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Survey Results

Course Survey Results

Philip   Johnson   ICS314, Fall 2019

Campus: University of Hawaii at Manoa Course: ICS 314 - Software Engineering I
Department:   Information& Computer Sciences Crn (Section):   85339 (002)    

1.   Global appraisal: Overall how would you rate this INSTRUCTOR?

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Very Poor (1)  Poor (2)  Average (3)  Good (4)  Very Good (5) 
4.93 27 0.27   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 2(7%) 25(93%)
2.   The teaching assistant was available for consultation.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.85 27 0.6   0(0%) 1(4%) 0(0%) 1(4%) 25(93%)
3.   Reading assignments are relevant to what is presented in class.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.63 27 0.49   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 10(37%) 17(63%)
4.   The instructor communicates effectively.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.81 27 0.48   0(0%) 0(0%) 1(4%) 3(11%) 23(85%)
5.   The instructor is enthusiastic about teaching.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.96 27 0.19   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 1(4%) 26(96%)
6.   The instructor was clear with course requirements and grading expectations.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.78 27 0.42   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 6(22%) 21(78%)
7.   Considering everything, how would you rate this INSTRUCTOR?

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Very Poor (1)  Poor (2)  Average (3)  Good (4)  Excellent (5) 
4.85 27 0.46   0(0%) 0(0%) 1(4%) 2(7%) 24(89%)
8.   Did the instructor present material effectively?

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.67 27 0.55   0(0%) 0(0%) 1(4%) 7(26%) 19(70%)
9.   I gained a good understanding of concepts/principles in this field.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.74 27 0.45   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 7(26%) 20(74%)
10.   The instructor was able to explain concepts clearly and effectively.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.74 27 0.45   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 7(26%) 20(74%)
11.   The instructor was well organized and prepared for each session.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.74 27 0.53   0(0%) 0(0%) 1(4%) 5(19%) 21(78%)
12.   The course objectives were clear.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.74 27 0.53   0(0%) 0(0%) 1(4%) 5(19%) 21(78%)
13.   The instructor was effective in meeting the objectives of the course.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.85 27 0.36   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 4(15%) 23(85%)
14.   The course was a valuable contribution to my education.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.89 27 0.42   0(0%) 0(0%) 1(4%) 1(4%) 25(93%)
15.   The instructor was available for consultation with students.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.7 27 0.61   0(0%) 0(0%) 2(7%) 4(15%) 21(78%)
16.   I learned a lot in this course.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.96 27 0.19   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 1(4%) 26(96%)

17.   What two or three single words best describe this instructor?
Funny and Informative
enthusiastic, efficient
Enthusiastic and motivating
very well at teaching, willing to help students
Enthusiastic & Knowledgable
Energetic, Passionate, Talkative
efficient and concrete
Enthusiastic, funny, caring
Energetic, motivated, passionate
Smart, Outgoing
Passionate Innovative
Really Good teacher
Positive, Passionate, Organized
Fun & Friendly
knowledgeable Cool
would take again!
Spirited and knowledgeable. Professor Johnson is very spirited about teaching and has a lot of knowledge to pass on to students.
enthusiastic, engaging
Energetic, Passionate, Knowledgable
Enthusiastic Knowledgeable Diligent
Enthusiastic Fair Demanding
enthusiastic, clear, hip
Passionate, Helpful
Competent, passionate
Passionate and fun

18.   My general evaluation of the instructor's teaching effectiveness.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Very Poor (1)  Poor (2)  Average (3)  Good (4)  Excellent (5) 
4.7 27 0.54   0(0%) 0(0%) 1(4%) 6(22%) 20(74%)
19.   The instructor treated students with respect.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.78 27 0.64   0(0%) 1(4%) 0(0%) 3(11%) 23(85%)
20.   The instructor demonstrated knowledge of the course content.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
5.0 26 0.0   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 26(100%)
21.   This course challenged me intellectually.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.81 27 0.48   0(0%) 0(0%) 1(4%) 3(11%) 23(85%)
22.   The instructor both sets high standards and helps students achieve them.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.81 27 0.48   0(0%) 0(0%) 1(4%) 3(11%) 23(85%)
23.   The instructor was available for consultation.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.63 27 0.69   0(0%) 0(0%) 3(11%) 4(15%) 20(74%)
24.   Considering everything, how would you rate this COURSE?

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Very Poor (1)  Poor (2)  Average (3)  Good (4)  Excellent (5) 
4.89 27 0.32   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 3(11%) 24(89%)
25.   The instructor appears to have a thorough knowledge of the subject.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.96 26 0.2   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 1(4%) 25(96%)
26.   The instructor makes me feel free to ask questions.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.63 27 0.74   0(0%) 1(4%) 1(4%) 5(19%) 20(74%)
27.   The instructional materials (e.g., texts, handouts, etc.) were relevant to course objectives.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.81 27 0.4   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 5(19%) 22(81%)

28.   Additional Comments
Assignments should be spaced out to every other day instead of all crammed at the beginning of the week because all my classes did the same thing. In class WODs were not very effective in teaching anything; they're essentially weekly exams. Maybe every other week so we can focus on learning the material instead of using up the whole class day. Having the lectures on YouTube videos was immensely helpful. Would be nice to have a few videos that break down the different components in the templates that we used. Would be more helpful to use some of the in class WOD exam time to go over user requirements and efficient layout of websites
Great Class, with effective teaching methods.
The TA is super helpful whenever you need help with something, as well as Professor Johnson
The reading were not really necessary as I did not read any of them but still had a good understanding of the material
Tough course and a lot of material and assignments to do, but I generally felt motivated to do extremely well in this class no matter what. Great teacher! One of the best ones I've had at UH.
Dr. Johnson's ICS 314 course has been the most comfortable ICS class I've had so far. This has been a pretty rough semester, but ICS 314 was the silver lining.
do it!
One of the issues with the new trend of "sprint" programming (i.e. developing applications, websites, etc) quickly is it leads to insecure code. MongoDB is the database is used in this class and the default DB set up is insecure. In fact in 2017 over 20,000 Mongo DB's were held ransom. I think it would be nice if we discussed securing the database even at a very basic level. As a cybersecurity major* it would be nice to be able to say that in this class we discussed how to secure our databases because as is I'm not sure how receptive interviewers for Cybersecurity positions will be of a project that didn't use any form of security. There may be some logistics I am unaware of but I felt that the HTML modules dragged on and we could do without one of those weeks and perhaps discuss securing the database later in the semester. My advice to future students: This class will require a lot of your time but it is worth it. Put a lot of thought into your professional portfolio as it is something that you can take away form this class and continue to use as I plan on doing. Don't stress too much about the WOD's. They are not as scary as they seem as long as you keep up in the class.
Tough class but worth the effort. We go through so many things, I wish I'd spent more time on review so some topics didn't fade a few weeks later which made the final project more difficult.
WODs can be kinda stressful. But the stress has made me a better developer.