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Survey Results

Course Survey Results

Philip   Johnson   ICS414, Spring 2014

Campus: University of Hawaii at Manoa Course: ICS 414 - Software Engineering II
Department:   Information& Computer Sciences Crn (Section):   89412 (001)    

1.   Class Level (pick one) - please note that by answering this question you could potentially jeopardize your anonymity

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Freshman (1)  Sophomore (2)  Junior (3)  Senior (4)  Grad (5)  Other (6) 
4.0 7 0.0   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 6(86%) 0(0%) 0(0%)
2.   Course - please note that by answering this question you could potentially jeopardize your anonymity

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Elective (1)  Required (2) 
1.67 7 0.52   2(29%) 4(57%)
3.   The instructor demonstrated knowledge of course content.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.71 7 0.49   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 2(29%) 5(71%)
4.   The instructor fulfilled the goals of the course.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.71 7 0.49   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 2(29%) 5(71%)
5.   The instructor communicated effectively.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.57 7 0.53   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 3(43%) 4(57%)
6.   The instructor was consistently well-prepared and organized for class.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.29 7 0.76   0(0%) 0(0%) 1(14%) 3(43%) 3(43%)
7.   The instructor was accessible to students.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.71 7 0.49   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 2(29%) 5(71%)
8.   I gained a good understanding of concepts/principles in this field.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.71 7 0.49   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 2(29%) 5(71%)
9.   I deepened my interest in the subject matter of this course.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.29 7 0.76   0(0%) 0(0%) 1(14%) 3(43%) 3(43%)

10.   Which aspects of the course were most valuable?
Group work
Allowing us the freedom to decide how to design our project made it feel more like a professional setting rather than a school setting.
We were given the opportunity to work on our own or in our groups most of the time.
I actually liked having meetings rather than a class. I thought they were very informational compared to a class-like setting. I felt I got more out of the meetings than sitting in a class.

11.   Which aspects of the course were least valuable?
The least valuable aspect was the mockup phase. It was just too long a time spent on that, three weeks tops would have been sufficient.

12.   The instructor gives clear explanations.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.29 7 0.49   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 5(71%) 2(29%)
13.   The instructor seems to enjoy teaching.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.14 7 1.07   0(0%) 1(14%) 0(0%) 3(43%) 3(43%)
14.   The instructor seems knowledgeable in many areas.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.43 7 0.79   0(0%) 0(0%) 1(14%) 2(29%) 4(57%)
15.   The instructor was effective in meeting the objectives of the course.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.43 7 0.79   0(0%) 0(0%) 1(14%) 2(29%) 4(57%)
16.   The instructor was enthusiastic about the course material.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.57 7 0.53   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 3(43%) 4(57%)
17.   The instructor acknowledges all questions insofar as possible.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.71 7 0.49   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 2(29%) 5(71%)
18.   The instructor is willing to meet and help students outside class.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.57 7 0.53   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 3(43%) 4(57%)
19.   The instructor makes me feel free to ask questions.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.57 7 0.53   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 3(43%) 4(57%)
20.   The instructor was professional.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.57 7 0.53   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 3(43%) 4(57%)
21.   The instructor seems well prepared for each class.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.29 7 0.76   0(0%) 0(0%) 1(14%) 3(43%) 3(43%)
22.   The instructor presented the course materials in a clear and organized way.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.43 7 0.79   0(0%) 0(0%) 1(14%) 2(29%) 4(57%)
23.   In general, the course was well organized.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.57 7 0.53   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 3(43%) 4(57%)
24.   The instructor makes the course difficult enough to be stimulating.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.57 7 0.53   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 3(43%) 4(57%)

25.   My overall evaluation of this instructor is....
Great professor
He gives good feedback and is very knowledgable in his field.
Knowledgable teacher. Does not take any BS.

26.   Assignments are relevant to what is presented in class.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.43 7 0.53   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 4(57%) 3(43%)
27.   The instructional materials (e.g., texts, handouts, etc.) were relevant to course objectives.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.43 7 0.53   0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 4(57%) 3(43%)
28.   Grades are assigned fairly and impartially.

Mean N-Size Std Dev   Strongly Disagree (1)  Disagree (2)  Neutral (3)  Agree (4)  Strongly Agree (5) 
4.29 7 1.11   0(0%) 1(14%) 0(0%) 2(29%) 4(57%)

29.   My overall evaluation of this course is...
I enjoyed this class but don't feel that I learned very much. Most of what we did this semester was done last semester. Also, I don't like that we were graded as a group on our web app instead of what we had accomplished individually. I ended up doing more than my share of work to make up for what my teammates weren't doing or didn't want to do.
Probably the most interesting course I have ever taken. Since the course was project based, it was up to me how much I got out of it. I learned a lot of things about time management and group work, at the same time I was able to design a web application and collaborate with my peers. It's an experience I will never forget.
It was a fun course considering the fact that the system we built was something we wanted to build, not something that was assigned.
It was ok.

30.   Other comments:
The guidance was definitely there all semester, but maybe a little more pointing in the right direction at the start of the semester would be good.
To be honest, I entered this course with a dislike for software engineering. Coming out of it though, I feel much better about it. Also, I kind of wished that the meetings were once a week. The commute from where I live to the campus takes forever.