Welcome to the Individual Submission Information Page!
NOTE: The Hawaiʻi BEAD Challenge Process concluded on December 7, 2024. Individual submissions through the portal will not be monitored.

If you have checked your address on Hawaii’s broadband map and found an error, you may be eligible to submit a correction through the BEAD Challenge Process.
This page contains information on how to:
- Create an Individual Submission (Availability Challenge and Speed Test Challenge are the two most common);
- Find a participating non-profit organization that can help you create a challenge.
The Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program is intended to connect households that completely lack access to reliable high-speed Internet (defined as 100 Mbps for downloads and 20 Mbps for uploads) due to infrastructure limitations.
- If you have tried to sign up for high-speed Internet but were told by service providers that your location was not serviceable for various reasons, we’d like to know. You could be eligible to submit an Availability Challenge.
- If you subscribe to a high-speed connection but it is extremely slow and unreliable, you MIGHT be eligible to submit a Speed Test Challenge.
- Connectivity Quiz & What’s Next Guide
- How to Talk to Your ISP
- Are you subscribed to at least 100/20 Mbps?
- How to read your bill (Spectrum & Hawaiian Telcom Tutorials)
- List of Participating Entities (Counties & Non-Profit Organizations)
Connectivity Quiz & What Next Guide
Please take this Connectivity Quiz and follow the flow chart illustration to see if you are eligible to submit a challenge!

*Slow and/or unreliable Internet can refer to:
- blurry video calls (even when no one else is online);
- kupuna unable to participate in telehealth because of poor connection or major signal delays;
- keiki falling behind in school because there isn’t enough bandwidth for them to access online learning tools.
- If your quiz results directed you to an Availability Challenge, you may be eligible to submit an Availability Challenge through the BEAD Challenge Individual Submission page.
- You can watch the following YouTube video for instructions for submitting an availability challenge.
- If your quiz results directed you to the Speed Test Challenge, you may be eligible to submit a Speed Test Challenge through the BEAD Challenge Individual Submission page.
- IMPORTANT NOTE: Before creating this submission, you must conduct at least THREE (3) speed tests on THREE (3) different days for your evidence.
- You can watch the following YouTube video for instructions for submitting a speed test challenge.
- Please refer to the Challenge Information page for more information.
Not Eligible for a BEAD Challenge?
- If your quiz results indicate that you are not eligible to file a BEAD challenge, you may still have a connectivity issue that should be reported to your Internet service provider.
If you have any questions or need help navigating this process, please contact one of these local non-profits or government entities that are participating in the Hawaiʻi BEAD Challenge Process.
How to Talk to Your ISP
Talking to your ISP can be frustrating, but with a good approach, you can get the information or resolution you need.
- Be clear on your goal:
- Reporting a problem?
- Negotiating a better rate?
- Canceling service?
- Asking specific questions? (Plan details, account details, etc.)
- Gather relevant information like account details and speed test results if applicable.
- Try to find your recent bill or receipt for your plan, or your initial plan details.
- You can check your speed test here.
- Be polite and firm with the customer service representative.
- Clearly explain your situation and desired outcome.
If you’re not satisfied with the initial response, politely ask to speak to a supervisor. Remember, documentation is key! Keep records of call times, reference numbers, and any promises made by the representative.
Contact Information (for Hawaii’s 2 largest providers)
- Spectrum:
- Phone:
- TV, Internet and Home Phone questions: Call (833) 267-6094 (available 24/7)
- Spectrum Mobile questions: Call (833) 224-6603 (available 24/7)
- Website: https://www.spectrum.com/contact-spectrum
- Phone:
- Hawaiian Telcom:
- General Inquiries:
- Phone: (808) 643-6111
- Residential Service:
- Phone: (808) 643-3456 (Customer Service and Billing Inquiries)
- Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM HST
- Business Service:
- Phone: (808) 643-4411 (Customer Service and Billing Inquiries)
- Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM HST
- 24 Hour Internet Service Tech Support:
- Phone: (808) 643-4375
- Website: https://www.hawaiiantel.com/
- General Inquiries:
Are you subscribed to at least 100/20 Mbps?
Q: What does 100/20 mean?
A: 100/20 means 100 Mbps (Megabits per second) download speed and 20 Mbps upload speed. Imagine the Internet is a highway. The download speed is how fast you can receive information, such as downloading a movie. A 100 Mbps connection is equivalent to a local two-lane surface road that only gets backed up during rush hour – good for everyday tasks like browsing the Internet and streaming shows. Upload speed is how fast you can send information, such as uploading a large photo album or joining a video call without major glitches or signal delays. A connection of 20 Mbps upload and 100 Mbps download is like having an extra lane for sending things out, which is helpful for video calls and some online gaming. This 100/20 speed is the new standard in the US for good Internet at home.
How to read your Internet bill (Spectrum & Hawaiian Telcom Tutorials)
Spectrum provides information on how to read your Internet bill and determine what speeds you subscribe to via the links below. Note that the web pages also include some broadband packages with symmetrical speeds. The symmetrical speed tiers are only available in markets that have already completed the network upgrade.
- https://www.spectrum.com/policies/broadband-labels/spectrum-business-internet
- https://www.spectrum.com/policies/broadband-labels/spectrum-residential-internet
- https://www.spectrum.net/support/manage-account/understanding-your-statement-bill
Hawaiian Telcom
Hawaiian Telcom provides a ‘how to read your bill’ document which is usually sent to customers when they first sign up for service.
This information is also available on their website: https://www.hawaiiantel.com/Portals/0/SupportPDF/HTHowtoReadBill.pdf
This is an overview of their speed packages: https://www.hawaiiantel.com/Residential/Internet-Overview
List of BEAD Challenge Participating Entities (Counties & Non-Profit Organizations)
Below are the organizations that are participating in the Hawaiʻi BEAD Challenge Process and have opted-in to assist residents with individual submissions, including submitting them as formal challenges on an individual’s behalf.
Organization | Type | Primary Contact | Phone | |
Auamo Collaborative | Nonprofit | Brad Kaleo Bennett | kokua@auamocollaborative.org | 808-216-1685 |
Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement | Nonprofit | Rufino Dan Magliba | rufino@hawaiiancouncil.org | 808-232-8962 |
Mapunawai | Nonprofit | Isaia Souza | isaia@mapunawai.com | 808-253-8473 |
City and County of Honolulu
Organization | Type | Primary Contact | Phone | |
City and County of Honolulu | Local Government | Constancio Paranal | c.paranal@honolulu.gov | 808-768-4932 |
Acton Digital Inc. | Nonprofit | Wendy Awai-Dakroub | admin@actondigitalacademy.com | 808-954-5555 |
ʻElepaio Social Services | Nonprofit | Chrissy Kuahine | mkuahine@wcchc.com | 808-590-1244 |
Hui O Hauʻula | Nonprofit | Dotty Kelly-Paddock | dotty.kellypaddock@gmail.com | 808-255-6944 |
Ka Makani Kaili Koa | Nonprofit | Robert Kakalia | ike@kamakanikailikoa.org | 808-990-9139 |
Hawai’i County
Organization | Type | Primary Contact | Phone | |
County of Hawai’i | Local Government | Riley Saito | riley.saito@hawaiicounty.gov | 808-323-4704 |
County of Hawai’i | Local Government | Shola Kahiapo-Trevino | skahiapo-trevino@hawaiicounty.gov | 808-961-8090 |
Hawai’i Department of Health | Local Government | Paul Strauss | paul.strauss@doh.hawaii.gov | 808-322-1513 |
Hui ʻOihana Foundation | Nonprofit | Pono Kekela | info@huioihana.com | 808-990-0346 |
Pepeʻekeo Community Development | Nonprofit | Wanda Louis | pcdc96783@gmail.com | 808-895-2172 |
Piʻihonua Hawaiian Homestead Community Association | Nonprofit | Ron Kodani | phhcahilo@gmail.com | 808-938-0072 |
Kaua’i County
Organization | Type | Primary Contact | Phone | |
County of Kauaʻi | Local Government | Nate Prescott | nprescott@kauai.gov | 808-241-4948 |
Maui County
Organization | Type | Primary Contact | Phone | |
County of Maui | Local Government | Jolie Jenkins | Jolie.Jenkins@co.maui.hi.us | 808-270-1795 |
Akakū Maui Community Media | Nonprofit | Louis Diliberto | manager@akaku.org | 808-283-7303 |
Hana Business Council | Nonprofit | Marc Sanders | marc@hanamaui.com | 425-999-9972 |
Molokai Homestead Farmers Alliance | Nonprofit | Chadlyn Hirata | xchadlynx@gmail.com |