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Survey Results

Course Survey Results

Philip   Johnson   ICS314, Spring 2019

Campus: University of Hawaii at Manoa Course: ICS 314 - Software Engineering I
Department:   Information& Computer Sciences Crn (Section):   83873 (001)    

1.   Global appraisal: Overall how would you rate this INSTRUCTOR?

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Very Poor (1)  Poor (2)  Average (3)  Good (4)  Very Good (5) 
4.6 15 0.51   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 6(40%) 9(60%)
2.   The teaching assistant was available for consultation.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.87 15 0.35   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 2(13%) 13(87%)
3.   Reading assignments are relevant to what is presented in class.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.6 15 0.51   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 6(40%) 9(60%)
4.   The instructor communicates effectively.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.4 15 0.63   0(0%) 0(0%) 1(7%) 7(47%) 7(47%)
5.   The instructor is enthusiastic about teaching.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.93 15 0.26   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 1(7%) 14(93%)
6.   The instructor was clear with course requirements and grading expectations.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.47 15 0.52   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 8(53%) 7(47%)
7.   Considering everything, how would you rate this INSTRUCTOR?

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Very Poor (1)  Poor (2)  Average (3)  Good (4)  Excellent (5) 
4.6 15 0.51   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 6(40%) 9(60%)
8.   Did the instructor present material effectively?

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.4 15 0.63   0(0%) 0(0%) 1(7%) 7(47%) 7(47%)
9.   I gained a good understanding of concepts/principles in this field.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.4 15 0.83   0(0%) 1(7%) 0(0%) 6(40%) 8(53%)
10.   The instructor was able to explain concepts clearly and effectively.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.53 15 0.64   0(0%) 0(0%) 1(7%) 5(33%) 9(60%)
11.   The instructor was well organized and prepared for each session.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.67 15 0.49   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 5(33%) 10(67%)
12.   The course objectives were clear.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.53 15 0.64   0(0%) 0(0%) 1(7%) 5(33%) 9(60%)
13.   The instructor was effective in meeting the objectives of the course.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.67 15 0.49   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 5(33%) 10(67%)
14.   The course was a valuable contribution to my education.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.67 15 0.62   0(0%) 0(0%) 1(7%) 3(20%) 11(73%)
15.   The instructor was available for consultation with students.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.2 15 0.86   0(0%) 1(7%) 1(7%) 7(47%) 6(40%)
16.   I learned a lot in this course.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.4 15 0.83   0(0%) 1(7%) 0(0%) 6(40%) 8(53%)

17.   What two or three single words best describe this instructor?
Passionate and informative.
knowledgeable, patient, critical.
Educated but heartless
Knowledgeable, the instructor proved to be very knowledgeable of both the material as well as the real life experiences. His insight of both are valuable to all students as it brings they often need information to aid in their career decisions.,Positive, Professor Philip maintained an attitude which helped students aid through uncertainty and anxieties in dealing with obstacles.
well experienced
Energetic, Passionate
enthusiastic, concise
enthusiastic, knowledgeable, organized,
energetic knowledgeable
enthusiastic, engaging
Enthusiastic Helpful
energetic, passionate, enthusiastic
Smart Engaging

18.   My general evaluation of the instructor's teaching effectiveness.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Very Poor (1)  Poor (2)  Average (3)  Good (4)  Excellent (5) 
4.33 15 0.72   0(0%) 0(0%) 2(13%) 6(40%) 7(47%)
19.   The instructor treated students with respect.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.6 15 0.51   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 6(40%) 9(60%)
20.   The instructor demonstrated knowledge of the course content.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.87 15 0.35   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 2(13%) 13(87%)
21.   This course challenged me intellectually.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.87 15 0.35   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 2(13%) 13(87%)
22.   The instructor both sets high standards and helps students achieve them.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.73 15 0.8   0(0%) 1(7%) 0(0%) 1(7%) 13(87%)
23.   The instructor was available for consultation.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.4 15 0.83   0(0%) 1(7%) 0(0%) 6(40%) 8(53%)
24.   Considering everything, how would you rate this COURSE?

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Very Poor (1)  Poor (2)  Average (3)  Good (4)  Excellent (5) 
4.33 15 0.82   0(0%) 0(0%) 3(20%) 4(27%) 8(53%)
25.   The instructor appears to have a thorough knowledge of the subject.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
5.0 15 0.0   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 15(100%)
26.   The instructor makes me feel free to ask questions.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.33 15 0.9   0(0%) 1(7%) 1(7%) 5(33%) 8(53%)
27.   The instructional materials (e.g., texts, handouts, etc.) were relevant to course objectives.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.6 15 0.51   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 6(40%) 9(60%)

28.   Additional Comments
The combination of the Instructor and his teaching assistant made for a great learning environment.
This course has way too much workload for a 3 credit course.
Brandon Ogata the teaching assistant this semester was exemplary and deserves credit for enhancing the material learned.

29.   Which aspects of the course were most valuable?
Learning how to code with a team and how to use GitHub. I feel like people focus more on learning languages rather than toolsets and how to work in a team as a programmer or software engineer and that there's more resources that are accessible outside of the traditional classroom for languages than toolsets and an opportunity to work in a team.
The pacing, in general this course covers a lot of introductory content and does so in a timely manner focused on stressing the students understanding of concepts and use of materials to achieve goals and finish work.
A lot of the learning was relevant to my studies.
I thought the method of teaching was the most valuable aspect of the course as it gave students a very intensive hands on approach.
The practice wods were well thought out so that if you could do them you did fine on the in class exercises.
-How to work simultaneously with people in a project -Ethics
The solutions to programming assignments were informative and essential for keeping pace in learning.
In class exercises (WODs), final project
The most valuable aspect of this course is learning how to combine multiple platforms, frameworks, and languages.
The out of class WODs helped me understand and practice the material.
The most valuable aspect of the course was the tutorials of the learning materials.
I found that the professional development exercises were the most practical to apply past the extent of this course. Some of the students here will not go on to specialize in Javascript or HTML and CSS, but all of them will need to be able to present themselves professionally when searching for a job. I am unsure if any other instructors in the ICS department encourage professional development as much as this instructor.
Learning how to build a functioning website

30.   Which aspects of the course were least valuable?
None--all of them were relevant and valuable to software engineering.
I didn't find anything least valuable since each aspect was important to my growth as a Computer Science major.
The pressure of 'athletic programming'.
The focus on creating mockup websites. Although they were helpful in designing a page and getting familiar with using certain libraries, I wish that there were more emphasis on databases and the back end development as it was the most difficult part of the class.
how to use javascript
The least valuable aspect of this course is the WODs. I did not feel that the exercises taught me how to use the knowledge I learned, but rather just copy and paste the code from the practice projects. During the final project, I found myself looking up things I should I have learned along the way, even basic concepts because nothing really stuck.
The least valuable aspect of the course was the multitude of reading texts.
I did not find the WODs to be compatible with my learning style, therefore I did not find this to be valuable.

31.   My overall evaluation of this instructor is...
Efficient and productive in teaching.
He was an intelligent professor who was willing and passionate in teaching the next generations, not only teaching each student the requirements to pass this class but also introduce us to concepts that will affect us later on.
He is very educated and knows a lot, but if you seek help from him directly chances are he will redirect you to the TA or your peers and not give you much help.
Professor Philip's uncommon method of teaching was helpful as it promoted a very hands on approach, with frequent coding assignments, which helped myself feel more confident in my ability to program. For that, I am very thankful for the professor's methods and insights.
He was very passionate about the topic of software engineering.
EXCELLENT. One of the best professors I've had
Dr. Johnson is incredibly passionate about this field and loves teaching it. He has been friendly throughout the course and does his best to relate the material we are learning now to real-world applications and events.
Dr. Johnson was very helpful and friendly, assisting students with their many problems throughout the course.
This instructor brings a lot of positive energy to learning and never admonishes students who are slow to pick up on things.
Professor Johnson is very invested in us students. He cares about what we learn and is practical with teaching. His approach to teaching is different yet effective.

32.   My overall evaluation of this course is...
Very effective in teaching software engineering and in teaching in general.
The course not only provides the tools and skills needed for Computer Science students to produce content but also introduces us to the social aspect we as Programmers will have to understand in order to work in groups later in life.
Again, way too much workload for a 3 credit course. More work does not make a teacher a better teacher. The professor should understand students have other responsibilities and have realistic expectations. Perhaps this course should have been split into two.
Good, I enjoyed the content and class. I felt the workload was appropriate for the class and the difficulty transitioned well between topics.
It was a great course
efficently planned and taught.
I honestly feel that this course should be retitled. I donʻt think itʻs so much of "software engineering" as opposed to "front- end development". Perhaps for students who want to go more into design, they would have a better time with it. At the end of the day, I donʻt feel like I will remember most of what we did. However, I feel that the biggest takeaway is learning time- management and working with others on a coding project.
Great class for front-end development.
The course was very entertaining and teaches a lot of important topics during the course. However, it was a bit difficult balancing all the deadlines for the class.
The biggest advantage of taking any class from this instructor is the energy that he brings every morning. What matters most is that you keep showing up, especially on the days that you don't feel like it. Just showing up in class will help you do better, even if you are struggling and think that staying home to play catch up would be more beneficial. Don't get down on yourself if you are falling behind in this course, just keep working through it and it will improve, I promise.
Students should value the things they learn in ICS 314. It is very practical and usable in all aspects of ICS, hobbies, and other jobs you may have.