9 0.67   0(0%) 0(0%) 3(33%) 5(56%) 1(11%)

17.   Please list your suggestions for improving the course and/or the instructor's teaching style and methods.
I think replacing some of the discussion time with lectures instead.
- Adding more instructor based lectures - Less textbook as it was a lot of reading to comprehend - I liked it when we did a lecture than a quiz so that we could analyze and understand the reading.
Be more respectful to students the way you would want to be treated being the person she is. More teaching and less of reading and then just taking quiz and talking about it.
things need to be a little more interactive, less reading more talking to students about the material, asking them questions, have discussions, etc.
Longer quiz time, class discussion before quiz is taken to review the chapter.
The instructor should teach before we take our quizzes because it doesn’t make sense for her to teach us after taking the quizzes. The whole point of attending classes is to learn information that we will need to pass our exams and quizzes. She w could also be less rude when other students are presenting. She tends to interrupt people while they are talking instead of waiting till it is her turn to talk. This discouraged us to participate in classroom discussion.
I liked when Professor Compoc did a lecture before our quiz. That was nice to have a solid understanding of the information.
None to offer, she's perfect!

18.   My overall evaluation of this instructor is....
Overall, I liked that this instructor made our classroom feel like a safe place and knew how to get our discussion flowing. I really liked that this professor was so passionate about the subjects in this course, I just wish she used this passion to inform us rather than having us learn all the new material as homework and not actually learn it during class. Class felt like a review rather than a learning environment.
Very flexible and adaptable. I appreciated her passion for the subject as it helped pique my interest to learn. I just wish we had more discussions together as a class rather than in groups or even just having the instructor lecture so we could hear from her to help solidify our learning. As I said I wish it was more person-to-person rather than learning from a textbook. I find it more helpful to hear it rather than just read it. But overall, I think with the platform given she did a great job adapting and did a really good job informing the class on important things to talk and know about in today's society.
From the beginning of the class, she was kind of rude when she answered questions from students, also when students were giving their part for the discussion and it was wrong she would laugh and make the individual feel bad. Very strong supporter of women's rights and the Lgbtq community.
pretty good, just gotta work on a few things
Satisfied, great class, comprehend-able content, nice instructor.
Very opinionated and rude.
My overall evaluation is that Professor Compoc is great and I can tell how passionate she is about what she is teaching. It is very important information and I think she's doing a great job of showing that importance through her teaching. I learned a lot from her.
Awesome! I got more than I expected, in a very good way, its like having a "mother" you never had in a very good way, she wants the best for you through tough love, and yet you know all of this, and like a kid you wanna fight back. It's all been worth it! She wasn't kidding when she said, readings are traumatic because I experienced many ephiphanies! Overall, Professor Kimberly Compoc is a very caring instructor who wants all her students to constantly challenge themselves, and I can just see it, but I can't put it in words. Again, "Mother" come to mind when I think of her. I am gonna miss her, and I plan to be a "sucker" for more "lickings" when I see her again for a class.

19.   Class assignments provided an effective aid for learning the subject matter.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
3.78 9 0.97   0(0%) 1(11%) 2(22%) 4(44%) 2(22%)
20.   The instructional materials (e.g., texts, handouts, etc.) were relevant to course objectives.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.11 9 0.6   0(0%) 0(0%) 1(11%) 6(67%) 2(22%)