Hawaiʻi BEAD Challenge Process

As part of the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program, the State of Hawaiʻi will be conducting the Hawaiʻi BEAD Challenge Process later this summer. The Challenge Process is a component of the $149.5 million award to the State of Hawaiʻi under the BEAD Program that will fund Internet infrastructure buildout to locations that have no access (unserved) or have substandard access (underserved) to the Internet. 

The Challenge Process is an opportunity for Hawaiʻi to correct information about locations that are unserved and underserved across the state. Participants must submit evidence through a map-based web portal to correct information about locations without a high-speed internet connection. Information from the Hawaiʻi BEAD Challenge Process will help direct infrastructure buildout to locations that require upgrades that are unserved or underserved.

Register Now to Participate

Who can be an “Eligible Entity” to file Challenges?

  • Nonprofits, including IRS nonprofit organizations and Native Hawaiian Homestead & Beneficiary Associations registered with the U.S. Department of the Interior
  • Units of local government
  • Internet service providers
  • *note: Information about how individuals may contribute information to help an Eligible Entity submit Challenges is forthcoming.

In addition to contact information, registrants will need to provide the following:

  • IRS Employer Identification Number (EIN)
  • Organization registration with the Hawaiʻi Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs or some other documentation to validate the organization’s identity
  • FCC Registration Number (FRN) – Internet Service Providers only

Registration Instructions

How will it work?

Hawaii’s BEAD Challenge Process will tentatively begin in late Summer 2024 and contains three phases:

How to Participate

Eligible Entities
(Nonprofits, local government entities, ISPs)
Members of the public
1. Can submit Challenges through the Hawaiʻi BEAD Challenge Portal.

2. Assist members of the public with Individual Submissions.

3. Support other Eligible Entities in gathering Challenge evidence.
Can collect information to support an Eligible Entity’s Challenge by:

1. Collecting evidence for a nonprofit to submit on an individual’s behalf

2. Collecting and uploading evidence directly to the Hawaiʻi BEAD Challenge Portal, where an Eligible Entity can submit it

How can I prepare?

Review our past training webinars

A 2-part Zoom webinar on the Challenge Process and evidence required to file submissions is available . The webinar recording and slides can be found here.

An overview of the Challenge Process was held on Monday, February 12, 2024. The webinar recording and slides can be found here.

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Sign up for a training session

The University of Hawaiʻi has a number of in-person and virtual training sessions that prospective challengers may attend to learn more about the Hawaiʻi BEAD Challenge Process and how to submit challenges through the State’s Challenge Portal.

Prospective challengers may now register for a training session using the QR code or by clicking here. Please note that there are two special virtual training sessions that are open to select individuals:

  • June 14 | 12-1:30PM | Training for NON-PROFITS
  • June 27 | 12-1:30PM | Training for INDIVIDUALS (i.e., members of the public) who plan to collect information to support an Eligible Entity’s Challenge by:

    1. Collecting evidence for a nonprofit to submit on an individual’s behalf.

    2. Collecting and uploading evidence directly to the Hawaiʻi BEAD Challenge Portal, where an Eligible Entity can submit it.


Challenge Portal Registration Instructions
Challenge Types & Evidence Requirements
Speed & Latency Challenge Guide

Challenge Process Data

Data based on FCC NBAM December 31, 2023. This is the set of location data that will be used in the Challenge Process.

BEAD Eligible Locations (Unserved & Underserved)
Served Locations

Due to the large file size, please download the served locations list here

Community Anchor Institutions (CAI)

See the bottom of the Initial Proposal page for the CAI list by County


I have junk internet, will this Challenge Process help me get better Internet?

If you can only subscribe to the Internet through satellite or digital subscriber line (DSL), then yes! Otherwise, contact broadband@hawaii.edu to help troubleshoot your Internet situation.

I am a nonprofit, a unit of local government, or an ISP interested in participating in the Challenge Process; how do I get involved?

Mahalo for your interest! Please email broadband@hawaii.edu, and we will connect you to the right people to get involved.

I am a member of the public; how can I get involved?

Mahalo for your interest! Members of the public cannot directly submit challenges during the Challenge Process, however, information about how individuals may contribute information through our web portal to help an Eligible Entity submit Challenges is forthcoming. Contact broadband@hawaii.edu to learn more.

What is the difference between the BEAD Challenge Process and what the FCC is doing?

The FCC Broadband Data Collection is an ongoing initiative by the FCC to create the most accurate map of Internet access in the nation. Individuals can submit “fcc challenges” or corrections to the FCC’s National Broadband Map on items like missing Internet locations, address information, or Internet service provider information. The FCC uses this data for various purposes. The Hawaiʻi Challenge Process is a 90-day period focused on identifying Community Anchor Institutions and locations without high-speed Internet infrastructure to build out Internet infrastructure to these locations eventually.